
You Don't Know What You're Doing

A moment passed, and still no answer from the girl. He wasn't concerned anymore about what he might see if he entered the bathroom. He walked in and immediately began to panic when he saw Ashley, motionless, sprawled on the tub floor. "Oh, my God!" He said aloud as he wondered if she had cracked her head. In one swift move, he pulled a hanging towel from the door and covered her naked body, protecting her from the room's chilly air.

He checked her breathing and her head. She was still breathing normally, and he could find no apparent injuries or reason for immediate concern. He carried her in his arms and gently laid her on the soft bed. Just as he put her down, she suddenly woke.

Without warning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply as she let out a moan. With her lips on his, "mmm…sweet like candy…" she said in a seductive voice.

"Ashley! Ashley…" He slowly pulled away from her. "Stop it, Ashley. You don't know what you're doing. You're acting on impulses produced by the drugs."

Ashley replied, still sounding drunk, but to his surprise, she was speaking sensibly. "What drugs? I'm not taking drugs. This is what you want, isn't it? You want us to make a baby. Let's do it now. The sooner it happens, the sooner I can go home to my family."

"Huh, huh, huh, huh…" Ashley wailed and buried her head in Tanaga's chest. "If I get pregnant tonight, I'll give birth in nine months, and you'll have an heir. My parents know my contract if for a year. They'll be waiting for me. They'll be expecting me home as soon as the contract expires."

"Please …let's do it now." Ashley pleaded with him as she sobbed into his chest.

Her request didn't sit well with Tanaga. Her words cut him like a knife. What he wanted was for her to tell him she wanted to stay. "No! I'm the one who makes the decisions. I'll tell you when we're going to do it. You're not the one who decides these things, I am. Do you understand?" He shouted at Ashley as he shoved her off of his chest and stood beside the bed.

"From now on, you wait for me. When it's time, I'll let you know." With that said, he walked out and slammed the door behind him.

"Tell Manang to bring Ashley her pajamas. After she gets dressed, leave her in my room. She'll be sleeping there tonight." Tanaga instructed the butler, who was waiting at the door. He'd been listening to every word they had spoken inside the room.

Tanaga took a few steps towards the guest room before stopping suddenly. He turned and called back to the butler, "Wait! Bring Ashley's things to my room. From now on, she'll be sleeping with me."

"Of course, Sir. No problem. Whatever you desire. I have no complaints." The butler walked away, grinning giddily. He should have no complaints either. He is pleased with this, as well. He thought to himself, reveling as he walked away.

Sunrise had seized the gardens outside the mansion by the time Tanaga went back to his room. He found Ashley sleeping soundly. He glanced at the clock on the wall and decided to sit for a while since it was still early. He stared at Ashley, her face peaceful as she slept. His eyelids began growing heavy, and eventually, shut tight. His body sunk on the couch as he drifted back into dreamland.

The sun was already up when Ashley heard her stomach grumble. She blinked her eyes twice and then looked around, squinting, trying to comprehend where she was. Her hands found her temples and massaged both sides with her fingers. The last thing she remembered was being in Mr. Jones' office discussing the contract. So, how had she ended up here in this bed, feeling as though she was still half-drunk and with a bad headache?

She got up and moved at the pace of a snail, making her way towards the bathroom. She realized she was wearing her pajamas. She couldn't quite imagine what had happened.

Ashley fumbled for the light when she got inside the bathroom. She didn't even notice Tanaga sound asleep on the sofa. The light coming from the restroom streamed into his eyes like a flashlight, bringing him out of his deep sleep.

Ashley found the soap and began scrubbing her face, still unaware of Tanaga's presence. Needing to use the bathroom himself, he waited in the bedroom for her to finish.

He tried to be patient, but as time went on, the call of nature intensified and waiting became difficult. He assumed she was still washing her face since the door still stood wide open. Desperately needing the bathroom, he rushed in. He didn't find Ashley at the sink as he had anticipated. Instead, he found her sitting on the toilet in a daze, underwear down below her knees.

What the hell is wrong with this woman?! Doesn't she have even a bit of decency or modesty? Why would she leave the door open?! Annoyed and shocked by the sight of her on the toilet, it never crossed his mind that Ashley had left the door open because she had no idea he was there.

Thank you for reading, as always I greatly appreciate your comment, votes, and review.

God Bless!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AJZHENcreators' thoughts
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