
Blood Mystery

The Academy Of Aura is a well setup academy teaching teenager who want a FIGHTER class job, about the Human Soul and the Aura surrounding it. Rana and every kid in Roltings who wants a FIGHTER class job had prepared from the day they turn 11 for joining the Academy. Only selective students were always selected in the academy. Those who can think, defend and offend at the same time were the ones who are mostly selected. Like the Acadmey of Aura in Roltings there are many academies all over the world. Rana got ready for the enrollment. Zolo was already awake. He was waving his tail in excitement as Rana took his weapon, that he had been training to use for 5 years. And his time has come to make use of his training. With his weapon, an axe strapped behind his back, Rana, with Zolo running beside him, took of to the Aura hill in his super bike, the Tribute. On his way he stopped by Zoe's house to give her a ride to the Aura hill.

Rana asked Zolo to wait out and he rang the bell. There was no sign of her. As Zoe's parents went back to Techno region for a business trip Zoe was living alone in her house for the whole month. Rana was the one who brought her food at that time. Rana and Zoe had become good friends for the last 8 years. During their school and after they turned 15, they trained together to enroll their name in the Academy.

"Appears no one is home. I think she dumped you and accepted that Tyson guy's ride. After all he had an eye for her." Zolo said and smirked.

"Shut up, Zolo. We are just friends, understood?"

"Yeah, yeah, just friends. I understand."

"Beside, it doesn't seem like she left. The windows still open. Wait and see whether any one is coming and I will check out the back door." And on saying so Rana walked around the house. The Zoe had been living in was built during the war and was totally equipped for anything. When Rana reached the backyard, he saw blood. Lots of blood spilled like water for plants. It was like someone had gone into rage mood and slaughtered everything before their eyes. Whose blood could this be? Zoe? No, probably Tongs. Well both ways it's bad news. Thought Rana.

"Zolo! Zolo! Come here. Zolo!" Rana shouted and Zolo came to his call to see what was wrong.

"What the-" Zolo was interrupted by Rana.

"We have to inform the local cops. This could mean worse. After all Zoe is a foreigner. Come, follow me. We have to get out of here first." Rana jogged out of the area. And then he rode to the Roltings police station.

The chief was already on the line with someone else but Rana ignored it. The chief was a tough man. He was well built. He always wore a blue pendant in neck. Whenever anyone asked him about the pendant, he would tell that it was a souvenir of a day that he have to keep in his mind always.

"Dad!" The chief looked up in surprise

"Rana? But what are you doing here?" In the surprise of seeing his son, the chief forgot about the the person on the phone. "I will call you back later." And on replacing the receiver, the chief stared hard at Rana.

"How many times should I tell you not to come to the station during work hours."

"But, dad this is important. Zoe and Tong are missing and there is a lot of blood in their backyard."

"What were you doing in their backyard?"

"I was supposed to give her give her a ride to the academy."

"Oh, the academy. I shall look into the matter, but first I have to clear something else. Now I want you to do something for me." Chief Inspector Bratt was suddenly intruppted by Rana, "I know. You want me to stay out of it and be a good boy. And I will stay out of it." Rana said quickly. He was scared of many things at that time.

"No that is just the opposite of what I want you to do. Well, not fully opposite, but still opposite. I want you to give this message to the head of the News network in Blood region within the next two hours.This is important and I rely on you son. Please don't let me down"

Rana sighed, "Now, that was not that long. Ok, no probs. I will do it. Come on Zolo we have got a job to do." And on saying so Rana got out of the station with Zolo behind him. Little did he know that the wheels of fate has started moving and his fate was coming closer to him.

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