

Nathan stepped out of his machine as he dragged himself to the dining room after getting changed he could feel phantom pains on his body as he frowned at that, 'What is this nonsense why am I feeling pain, as if I had been going through intense training, am I hallucinating why is it happening?'

As he arrived at the breakfast table his parents looked at him with concern as Tristan spoke with a frown, "Son is something wrong? You are never this late not only that but you look so tired."

Nathan looked at his parents and sighed he knew why they were worried after all no matter what he would be the first one at the breakfast table but today as different, his parents did not even remember when it was the last time such a thing happened causing them worry which further increased as he tiredly plopped himself on the chair.

Nathan sighed as he spoke, "Nothing but my whole body is in pain as if I have going through some serious training regimen."

Aubriella frowned at that as she spoke, "How and why are you suffering as such?"

Nikola looked at him with concern as she spoke, "The only intense training I can think of was in that game, your teacher gave you some training."

Upon hearing the word teacher Nathan shivered as Yelena spoke to her daughter, "What is this thing about teacher?"

Nikola frowned as she spoke, "We were passing through a fortress city on a desert, the commander of that place a very high ranking NPC, she is so high ranked that Nathan could not get a reading on her, she took Nathan as her student, when he came back from training he looked like a giant bruise."

As everyone looked at Nathan whose head was lying on the table spoke, "That woman is a devil, she started with a spar, I could not touch her at all she played with me then in a second I was lying on the ground bleeding and bones broken my HP reduced to 1, then she healed me enough so that even with all negative status I could not die for at least the next minute then placed weights on me and me run the training ground until she will tell me to stop, but that was not the worst part, I had only a minute to complete the run, every time I completed it before time she will heal me by as much second I finished but if I cross the time limit the reverse would be true."

Nathan took a deep breath as he spoke, "It was plain and simple torture."

Tristan frowned as he spoke, "Can you not leave that place, and her tutelage?"

Nathan shook his head as he sat up tiredly as he spoke, "No no I cannot because firstly from what I have learned that the desert area is mostly under her tribes control and the nearby area is controlled by another tribe which will kill me as soon as they see me because of my race, then there are others and if I am to belief my new teacher we are already being used for some nefarious purpose by the a high ranking Cardinal."

Nikola huffed as she spoke, "we do not know for sure, there is a chance that she might be lying about it but she is all the help you could get Nathan."

Nathan nodded at that as Aubriella questioned him with a frown on her face, "Why?"

Nathan: "Well you know how my luck is absolutely horrible.", at that his parents gave him a small nod with a small apologetic smile in their faces as he continued speaking, "Well you see that it struck me hard very hard this time.", seeing everyone's except his cousin's confused expression he continued with a sigh, "You see the race I have is a bit special, when I got it I was told it is a one in a million chance to have this race, then my profession being the second in fact in all of Isera there has been only one person with such profession and he is a legendary person. The thing is that we can divide the forces into two sides one is the Dark and the other is the Light, well to be frank the Dark side would want my head as a trophy and the light side well, most if not almost all would love to use me."

Tristan frowned as he spoke, "So you are caught between rock and hard place."

Nathan nodded as he spoke, "I hope that by becoming Vessha 's student I will be at least gain some form of support but most importantly I will be able to grow strong fast, but her method is brutal too brutal, that woman is a sadist."

Yelena turned to her daughter as she spoke with concern evident, "Daughter I hope you are not suffering from similar problems."

Nikola shook her head as she spoke, "Nope I am fine, well except a bit miffed out because one of my teammates she is an avid man hater and does not tolerate Nathan's presence but we need her as such we are forced to tolerate her."

Aubriella: "You children have it rough."

Both Nikola and Nathan sighed at that as they ate their breakfast as Nathan spoke, "So what will you do today Nikola?"

Nikola shrugged at that as she spoke, "No idea, although may be continue what we were doing today as well which includes training amongst us as well as hitting the library."

Nathan nodded as he spoke, "Well we do not have much time, if we are to complete the quest given by Cardinal Boudier."

Nikola frowned as she spoke, "So you want to keep a plan B if in case the Vessha woman was lying to us."

Nathan nodded as he spoke, "Yes although it would be incredibly difficult to the point of incredible impossible for us to outrun her may be if we complete the quest it could be at least enable us to return back to renaissance city."

Nikola massaged her forehead as she spoke, "But the place where we are about to venture into would be dangerous."

Nathan nodded as he spoke, "Yes it is but I would also like to point out that, either Vessha will help us or use us, but as for Boudier it is leaning towards purely using us as disposable pawns."

Nikola frowned as she spoke, "How are you so sure?"

Nathan: "Well I asked my blacksmith master about it and he said that a few of the runes used on the flask he gave us was commonly seen in stuffs made by darks side."

Nikola frowned at that as she spoke, "That is indeed troubling but why did you not tell us before."

Nathan: "I wanted this information to stay within three of us I do not wish for others to know it at all, we three know each other well but them not so much."

Nikola sighed as he played with his food a bit while speaking, "I know you and Katrina better as well as I am closer to you to more than Amelia as such I wish for the information to stay between us three as for why I did not say anything before hand well it slipped my mind."

Aubriella: "Well you two can discuss your strategies but for now finish your breakfast."

The duo nodded as after a few more minutes later they were safely back in the machine as Tristan spoke with a frown, "Wait a minute, we got sidetracked while listening to them."

Aubriella raised one of her delicate eyebrow as she spoke, "And about what did we got sidetracked about?"

As Yelena listened to them as Tristan spoke, "How did Nathan feel the pain and exhaustion in real life he should not be able to feel what he felt in virtual reality."

At that others had an alarmed look on their face, as Aubriella spoke with concern in her voice, "We have to get him out of it."

Tristan nodded as he spoke, "I am calling Daniel he should be able to help."

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