

Aero brings down his sword and the sky above like mimicking what is happening below also split into two

A powerful sword light shoots out from his sword, imbued with powerful killing intent. The killing intent alone is enough to suffocate and kill people. 

It sweeps through all the people in front of him, and on his side.

'Wha- 'Before anyone could express their shock, the sword light engulfed them like it is some kind of a gigantic monster mouth

There were a few hundred people in front of him. 

That one slash cut them through more thoroughly than any sword slash Aero had performed since the battle began. 

In that sword light, there is thousands of sword energies.

This sword energy grinds the body of the Veranis soldiers, grind their flesh and grind their bones and when the sword light passes. all it left was dust 

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