
Waiting for Tomorrow

Soon under the doorway it opens slowly revealing the bustling town life of this great city, and immediately everyone on the carriage is asked to disembark as the carriage has reached the agreed delivery point.

Valafor is not a great city, it a stronghold turned merchant city. However, adventurers and mercenaries both use this city as a base as there are many tombs, dungeons and forests bustling with demonic beasts.

Naraic and Kabbol both make their way to the 'Piked Pig' to ask if the rest have arrived. As they are making small talk on the journey and open the door they are met with the back of a large man scars and tattoos are immediately visible. Naraic is taken aback, and quickly rushes outside again with the intention of checking if the tavern is correct. But as the door swings open again and a cold wind gushes past he changes his mind and decides that others can come find them if it is wrong.

As Naraic returns he sees that Kabbol is already up at the bar, slowly going up to him, the group with the goliath of a man were exchanging whispers and glances as though something was brewing. However it was in a language which Naraic was unfamiliar with.

"Naraic, come here! It seems they aren't here yet, might have to wait a couple of days. What are you wanting to do?"

"Its been a long time since I've had a bath, but food comes first."

As they both stand at the counter the barwoman overhearing their conversation tells them.

"It'll be 10G and 5S for one night, food and a cold bath. If you are wanting a hot bath it will be 12G in total each."

Naraic peering into his little bag counted out his coins before sighing heavily.

"I don't want to be poor and god knows how long we'll be waiting for the others." before putting the money down he looked at Kabbol and seeing him nod he decided "We'll take a cold bath." putting the 21G on the counter they went and sat down at a table under the stairs and started to get comfy slowly before feeling a gaze.

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