
Chapter Sixty-Four: Leverage

After Siran, Mikoto, Satomi, Holly, Finn and Rose arrive in Alexandria together, the stand near the shore of the Mediterranean Sea quietly at first. "So, what all did happen in that past life of yours?" Rose asks.

"Yeah, I am pretty curious too." Satomi adds.

"It might have to wait until we get back home with everyone." Siran replies. "It is a long story, and I don't exactly like taking trips down memory lane. The less times I have to repeat this story, the better."

"Right, then we're counting on you to explain in full detail when we do get back." Holly says.

"Definitely." Mikoto adds.

"... I miss Zia." Siran says after a sigh. Siran looks off into the distance of the sea and stares for a while.

"Look, Siran, I-" Holly says, then is interrupted by a phone ringing.

Siran takes his phone out of his pocket and looks at it. "Benjie? Why is Benjie calling right now?"

"Well, I was going to say I'm sure we'll get some news, but maybe this is it?" Holly suggests.

Siran hesitantly answers his phone, as if expecting some bad news. When he answers, after just a few seconds, Siran shouts "Zia! You're safe!"

"Zia's home!?" Rose asks, excitedly.

"No way!" Mikoto replies.

"Thank God!" Satomi adds.

"I'm just glad that's one less thing to worry about." Holly adds. "We can use all the good news we can get."

"Mhm..." Siran says, talking to Zia over the phone. "Don't worry, I'll bring everyone home safe."

After Siran hangs up, Finn asks "So what did she say?"

"She said there's a lot to discuss when we get home." Siran says, then wipes tears from his face and smiles. "But not to rush to her without making sure everyone is safe first."

"I told you." Holly says, unenthusiastically.

Siran nearly collapses into a sitting position to take it all in. He felt as if most of his worries melted away with just one phone call. The rest of the team stands quietly, some of them standing around awkwardly. "I miss Daiki..." Mikoto says suddenly.

Siran looks over a little and smiles, his eyes still a little wet. "Daiki!?" Satomi asks, surprised. "You had a crush on one of the band members? You never mentioned this to me!"

"Well, it's just that we haven't seen them much since we were home in Japan!" Mikoto argues. "I guess I didn't notice it before, but I found myself kind of looking forward to seeing him again while we were home. However, when we did get home, we didn't have any chance to hang out or talk."

"Who's Daiki?" Rose asks.

"One of the band mates." Satomi replies.

"He's the drummer." Mikoto clarifies. "When we were doing concerts and everything. He's a really good guy. Studious, smart... kind of straight edge and responsible. A guy like that, you'd never think would play in a band."

"Ehh?" Satomi asks in a devious tone. "You should've told me sooner, I can help you two set up a talk."

"How could you help?" Mikoto asks. "Not like you have a boyfriend!"

"Well, no, but-" Satomi argues. "I-uh, well..."

Mikoto squints and says "You have a crush too that you haven't told me about, and you wanted to complain about me?"

"Okay!" Satomi says. "Maybe we're both a lost cause. But we're sisters! We can be each other's wingmen!"

"Spill it." Mikoto demands.

"Eh?" Satomi asks.

"Name." Mikoto says. "Spill it."

"Fine!" Satomi pouts. "W-Watanabe... Haruki Watanabe."

"Wata-..." Mikoto thinks for a moment. "Sota's brother!?"

"Sota...? Haruki...?" Holly asks.

Mikoto sighs, then says "Sota Watanabe is one of Haru's old teammates. We worked together with them in Japan after the war several times. A couple of those times, we have hung out, and we've met Haruki only a couple times. A couple times! I didn't even think you'd remember him!"

"Why would you think I'd have troubles remembering him if you can remember him?" Satomi asks.

"Because you were known to pay attention less!" Mikoto argues. "I was the studious one, you're the... sporty and social one. Everyone knows that."

"I didn't know that." Rose argues.

"Just... why Haruki?" Mikoto asks.

"I don't want a military family!" Satomi argues. "Plus, military men are always kinda... y'know... crazy. No offense."

"None taken." Siran says.

"But!" Satomi adds. "Haruki has been very kind and considerate. He's even helped us on setting up a couple of our concerts!"

"That was him sponsoring us?" Mikoto asks.

"Y-yeah..." Satomi replies, shyly.

