
Who's Here?


"Yeah, the swimming made me tired, thanks for teaching me a little."

"We had time, it's not like it was fun to see you struggle," He laughed, "Hopefully you'll do better tonight."

"Really?" She sat up and looked at him, "Was it really that funny?"

"It was since I was the only thing you could hold onto, you were grabbing me tightly, it's cute," She blushed, "Don't worry, everyone has to learn one day."

"How long 'till we arrive?" She said as she put on her clothes.

"I don't know it depends on the winds, maybe half an hour."

"Do you want to get drunk tonight?"

"Why not, but don't try to follow the amount I drink, you would pass out before I get tipsy."

"Maybe a little friendly competition?"

"Sure, whatever you want, but don't go crazy if you want the marriage to go fine."

"Shit, I forgot about that," She said, "I like the dress you chose for me."

"You went to see it?"

"Yeah, well, no, I tried it on at home, the tailor came."

"I'm glad you like it," She leaned over and kissed him, before Hugo sharply turned the ship and made her sit back. He laughed.

"What was that for?"

"No reason," He smiled, "We have a lot of time ahead of us," They kept going for a little bit, "This is your third, you want to continue?" Hugo asked as he poured her another glass, "You can stop whenever."

"Shut up and fill the fucking cup, I am not a child, this isn't the first time I've done this."

"Ready?" She nodded, "Drink."

"This is easy," She said as she pushed him her glass, "Another one."

"Sure, I would say the same thing," They continued several times more before Cassidy missed the table as she put her glass down. It fell and bounced on the floor. It rolled around on the floor and was the prelude to a small moment of silence. Hugo reached down and picked it up. He placed it on the table. He closed the bottle that was in his hand, "I think you are done, you are too drunk to put the cup back on the table."

"No, n-no, I, I am not drunk," Cassidy swayed her head down, her face was red, "One, one more, come on."

"No, you are drunk, I bet you can't even stand," He said as he walked around the table to her side, "Try," She pushed herself off the chair and tried walking forward but she fell forwards into Hugo's arms. She tried to stand up straight but she kept losing her balance and swaying to the side, even falling to the floor. Hugo gently shook his head and help her to her feet. He sat her on the bed. With the lack of support behind her, she fell backwards onto the bed, "You can't even sit up," He said as he took another drink, "I told you. Tonight, you need to sleep, you won't be well tomorrow if you don't, would you really want to feel bad on our marriage day?"

"I am fine," She said weakly, barely holding her eyes open.

"No, you are not, I don't want to let you worsen your current state, just trust me and sleep."

"I am thirsty," She said. Hugo touched her forehead. She is sick, well, nothing I can do... He took a towel and wet it in the sink and laid it on her forehead. He lifted her head and poured water into her mouth. She coughed. He turned her body and laid her down correctly on the bed, resting her head on the cushion. He covered her eyes with his hand. She pushed against him before going nearly deathly limp. She snored lightly. I am lucky to have these powers. He got up and walked to the window. The sun had set and the moon had replaced it. He didn't feel tired. He turned his head to look at Cassidy. He opened the door and left the house, locking the door behind. He walked down the main street, heading to the port. Maybe I should have some fun with my powers, I don't know, I have no real knowledge of my limits. He jumped on to the water, the water seemed like a solid floor. He walked along the water. He knelt down and touched the water. Weird, I was swimming in this a few hours ago. He returned to the port and sat on the wooden walkway. He looked out in the distance, into the night, at the calm, dark seas, at a void that he never crossed. He took a drink. He sighed. I wonder who "we" is. He sat there doing nothing. It's the middle of the night, and I am not tired, what is wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with me? Something forced him out of his thinking. He noticed a ship in the distance. What would the Ionians want with us? Maybe it is Shuriman. I should check it out. He rose to his feet and jumped onto the water. He created a wave below him that carried him against the current and the crashing waves towards the ship. He neared it and realized that it was a small sailboat like the one he and Cassidy had used. He jumped onto the deck of the ship as the wave died under his feet.

"An unexpected visitor," A man said sitting on the ship, "What brings you here?"

"I came to check the ship, and to ask what business you have being here."

"You are their leader, no?" The man said without looking at Hugo.

"Yes, I am the Leader of Bilgewater," Hugo said, "What business do you have with Bilgewater?"

"Your marriage, if you are indeed their leader," The man explained, "Me and my wife have come from the Shuriman outskirts to witness your marriage."

Hugo froze, "How do you know of the marriage? The announcement was only given in Bilgewater, nothing was sent out."

"I know," The man posed him a question, "You know who we are."

"No actually, I don't," Hugo respond confused, "You sent the message, didn't you?"

"You just got that? Maybe this will help you," He removed his cloak, revealing his missing left arm, "Does that ring your bell?"

"No, I don't know what you want to show me," Hugo sat down on the deck.

"You forgot already, you will need to remember more than just yourself if you are immortal."

"What do you mean? Who are you?"

"To put it simple, we created you, you are my son, I am your father."

"You are my father?" Hugo moved back in the small space on the boat, "No, it can't be, you are lying, you can't be him, what is my name? If you are my father you would know."

"My son, I gave you that name, Hugo, none other than Hugo."

"Father? How long has it been?"

"24 years, your mother is here too, she is probably asleep," He said he squinted his eyes, then pointed at his amulet, "What is that? You didn't have that when you left."

"This, well, it's, um, it's, just, just an amulet."

"Heh! Tell me, that clearly isn't just an amulet, you rode a wave to get here, you don't need to lie to me. What is it?"

