
Chapter 92

Tanaga received a resounding slap on his face.  And the bottle of Johnnie Walker Black that he was holding flew and crashed on the ground as he fell flat on his butt.  "WTF!  Did you do that for?!" He exclaimed.

"I'm sorry!  I didn't mean to do that! You had scared me half to death! That's why!"  Ashley tried to explain as she extended her hands to help Tanaga up.  However, Tanaga was pissed and pushed the helping hand that Ashley was offering and got up on his own.

Ashley couldn't believe it.  The same person that was the topic of their conversation a while ago is now right in front of her face.  'Why is he here?  Shouldn't Tanaga be with his girlfriend right now?  On top of it, he's also drunk?  What is going on?' She was thinking while staring straight at Tanaga.

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