"Now I feel gross..." Mikoto replies.

"I didn't ask him for the help!" Satomi argues. "He volunteered! He's nicer when you get to know him! He's stronger than he looks too!"

"Should we be... listening to this?" Finn asks.

"Listening to what?" Holly asks, uninterested.

After a while of chatting and relaxing, the six of them all head back to the hideout with a weight feeling as if it were lifted. When they get back, Haru asks "Where have you all been for the last couple of hours?"

"Just taking a little bit of time to relax and get some stuff off of our chests." Finn says.

"The five of us have been at a loss of things to talk about." Blake adds. "I know Tanya enough to chitchat with her, but I don't think I have anything in common with Shelby, Haru, or Chao."

"Is that supposed to be our problem?" Holly asks. "Now, listen. Zia has returned home. There's a lot of catching up to do and a lot they said they need to discuss in person when we get home. So why don't we try to make these last two jobs fast so we can do just that?"

"After this job here in the Middle-East, I get to see my daughter, yeah?" Chao asks.

"That's correct." Holly answers.

"What all needs to be done?" Blake asks.

"I guess just whatever they say until they feel like this conflict is finished." Finn asnwers.

"Which brings me to something I wanted to talk about with you, Rose." Holly says. "First and foremost, don't try to negotiate without me again. This whole mess has devolved. I understand what's at stake here, but understand not everything is so black and white. There isn't a good side and a bad side here. Everyone involved in this conflict likely has some sort of ultimatum. We have to have a new angle."

"New angle?" Rose asks.

"Remember when Omnia was out of control, and we started burning down off of their outposts?" Siran asks.

"But, that'll put Egypt and our people in danger!" Rose says.

"But that was when it was just the three of you." Siran says.

"I see what he's getting at." Holly interrupts. "Rose, he's not saying burn it all down right now. Zia already told him to not rush. But they know what we're capable of when we have the whole team together. Right now, there's eleven of us together. Some people probably still only think there's six of The Six Guns. If we go in there and demand to take care of the core of the problem so this matter can be paid off and they hold their end of the bargain; for them to leave Cairo in exchange for us taking on one last big job for them; then they'll know it has to be pull out or risk being attacked from the inside by a force that just got much bigger."

"So... we're still going to keep these people from getting hurt?" Rose asks.

"Of course, Rose." Siran answers. "We want them to not drag this out unnecessarily. They're aware of what we're capable of. That can work in our favor. We won't threaten them. They'll just be much more aware of the implications. Rest assured; we want this done in the least violent way possible."

"Not a bad idea." Haru says. "The whole world is aware that The Six Guns are more than just a strong group. This can very well work. Unless, of course, this Mizrahi guy you talked about is a sociopath."

"Uhhhh..." Finn says as he rubs the back of his neck. "Then we may have a little bit of troubles."

"We'll have to try." Siran says.

The next day, during the afternoon, the crew goes to see Mizrahi in the military base near the airport. The crew approached in a non-aggressive way as to not set off any cause for alarm. Eventually, they were escorted to Mizrahi's office. "Ah, I see you've brought more... infestation..." Mizrahi says as he looks at Rose. "I haven't been given any word on a mission yet. I understand you're eager, and that's wonderful, but I don't like smelling trash around my office."

"What is the core of this conflict that needs to be settled?" Siran asks.

"Core of the... I'm sorry?" Mizrahi asks. "War is not so simple as just who did what and how. If it was solvable, don't you think we'd have taken care of it by now?"

"I thought a lot of these concerns were openly stated to have religious roots." Holly adds.

"Religious? You think this is a religious conflict?" Mizrahi asks. "Do I look like I give a fuck about religious conflict. You can read anything in the media these days. We're aware the Black Skies Incident has been caused by... well, by you! Not God. Whatever pretense for war you think you understand, I want you to take that notion, and shove it up your own ass. Now get the hell out of my damn office!"

"I thought as much." Holly says. "Then let us be very clear. I don't care what reason Israel has for starting this conflict. I want it done." Holly then tosses the badge of a soldier from the Taiwan palace that protected Xiaobai. "Because we will finish it. Whether you're on our side or not. Your side is irrelevant, seeing as you're the side who started this war."

