
Dungeon Diving(Part-1)

Aimee sighed as she went through the messages sent by her boyfriend Quinn, as she sighed it seems her boyfriend will not be playing with her today, a couple of days ago the sudden encounter with that white haired person caused their death, specially how he used a magic spell inside his boyfriend's throat since then he is afraid of entering the game, 'tch such a coward.' But upon carefully thinking about the person she was able to figure out his identity, it was none other than her EX. To tell the truth if it were not for her boyfriend's wealth she would have not left her EX, she was everything anyone would wish for but unfortunately he was poor otherwise she would have not left him so early.

When Quinn expressed his desire to be her boyfriend how could she say no to him, it was like a lottery after all Quinn's father was a billionaire, someone her parents would approve in a heartbeat, on top of that which women wouldn't love to live a life of luxury and comfort which she doubted that Nathan would be able to provide her even if he worked hard and his hair all grew white, but still compare to Quinn he was handsome, maybe even better than any other boys she had met while Quinn was the exact opposite to him again, but this was not in a good way, Quinn knew that and as such he was always jealous of it, his good looks, his good grades he was always jealous plotting and trying to harm Nathaniel that was when she came to realize that he was an idiot as well.

Another thought came to her mind as she grimaced, 'ugh, I feel so dirty when kissing him it like kissing an experiment which went wrong. I hope some gold digger whore does not catches his attention it will be so troublesome, I just have to make sure his attention is always focused on me but what if he wants me to pop out some gremlin of his after marriage it will destroy my figure.'

Suddenly an idea struck her, 'hmmm, Nathaniel had always loved me, if I can somehow get him back then I can make him dance in my palm, while Quinn provides me money he will be servicing me, but how to do, idea! Idea!, so many ideas!"

Zeus aka Nathaniel who was working on the forge suddenly felt a shiver down his spine as I someone plotting something sinister against him. He brushed it as aside as he went on forging the newest weapon meant for 'Tarasque', he took the design of a 'tabar' but changing it a bit as instead of twin axe head he replaced one of the axe head with a hammer head, he used 'Damascus' steel in order to create it causing a very fine weapon of 'Rare' tier, he took a look at the reddish colored weapon which he named as 'Devastator', as he used observe on it.



Profession Restriction: None

Tier: RARE

Level Requirement: Level 6

Strength Requirement: +400

Wisdom Requirement: +400

Physical Attack: +450

Magic Attack: +450

Spell: Reflection

{Returns 30% of overall damage dealt back to the attacker for a period of 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 5 minutes}

Durability: 2000/2000



He was happy with it as he knew his would be ally would love it, as it was exactly as she would want, moreover the after placing of the runes it looks even more more breathtaking as if it was a painting done by a very famous artist.

It was a few days in games and they had raised their stats very high to the point that he had reached what was maximum amount allowed for them below level 11, as well as he got a few new perks.

He pulled out his stats as he glanced at it.


Name: Zeus

Level: 6 Next level: 895/2100


Job: Primary: None // Secondary: Arcane Blacksmith (Weapon)

Race: Deva (Un-awakened)

Status: Serf

Alignment: Neutral

Health (HP):19250 (Regen: 616/min)

Mana (MP): 14750 (Regen: 907.5/min)

Stamina (STA): 19250 (Regen: 539/min)

Strength (STR): 935 [550+220+165]

Vitality (VIT): 770 [550+220]

Endurance (END): 770 [550+220]

Dexterity (DEX):1045 [550+330+165]

Intelligence (INT):590 [550+40]

Wisdom (WIS):590 [550+40]

Luck (LUK): 42.9 [39+3.9]

Charisma (CHA): 26.4

Physical Attack: 935

Magical Attack: 708

Physical Defense: 900

Magical Defense: 708

Money: 16B 4495C 2500T


a) Steel Body

b) Hydra's Kin(Level 2)

c) Unrelenting stamina

d) Light Steps

e) Hecate's Beloved(minor)

f) Solomon's apprentice(minor)

Buffs: N/A

Flaws/De-buffs: N/A

Stat Points: 40

Among his skills the note worthy being,


[Martial Arts] [Level 8, 2820/3600 EXP]

Hand to hand combat is your forte, the feel of crushing your enemy by your bare hands.

Provides +40% Dex, STR, VIT and END

[Meditation] [Level 6, 100/2100 EXP]

An ancient method of relaxation, which enables one to clear his/her mind from various shenanigans of daily life enabling one to achieving peace and calm. Provides +30 WIS & +30 INT and it also provides about +20% increase in regeneration of a person in Health, Mana and Stamina Stats, irrelevant whether the person is inside or outside of battle.

[Parkour] [Level 6, 920/2100 EXP]

Move like an animal with incredible feats of agility

Provides +40% DEX

[Silver Tongue] [Level 1, 00.00/100 EXP]

This skill allows success in haggling, negotiations and diplomacy by +1%, chances of successfully lying to another within 1 level above you increases by 5% additionally it provided +4 in LUK and CHA.

[Arcane Weapon smith](Unique) [Level 1, 20/100 EXP]

Long ago there was a blacksmith who became a mage and through his hands were born weapons with magical properties.

Chances of creating weapon of 'Expert' level is 10%

[Rune] (Rare) [Level 9, 4290/4500 EXP]

Success rate of creating a Rune of 'Rare' level is 90%


[Observe] [Level 9, 135/4500 EXP]

This skill provides the basic information on people, animal and objects that is this skill is directed upon. The higher the skill is the more information is gathered. Currently this can be used successfully on person/objects/animals 9 levels above.

Cost: 5 MP/Use.

Overall he was happy, as he left the forge Alfostrog spoke with a grumble, it is a shame you never took Arcane Blacksmithing as your primary profession you are really talented in it.

Zeus simply blushed at the praise, Alfostrog was different than what he knew about dwarf people from other fantasy books and what not, this man was patient helpful but extremely serious and loved his profession very much, the only person he loved more than anything was his wife Onaethra, together they own the 'Marblehorn arms', while Alfostrog created weapons his wife created armor, and coincidently his cousin so happened to take apprenticeship under her.

Onaethra: "So child when are you all leaving for dungeon diving?"

Zeus: "We are waiting for our third teammate to arrive before we leave."

Alfostrog: "Well do not feel depressed if you fail child, you are more than welcome here."

Zeus simply smiled as he spoke, "Thank you for your kind words teacher."

Soon Tarasque appeared as Azi spoke, "See Tarasque see the armor I made for you.", dragging her along with her towards the mannequin where the armor was placed on top of it.

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