
Introduction to Main Topic


God has made everyone equal in all thing

eg:- in body, external parts , internal parts, etc

God has given us everything, do you think what God need from us ?

-Or may be God required nothing from us.

-Or may be God knows that humans can't fullfil

-Or may be just to make earth beautiful and attractive God has made us and thrown in that.

Anything can be possible,

Ok Let's come to topic;

My main thing is that never to forget God in good as well as in bad times.

My story related to this only :

It's a story of four childerns who came on earth to make a turning point of their people and give them a new talent that no one has seen now.

After making lots of common people , God thinks let me make a new kind of people who becomes a better example for new generation and gives a best way in point of everything to the earth.

The main motto of this story is to never loose your way till your end.

By good passion, dedication, hardwork,trust on yourself, never to loose faith in yourself etc

no one can stop you to achieve your target no matter how much difficulties came in your life. Just to stand with you have faith in you and never to loose your confidence.

Ok till this I stop and pleased not to forget my 1st chapter...😁😁😁😁

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