
Belgian Chocolate

Exhausted as Justin may be from constantly being on the move, he was enjoying the rare time alone with his wife and taking advantage of it to the fullest. Whenever Emily was home from work Ellie wanted to be with her every second so he ended up playing second fiddle to a demanding toddler. 

He wouldn't trade the life he had for anything—he adored his daughter nearly as much as he adored her mother—but it was still nice being able to have Emily to himself for a while. He almost didn't want to go back. 

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. After an eight-hour flight of having her undivided attention they landed back in New York. 

Sam had the biggest bags under her eyes Justin had ever seen on anyone other than himself in a mirror and her usual carefree fashionista image had been shattered. Her hair was a frizzy mess, she had a stain on her shirt, and she radiated stress. 

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