"Do you know Jarvan the Third?" He violently turned to look at him, "What? What's wrong?"

"The Jarvan the Third?"

"He is the God of Evil, he clearly introduced himself as Jarvan the Third, so I guess."

"You remember that story I told you, when I lost my arm?"

"Yeah, what does that have to do with Jarvan?" Hugo looked at him confused, "I'm confused."

"I fought him to protect the creator and the realm of Runatra and what was left of this realm."

"You fought him? When?"

"Some three hundred years ago," He explained, "He had kidnapped your mother and forced her to bring him back here, to regain his powers, and she did after being tortured, she still bears a scar from his brutality, I found her, unconscious, nearly dead, I carried her back to the village I lived in and she told me that I should leave her die and kill him, but I took her back and left her in good hands, I went back to my old house, I thought I would find the book to bring me back to Terruna, but it wasn't there."

"How did you get to Terruna?" Hugo interrupted.

"The creator, he had given me a blade and a set of armor, for the ones searching to redeem themselves."

"Who did you want to redeem yourself to?"

"Your mother, I had failed to protect her and didn't find her in time, he gave me a portal to Terruna, I entered it," He paused, "I found these lands flat, bare, even, grey, the sun was black and nothing else was around. Then he arrived through a portal. I fought him, I fought until my last breath, killing him and, in turn, myself," He lifted his shirt revealing a giant scar, "I was bleeding from my arm and my stomach."

"You died?!"

"Yeah, the creator saw that I had fought to protect him, with no reason or want and decided to give me something, he offered me the position of god by his side and the guardian of Terruna but I chose to live as long as your mother and to return to the living, well, in the other order, and you know the rest," He said as she emerged from the room in the ship yawning.

"Who are you talking to Omega?"

"Our son is here, Sona," He said, "I was telling him the story of when I fought Jarvan the Third.

"Oh? I thought you had already told him, why bring it up again?"

"That," He said as he lifted the amulet off his chest. Hugo grabbed the chain. Sona tilted her head.

"What is that, Hugo?"

"An amulet he gave me, well, forced into my hand," Sona lifted her chin looking down at him.

"How so?"

"Well, I was trapped in Equinox's chamber."

"Why were you there? You called it a prison yourself."

"Well, there was a disruption and I had to go check it out, and the tunnel collapsed behind me as I entered, trapping me, a voice came in my head and told me to follow it's directions, I did and found myself in a room above the chamber, face to face with Jarvan," Hugo sighed, I don't think they like my choice, "He gave me an option, death by suffocation or this amulet."

"Logically you chose the amulet," Omega but in.

"Yes, and it curses me and gives me the powers he once had," Their jaws dropped, "What? What are these powers?"

"Well, you know how these things happened?" Sona said pointing at Omega's wounds, "He possessed limitless powers, you think of it and he had it, mind control and other things, you could even make me love you, not as a mother."

"In context, we have been together for near 350 years," Omega laughed as he directed the ship, "So you know she isn't someone who is swayed easily."

"You now possess the powers to destroy this world, and kill the creator and even Jarvan the Third."

"Wha?! Are you kidding? Are you sure?"

"Yes, very sure," Sona said, "But on a brighter note, who is your wife?"

"I thought you would know, since you know so much about me," Hugo rubbed his head.

"We didn't want to ask about her to the creator," Omega said before Sona slapped him, "Geez."

"You talk to the creator?" Hugo said surprised, "Since when?"

"You don't get the title of the mouths of the creator for nothing, we talk to a lot of leaders and men about their futures," Omega said rubbing his cheek, "Noxian, Ionian, Shuriman and Demacian. They all respect us."

"You are the mouths of the creator? How come when I was a child I never saw any leaders?"

"We hid you from their influence, none know of your existence."

"But enough about us," Sona said cutting Omega off of his train of thought, "How is she like?"

"I don't know how to explain it, for me she is the most beautiful person on this earth."

"We can assume that but like her name and maybe her age, you know."

"She is 27 and her name is Cassidy, I call her Cass."

"27? She is 15 years younger than you," Omega said looking surprised.

"Omega, you know how old I am compared to you, right?" Sona said turning to Hugo, "Your father and I are 348 years apart, so 15 years is nothing, all that counts is that you love her, enough to get married to her."

"I do and so does she."

"Does she know you are here? Like out at night?"

"No, I put her to sleep, She got drunk again, and she wasn't doing too well."

"Drunk the night before your marriage? You are a weird bunch."

"I can probably make her feel better for tomorrow, " Sona said, "Like you, we have a certain amount of powers, given by the creator."

"I know I fucked up but I didn't have another option, unless I wanted to die of drowning or suffocation."

"I know but that doesn't mean we can't tease you."

"If you control your powers you will be fine," Sona leaned over and kissed Omega's cheek, "I would like to fight you, a friendly competition."

"Didn't you just say that his powers killed you?"

"Yes but you clearly don't possess total control of yours," Omega explained, "And I trust you not to kill me, we are nearing the island. Where should I leave my boat?"

"Go to the extreme right of the port, my ship is there just dock it next to it."

"Will do, Capt'n."

"Don't call me like that," Hugo said as he took a drink, "You can call me by my name."

"Ha!" He said as he lowered the sails and moved the ship into its spot, the rope moved on its own and tied itself to the port, "This is only part of my powers young man," Omega said as he noticed Hugo's reaction, "Maybe I can show you a few tricks in that duel."

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