
Not Home Yet

Wang Xiu Ying arrived at the famous Golden Berry coffee shop. The shop was very popular and was often visited by celebrities and business tycoons. This was Wang Xiu Ying's favorite coffee shop and most of the staffs knew her very well. Wang Xiu Ying approached the fourth table near the window.

"Hello sweetheart" Sam,her childhood friend hugged her tightly.

"How have you been Sam. I've missed you so much"Wang Xiu Ying said as she sat down.

"well I've been living my life to the fullest. Forget about that how've you been?. What about those precious twins you've been telling me about."he asked keenly.

"They're fine. So tell me are you here to stay or you're just here for business?"Wang Xiu Ying asked as a waiter approached them.

"Sorry sweetheart I'm just here for business. I have to go back to Paris, I'm still working on my project" Sam answered.

"Hello Sir, Madam. What would you like to order?"the waiter asked as he turned to Sam.

"Espresso" Sam answered.

"Madam should I bring a cup of Cappuccino or you want something else?"the waiter asked

"Cappuccino"she answered smiling. The waiter left to bring their order.

"Wow even the waiter knows what you like"Sam said.

"So tell me about you husband, I heard he's handsome and he's a big shot"Sam asked as the waiter came back and served them,after serving he left to attend to other customers.

"He's fine"she answered

"I'm sure he is, you know, after marrying such a beautiful wife"Sam teased.

"Stop it" Wang Xiu Ying said as she took a sip of her cappuccino.

"Hello" a voice said behind Wang Xiu Ying. It was Yu Yan the famous supermodel.

"wow Xiu Ying I see you're with your friend. Hi, I'm Yu Yan"Yu Yan greeted. Sam noticed that Wang Xiu Ying was a bit uncomfortable seeing Yu Yan.

"Hi I'm Sam" he answered. He didn't want to seem rude.

"Nice to meet you. Alright I don't want to interrupt you guys so I'll see you later Xiu Ying."Yu Yan said and left.

"Friend or foe?" Sam asked.

"Forget about her, tell me about your project"Wang Xiu Ying said.

After her meeting, as Yu Yan was leaving the coffee shop,she took a glance at Wang Xiu Ying and Sam and saw them laughing. She took her phone and dialed a number.

"Yes Miss?" the said.

"Do this" Yu Yan said as she left the coffee shop.

After having a long talk with her friend,they both left the coffee shop.Sam headed straight to the airport to catch his flight to Paris while Wang Xiu Ying headed home.

It was already 7pm, Li Wei and Mr Cheng walked into the living room and saw Nanny Zhou and the other servants pacing around worriedly.

"Nanny please call her again"Li Xiu cried.

"What's happening?"Mr Cheng said.

"Daddy" Li Jie ran to meet his father. Li Wei carried him up.

"Daddy"Li Xiu ran to meet her father. Li Wei then noticed that they had been crying.

"What happened?" he asked in his cold tone. The other servants were too scared to talk and looked at Nanny Zhou.

"Well..., Master...., Madam is not home yet"Nanny Zhou answered.

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