
Death and Rebirth

My name is Tasou. I'm an ordinary salary worker. I work inhumane hours at a programming firm. You know that one dude that gets saddled with projects that inevitably fall through because other people suck at their jobs? That's me. This means that I have to work over-overtime, handling insane tasks that my bosses know I'm the only one competent enough to get done, and then also putting out everyone else's fires because they also got handed tasks that I'm the only one competent enough to get done. Once upon a time, I used to read a lot of light novels, but I haven't had the chance to lately, since it's crunch time here at my workplace. Also, I got a bit bored of them a while back.


"Heeey, Tasou. You awake?" [Niku]

"...Gah!" [Tasou]

"Fell asleep again? Man, you need to take better care of yourself." [Niku]

"Hmm? Ah, hahaha, yeah I'll get right on that" [Tasou]

"You're really important around here, you know? Anyway, we're running an integration test for the RPG-world project in a few hours. I know your module's ready to go, but I'll need help with mine, so come by when you're ready." [Niku]

Then he leaves. Like a perfect storm, sweeps in and out and leaves a trail of pain in his wake. Also, he breaks good code faster than a storm breaks good houses. What a guy.

"Aaa~aah" [Tasou]

I really need more sleep. What a headache. Kill me now... Hah, I wish.

"BRRRRRRT--" [?]

A truck blasts through the wall, blaring its horn, and hits me.

"Wao!" [Tasou, while being hit]

Famous last words.

<Author's note (AN): I seriously debated between naming him Niku or Jagaimo (meat or potato)>


Black. Nothingness. Then...


"Agh!" [Tasou]

I get slammed onto the ground, face first. That hurt. A lot.

"Uuuu" [Tasou]

I slowly pull myself up off the ground. This is a forest? There's a rustling noise. A sheet of paper. I pick it up and read it.

'Wish granted. --The Devil'

"Huh? What does that mean?" [Tasou]

Maybe there's more information on the back of the paper. I turn it around.

'What a headache. Kill me now... Hah, I wish. --You'


Motherf*&ker. <AN: site censorship. Bear with me.>

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