

"Please, Sir you do not need to do that. We will help you by doing all the cooking and cleaning." Iris' face is beet red after her burst out, "Oh! How improper of me. I am sorry." Quickly she throws her body on the ground bowing.

Yuki gets out of her chair and crutches down smiling while holding her hand out. "Iris, please stand up. There is no reason for you to panic. We will not punish you for speaking your mind on this. Your cooking is very pleasant… so take that complement."

Iris takes her hand and stands up with Yuki then throws her arms around her and hugs her. "Thank you for being so merciful on this human. Mistress you are the best. I promise that I will do what I can."

Cedric gets out of his chair and hands Yuki a handkerchief. "I was complimenting you. There really is not need for you to be so afraid. I know that I am scary but the one you are hugging is scarier than myself."

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