Mizrahi sits back in his chair, a little annoyed and a little intrigued at the same time. "And what makes you think we started this? Our countries have been at odds since the dawn of history itself."

"It's all about leverage, Mr. Mizrahi." Holly answers.

"That's Lieutenant Colonel Mizrahi to you." Mizrahi answers.

"Mr. Mizrahi." Holly affirms. "I know this whole region has been at unstable odds for longer than mankind can count. However, I am also aware that none of these countries are a stupid as to just attack the moment the skies went dark, as your media and presses have been propagating. In addition, there's your mechs. How much research and development; as well as money; went into making those?"

Mizrahi leans forward in his chair and says with a smile "Mind your own business, lady."

Holly slams her fists on his table and says "I'm making it my business! Now answer the question. Those kinds of things don't come up in such a short time. Your country planned for this conflict to kick off and used the guise of religion to justify an invasion!"

"I will not answer to the likes of you." Mizrahi growls.

"Then answer to me." Siran says as he steps forward. "I will not have you using my crew for an invasion. That's not how we work. Why did Israel invade the other territories? What do you have to gain from it?"

"Bite me." Mizrahi scoffs.

"Alright, you wanna act like an asshole?" Siran asks. "Then let's talk leverage. You guys had leverage but now we have it. We tried tiptoeing around you guys in the past, so we don't make unnecessary enemies, but what exactly is stopping me from burning this whole base to the ground with you in it?"

"Is that a threat?" Mizrahi asks as he grabs the phone, staring Siran in the eyes as he does this.

"No." Siran says as he snaps his fingers and causes a small bolt to travel from his finger straight to the phone. The phone made a high-pitched buzzing noise before giving off smoke. "That's leverage. Now, let's start talking. I'm sure there's a lot to cover before we have your forces removed from this country. It's all up to you, Mr. Mizrahi, on whether or not that's done peacefully or aggressively. But let's not stew on it for too long. You have five minutes. Start talking." As Siran says this, he grabs a chair and pulls it to himself to sit down across the table from Mizrahi. He looks Mizrahi in the eyes and smiles.

"I still can't believe you're back!" Benjie says in amazement to Zia. "It's like a miracle! Salamat po sa Dios! The kids are safe too!"

"We're also here." Athena adds.

"Oh yeah, hey." Benjie says.

"Hey?" Athena whispers to herself in confusion.

"So, any luck with those streams?" Benjie asks.

"A little bit." Silas answers. "At the very least, we're making progress. Any progress is good. We just need to refine our skills in sealing magic. Soon, we will be capable of healing those vents of Endoindustria."

"Good work, Silas!" Benjie celebrates.

"Yeah, yay- whoo-hoo. You're welcome..." Athena pouts.

"We still have a resistance to attend to as well." Zia says. "How has the civil war been going while I was gone?"

"Looks like American forces have been on the withdraw lately." Benjie replies. "With people taking up arms more and more, lately. Expansions to the castle to accommodate the every growing group of people joining us here in the effort have been ever-lasting as well. But we have a who repairments team and a rapidly expanding R&D team that I'm helping lead here. Up until now, it seemed like the resistance making any strong impact was just a dream. But now, now it looks like we might actually win this fight!"

"And win it we shall." Ryan Fokker says as he approaches. "Good work, by the way, Benjie Santos."

"Ah!" Benjie says then nods. "Thank you, sir."

"Glad to have you back, Mrs. Mahina." Ryan says.

"You're telling me." Zia says as she looks around. "I can't believe what I've missed!"

"We feared the worst when you went missing all those months ago." Ryan says. "We had a recovery team search for you but had to call off the search after two weeks."

"It's a long story. I don't want to have to repeat it for the like... fourth time?" Zia says. "At least not right now. I'll get to that another time."

"A time and place for everything." Ryan says. "We also have Demetri and Robin here in HQ. Robin was injured, but made a full recovery. Something about some run-ins with the feds in America. Exploring the Dead Crater, of all places."

"Dead Crater..." Zia says as she thinks. "Why there?"

"That expedition was led by Holly." Ryan answers. "You'll have to get the details from her."

"I need to go see Robin now." Zia says. "If they ran into the feds, I'm sure they had some sort of run in with someone Felicia mentioned. Maybe even the current president, Denzel Freeman. There's something I want to ask about the run in they had over there."

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