
Chapter 3: Going to the Academy

Zen's POV 

This is my first meeting with an actual super hero from the comics. I was born when the older generation had retired from fighting crime.

When I first got here, I was excited like every kid. Then, I realized reality sucks. It's not like the movies and comic books. The heroes don't win every time. People die and buildings get destroyed.

I live in New York, one of the hot spots for super hero activity. Do you know how many times our apartment has been destroyed because of a super hero fight?

Three times; THREE FUCKING TIMES! We are lucky. We have insurance for super power attacks. Not only that, it's been at least five times when someone's tried to destroy the city with bombs or death rays.

Oh, don't even get me started on fucking Hydra with Barron Zemo and the Red Skull. Still trying to take over the world in their old age. They attack at least once a month. You do get annoyed after a little while with all the fighting.

Also, some of the heroes are DICKS! Not the old guys. But these new flashy people. I guess I kind of became a cynic over the years and lost the desire to be a super hero.

Tony: "So, how would you like to join Avengers' Academy?"

 Zen: "No."

 Tony: "Why? Avengers' Academy is a great school.  It teaches you how to control your powers and use them in society. It also has a great educational program with the best technology. I personally designed it. Not only that, there will be young people like you that will be able to understand you."

 Rei: "I think you should go."

Zen: "Huh?"

Rei: "Honestly Zen, you don't have many friends and your social skills are less than desirable. The only person you talk to is Kuro. I think that is not healthy."

Zen: "I don't want to be a super hero. I want be mercenary like dad or Deadpool; at least they get paid."

 Yep, Deadpool is my hero. You know how people say don't meet your hero's in real life. They were wrong.  Deadpool is fucking awesome. Mom has ties to the Underworld and I met him once.

He now has his own mercenary company.

(Deadpool: "Yeah that's right bitches The Pool is fucking awesome. Louise, get me another fucking chimichanga.")

What the hell was that? I swore I just heard something and why do I have a strange feeling to eat a Chimichanga right now?

Oh well, It's probably nothing.

 Rei: "I am not asking you to be a superhero; be a mercenary, assassin, or whatever you want; I just want to see my child live a happy, heathy, life and that starts with making some friends okay?"

 I sigh inwardly. I guess this is a way to make a fresh start.

Zen: "Fine. I will go and even if by some slim chance I decide to be a hero, I am not fucking wearing tights."

Tony: "Fair enough.  I never liked tights either. Why did you think I made the suit?"

 Zen: "I thought it was because you were captured by terrorists and were forced to build something with what you had so that you could escape."

Tony: "Yeah, Yeah. Quit being a Smart Ass. This is a ticket to the island where the school is located. Go to the airport and show them your ticket. They will take you to the school's personal plane where you will find me. Pack your things and get you affairs in order. We'll be leaving in the morning. Fairy of the Dark Blade. I heard you were beautiful even after having a kid. You still look soooo good."


Tony says his good-byes and we have dinner. I go upstairs to pack my things. Let's see; Xbox check, laptop check, hidden weapons check, poisons and antidotes check, clothes check.

While I am packing, Mum comes into my room.

Rei: "I want you to have this.  It is something from your father."

Mom gives me a white bracelet. Ouhhh, it fucking bit me. After that, something happens.  A computer voice starts talking to me.

Bracelet: "DNA match with previous owner, Daniel Shade. I am Peacemaker.  You are now my owner. May I know the name of my new owner?"

Zen: "Zen Shade."

Peacemaker: "Zen Shade registration information. Information complete.  New owner, would you like to give a new name or will you keep it as it is?"

Zen: "I will change it. I will call you Shiroyuki; Shiro for short. Shiro means White in Japanese."


Shiro: "I will except your command.  New identity, Shiroyuki."

Zen: "So, what are you Shiro?"

Shiro: "I am an artificially intelligent gun. I can assume three forms pistol, shotgun, and sniper rifle. All you have to do is call out my name and say which form you want me to become."

Rei: "This is your Dad's gun and he was one of the best gunmen I have ever seen in my life. I was going to give this to you for your birthday. But, you're leaving.  So, I will give her to you now."

When I was six, I learned how to shoot a gun from my dad's brother, Uncle Eddy. He told me stories. He said dad was one of the best gunmen around. Many people knew about One Shot Shade. I also am quite good with a pistol. Wow, a gun for a present. BEST MUM EVER!


Zen: "Thanks mom!"

Rei: "You're welcome. I know I don't need to say this but be careful okay. Shadow Blade is still looking for us. 

Zen: I know I know and if I see them don't hesitate to kill. It is me or them."

Rei: "That's my boy."


I pack my things and then go to sleep. The next morning, I wake up and eat breakfast. Then mum drops me off at the airport. I kiss her good bye.

Rei: "Make sure to Skype Me and always remember to wash behind your ears."

Zen: "MUM!"

After that, I leave.  When I get to the airport, I show my ticket to the lady and she takes me through a secret passage where we find Tony with his private plane.

I am ready to go and I see a familiar face. It's the Little Lolli, Leah. Oh great!

This is going to be a fun ride. I see her; she's staring daggers at me. 

Leah: "Where is my money?" 

Zen: "What money?" 


Zen: "Oh, spent it."



Zen: "Yeah, and I had a really fancy meal. I also hired a violinist to serenade me while I ate. It was classy shit. That lobster dipped in butter sauce was to die for. It was so fresh."



Tony: "Now, now Kids. Calm down. Leah, I will pay you back. Come on, let's get on the plane."

Leah is staring daggers at me the whole time. I just ignore her and put on my headphones. That gets her even more angry and she tries to shoot a bolt of lightning at me.

But, Tony stops her. 

Tony: "This is going to be a long flight, Jarvis I need a drink."

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