

"Keigo," Kaoru began hesitantly as Keigo was reading emails while finishing his morning coffee.


"Are you free this Saturday?" Kaoru went on tentatively.

Keigo snapped his head from his phone.

Kaoru was staring at his own cup on the countertop. "It's the anniversary of my parents' death. I was thinking…if you have time, we can visit their grave together?"

"Of course," Keigo replied immediately. The alternative answer wasn't even an option.

Kaoru looked up at him with a small and grateful smile. "Thank you."

Keigo reached out and clasped his hand. "Idiot. Don't say that."

"I'd like them to meet you," Kaoru said in a wistful tone.

"About time," Keigo agreed. He wondered about the sort of people Kaoru's parents were, to have raised this amazing man he was now with.

There must have been warmth in the family. A bond which would never break, no matter how difficult the circumstances.

"You would've charmed them," Kaoru teased. "I think."

"I charm everyone that I meet," Keigo reminded him pointedly.

Kaoru chuckled and shook his head. "My father might have put up a resistance. For appearances' sake at least."

Keigo saw the tinge of sadness underlying the humor. He tightened his hold on Kaoru's hand. "Well, I better be at my best this Saturday."

There was a sheen in those dark eyes. But Kaoru swallowed and said quickly, "D-don't you have to go now? I don't want you to be late."

He was most definitely not late for work. Keigo did however recognize the change in topic as a way to prevent tears this morning.

"Morning meetings are so fun," he sighed dramatically.

"Do people realize that you're not a morning person?" Kaoru asked.

"Yes. They try to use that against me."


Keigo walked over to Kaoru and kissed his forehead. "They are sadly wrong, of course. I'll see you tonight."

Kaoru looked up at him with a smile that was just his own. "Have a good day."

"You too, baby."


They stood in front of his parents' simple tombstone after finishing the rituals in silence.

The sky was overcast, deepening the shades of grey and green around them. It was not so gloomy as to signify mourning. Merely lent to the solemn and pensive atmosphere for the temple's cemetery.

The incense burned while fresh flowers offered a burst of color.

"We visited the temple quite often when I was growing up," Kaoru began.

"Did your family live nearby?" Keigo noted.

"Yes. Just a ten-minute drive."

"It's a peaceful suburb. Do you miss the area?"

Kaoru considered it for a moment. "Not anymore. Not since…that day."

Keigo squeezed his shoulder but remained silent.

On each of his prior visits, Kaoru's would feel only sorrow. At first, overwhelming and great. Then slowly, gradually it became a hum. Never as painful as it was before but still weighing on his heart.

Today, Kaoru felt a little different. Perhaps it was silly but he was genuinely nervous and excited to introduce Keigo to his parents.

They would have been shocked to see him with another man. He believed however that despite their traditional beliefs, they wanted him to be happy above all else.

His mother would have probably swooned at Keigo's looks unabashedly while his father displayed his most bearish and hostile manners to test Keigo's mettle.

Kaoru took a deep breath and began, "Um, father, mother. This is Wada Keigo. He's my friend."

From the corner of his eye, he could see Keigo slanting him a questioning look.

"I mean, my boyfriend," Kaoru corrected quickly. "I-I've not introduced anyone to you this way before. I'm nervous."

Keigo bowed respectfully.

"He's taking very good care of me. So you don't have to worry anymore," Kaoru continued.

"Absolutely. Be assured," Keigo added confidently.

Kaoru's heart ballooned in warmth. He forgot what else he was going to say.

"May I say a few words?" Keigo asked him.

Kaoru nodded. "Of course!"

His lover flashed him a quick smile and turned to face the tombstone with a sincerity he rarely displayed to the world outside.

"Thank you for raising such an unparalleled son. You will not regret putting him in my care. I vow that I will do everything in my considerable power to make him happy."

"That's just the way he speaks," Kaoru was compelled to add. "You'll get used to him."

Keigo arched an eyebrow. "Did I say anything incorrect?"

"Ah…unparalleled? Considerable power?" Kaoru said weakly.

Keigo directed the next words to the tombstone. "But lying to you would be disrespectful so I was simply being truthful."

"Keigo!" Kaoru let out in exasperation.

A beatific smile greeted him in return.

"I would have behaved in the exact same manner were I to meet them in person," Keigo said softly. "I only wish that was possible."

Kaoru nearly teared up. He could picture the scene in his mind so clearly.

"I know," he whispered. "And you've gotten away with it."

Keigo held his hand. "I know."


"It's a nice place," Kaoru said after they exited the café where they just had lunch.

"Not bad," Keigo agreed. "What did you get at the counter?"

Kaoru was carrying a paper bag. "Madeleines for us. And for Takumi when we visit him later."

"We're just replacement company because Hasegawa is abroad for work," Keigo speculated wryly.

"It'll cheer him up."

"Hasegawa better get his ass back in country soon."

"Keigo, be nice."

"I am perfectly nice. Otherwise I wouldn't indulge him with dinner. His cooking as well."

"What's wrong with Takumi's cooking?"

"It's passable."

Kaoru nudged his arm with a laugh. "You're just fussy."

Keigo gazed fondly at his lover. Kaoru looked up and blinked quizzically.

"What is it?"

"Oh, nothing," Keigo said airily.

Kaoru tilted his head in suspicion but let it go. "Do you have any work before dinner? Should we go home first?"

"Let's take a walk. Check out the shops in the area," Keigo suggested.

He saw the blossoming smile on Kaoru's face. After the visit to the cemetery the previous weekend, they weren't able to see each other as much as they would like due to work commitments.

He noted to himself to spend as much time as he could with Kaoru this weekend. There was also the long overdue trip to the springs which was coming up. Keigo couldn't wait.

They were deciding which way to go on the bustling street when a prickling sensation rose in Keigo's neck. As if someone was watching them.

He looked around before fixing his eyes on a single individual. His breath nearly stopped.

"I think there is a pop-up market nearby...." Kaoru stopped. "Keigo?"

He stared at the woman across the street. Her gaze did not waver either.

A face which was so familiar. One which he hadn't seen in a long time. The last encounter between them contained only cold rage and devastation.

Kaoru followed his gaze and an understanding formed instantly.

She glanced at Kaoru, with a masked face at first but then her eyes widened almost imperceptibly.

When she averted her gaze back to Keigo, she wore an expression which Keigo had never seen on her.

Softness around the bitter edges. It made her more beautiful than he remembered.

He was surprised.

A couple of ladies spoke to her to gain her attention. She murmured a few words to them and gave Keigo one last glance.

A tightly controlled smile. A nod.

Keigo nodded in return, the traces of tension and wariness leaving his lips.

She turned away and left with her companions.

He let out a breath and told Kaoru, "That was my mother."

"I know," Kaoru said softly. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," Keigo replied and realized that he meant it. "She looks well."

Kaoru touched his arm. "And you're glad."

That was true but it was strange to hear the sentiment being spoken. It was something which Keigo probably didn't want to admit to himself.

"I keep myself informed about her condition," Keigo confessed. "Just in case if anything happens to her."

"I'm not surprised," Kaoru said gently. "Do you want to meet her?"

Keigo shook his head. "No, the way it is…it's good enough for both of us."

Kaoru smiled with an understanding which was so genuine and sincere. "Okay."

An unexpected lightness settled over Keigo. Strange, how a passing moment could have such an effect on him.

Perhaps one day he would meet her. Not today. Not soon. But at least it was no longer an impossibility.

He offered his arm. "Shall we?"

Kaoru hooked his arm around his. "Which way should we go?"

"Wherever you want."

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