
Book Two: Part 1: Chapter Two: Yukimoto's defiance and Katsu's Mission Part 1

Last time, Ally was stabbed in the stomach with Higanbana. Katsu vanished into thin air. Everyone is looking for him.

Damn he got away how are we going to find him? Rin asked. I know where he went. Hironori replied. If you know, you have to tell us or your accessory of this crime. Rin replied. So you have no problem arresting an innocent person? Hironori replied. We saw him. Rin replied. I use to wield Higanbana. That is a fake. Hironori replied. What do you mean? Hana asked. Easy, Higanbana is way sharper than that, with one thrust expels Higanbana's poison from its blade. Hironori replied. You are right, Hironori. Yukimoto replied. Yumi, you know he's innocent too? I asked. Yes, and out of fear he vanished. Yukimoto replied. If you know tell us. Rin replied. It's none of your or the General's business. Yukimoto replied. So you are defiant as ever even in young age. Sophia replied. Why if it isn't you, Sophia of Humility. Yukimoto replied. We ten saw what transpired and we will catch that young man and have him before a trial and take his punishment as due before. Sophia replied. If you mean how you ten came together to give "Divine Punishment" to ones who you see as the devil in your eyes, hmm? Yukimoto asked. Yumi, you need to stand down. Shinjiro replied. I really don't care what you think either. Even if you are my father, you ten trying to play God in my eyes. Yukimoto replied. Stand down, Yumi you can't defy the elders. Scarlett replied. You can try to shut me up if you like? Yukimoto asked. Scarlett came at Yukimoto. I really don't have time for this, sigh. Yukimoto replied. Yukimoto unsheathed her sword from her back and took her stance. Scarlett hit her sword and caused a backlash of power to come out. What the hell was that? Rin asked. This is Ancient Ira Magic its called "Carmina lux lunae". So the rumors were true you do use the darkest form of Ira Arts. Scarlett replied. What you call impure in your eyes is a power that I was born with and it can't be taken away. Yukimoto replied. Shut up, you have no right to talk. Scarlett replied. You are right, just like how Katsu was born with a power he despises every waking moment of his life. Yes, he does look like Hironori, the Crimson Eyed Reaper. Let me ask you ten a question. Were you there when he killed all of those people?! Do you know why he did?! I know why. Yukimoto replied. Shut up, you damn fox!!! Hironori yelled. Meanwhile in the small country of Dolos-Apate on the border of Ancient Avaritia capital of Atlas. Katsu is on a mission to find Tatum Gullveig, the master swordsmith who created Higanbana, Lily of Death.

Stay Tuned.

End of Part One.

Carmina lux lunae is Latin for Rhapsody of the Moonlight.

Dolos and Apate are the God and Goddess of trickery.

Gullveig is the Norse Goddess of Greed.

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