
Immortal Origins Scripture

Friday Morning-

Aza awoke to the sound his alarm just like any other day. He stumbled through his morning routine, as he normally did. As normal as today seemed, he was nervous. 

looking into the mirror, he rinsed his face and gazed at himself in the mirror. His hair and been getting too long, it would soon be in his eyes. 

" I'll need a haircut before long." He mused. 

The events that had happened earlier in the week crossed his mind. New school, Mr. Fuller putting him on the team, making friends with Gabriel and Lillie. That picture that freaked out Lillie, those guys that had caused problems at the diner, and the date with Lillie on Friday...

"Wait..." Aza walked calmly over to his desk and checked the date on his phone. "Oh shit! I'm going to be late! but I cant just wear anything!" 

In a panic Aza leapt into action. Shower, shave, deodorant, jeans, black V-neck, red Cardigan, (push up the sleeves) vans, spray of cologne, and a beanie. 

Tumbling down the stairs, Aza ran into his mom on the way to work.  " Hey ma, I completely forgot to tell you! I have a date tonight with Lillie so I may get home late."

"A date? Since when do you date? Wait, did you say Lillie? Oh my gosh that's too cute!" 

She began peppering him with questions about them. Was it love? When did they decide to make it official? How did it happen? 

"Ma, I'm going to be late!" Aza complained.

"Well fine, your breakfast is on the table bubs. Wash your dishes when you're done!" she smirked. 

Aza quickly ate breakfast and cleaned the kitchen before grabbing his bag and shuffling out of the door. 

Opening his car door, Aza was met with an envelope. It read, 

"Aza, Lillie is a good girl. don't just take her to a cheap fast food place. There's an Italian restaurant on the highway, here's a little help. Don't let me down!"

looking back In the envelope, Aza discovered $100 bill. 

"Mom must really like her." Aza laughed. 

Getting into the car, he proceeded to drive to school. The Autumn season was setting into the woods of this little town. The drive seemed more relaxing as he followed the winding roads towards town. The brown leaves fell as he guided the car. Out of the corner of his eye, Aza saw a black figure moving through the woods. 

Feeling the need to come to terms with this Phantom Aza decided to take a risk and investigate the black figure. So Aza pulled over and parked the car in the grass. He stepped out of the vehicle and locked the car, placing the keys in his pocket. He began trekking the path he had seen the phantom heading down. 

After a few minutes of walking Aza had left the sight of the road and had come to a clearing. In the center of that clearing, sat the Phantom. Aza cautiously approached the meditating figure.

"Hello?" Aza spoke."I've been seeing you in my head. Who are you, and what do you want?"

"The questions you ask are misguided. Please, Take a seat and I will explain." Spoke the Phantom.

Aza, being curious, complied.  "Okay, so how are my questions misguided?"

The figure remained still for a few moments. Wisps of a dense black smoke rose up off of him and dissipated into the surrounding air.

"The question is not who I am, but who you are. The realization you must come to, is what that will mean for yourself as well as those around you." Spoke the black Specter.

Aza pondered this. What he said, could be interpreted many ways. His identity, his personality, his affliction, even his Ideals.

The Phantom continued. "To answer your original question, I am but a shadow of what once was. You, however are the embodiment of all that is righteous and good. You are what I Should have been. You will be better than me."

"What are you talking about? how will I be better than you, and how does this connect to me seeing you?" Aza questioned in earnest. This conversation was on so many levels that it could easily be misinterpreted.

"All will be made clear, I assure you. For now we must Begin." Said the phantom as he stood. "remain seated" he spoke.

Aza complied. He felt no hostility so he believed he meant no harm.

Reaching behind him, the phantom pulled out an Ancient looking scroll, that appeared to be made of pure silver. The Phantom unraveled the scroll on the ground in front of Aza. Runic Symbols Seemed to Float into the air, they were Matte black and wreathed in a pale blue flame. This seemed strange but Aza felt as though he knew this scroll. As if it were his own.

"This," Spoke the Phantom "Will help unlock The answers you speak. Your Body is ready, but your soul will need strength. Focus on the symbols. They will guide you."

Aza Watched the runic symbols dance off of the scroll and into the air. His eyes grew heavy, and his breath became rhythmic. Time became fluid, and Aza felt his consciousness being drawn into the scroll. Without resisting Aza Pressed onward. Everything faded out of view, and his surroundings faded to shadows. 

Flame, pale blue flames lit the Forest, and the phantom stood before him.

"Where am I?" questioned Aza. He remained calm but curiosity needed satiation.

"You are in a separate plane of existence than that of which you previously inhabited. This, My Lord, is your domain." answered the phantom.

"Why bring me here? Who are you really?" Aza pondered.

"Because," spoke the Phantom," You have been asleep for a long time, but it is time to reclaim that which is yours. As for who I am? I am you, or rather the shadow of who you once were. I am here to prepare you for what is to come, and to bestow upon you the precious, and profound possession I have come across. Because of my original self's constitution, I was unable  to learn this. As if by Fate, you have the Perfect body required to learn this cultivation Technique."

"Cultivation?" Aza was confused. He'd only heard of this in Wuxia novels.

"Yes" Spoke the Phantom.

"And why would you give this to me if its so valuable?" Aza asked.

"Because, you are My Descendant, as Well as the Reincarnation of my soul. I am simply Giving this to myself." Spoke the Phantom as if it were only natural.

"Okay, say I believe you. What will this mean?" Aza asked in earnest.

"You will reclaim your rightful place in Heaven." Spoke the Phantom. This technique I am bestowing upon you now actually predates all others. It was Formed by Primordial Nature, so It even Predates the gates of Heaven. With this, We will be able to truly protect humanity from those that would wish it harm."

"Who aside from humanity itself would threaten humanity?" Aza questioned.

"All will be made clear in time. For now, you must grow stronger." Spoke the specter.

As the Phantom Spoke these last few words, The dense aura that had surrounded him began to swirl violently and surrounded Aza. Frantic, Aza looked to the Phantom for answers.

"This is all I can do for now. As for your question earlier, regarding my identity. It is our Identity, our name, our Legacy. The Archangel Azazel"

With these final words, the Phantom dissipated and was absorbed into Aza. he could feel a strange sensation growing in his lower abdomen. Almost as if a Sea were churning in his core. 

After a few minutes, this sensation leveled off. His mind felt tranquil. Almost as if he had been asleep forever and just woken up. He looked down at the scroll to pick it up. The runic symbols had disappeared, replaced by three words. "Immortal Origins Scripture."

Aza felt his consciousness rising back to the surface and soon found himself alone in the woods where he had began.  

"Was that real?" Aza pondered. It was so outlandish yet he could still feel the Great sea that had formed in his lower abdomen.

He stood on his feet and returned to his car, upon arrival he checked the time on his phone.

"11:30? I'm late!"

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