
Mystery man

"The plan didn't work, your majesty" Walter announced annoyingly to Marco, the leader of the Earth's sect of Jyka.

"Of course, I already know that." Marco roared, the grounds around him trembling violently.

"We need to do something fast your–"

"Stop frustrating me, I'm trying to think!". He paced to and fro the length of his throne causing a mini -quake in the earth kingdom, he wasn't a type of ruler that can think under pressure, he always depended on his strength much more than his brain. After pacing for 30 minutes, he still couldn't conclude on a reasonable solution.

He 'meticulously' planned the guardian girl's death, it made it seem like an accident but his bastard brother just had to appear and ruin it all for him just when he had his victory smile on.

Since he failed in his attempt to kill her, the other sects would be alert, especially the Dwayne. Dwayne has always defeated him in every challenge, but he wasn't going to allow him win this time. Not when he was this close to finding the orb of Jyka that would enable him rule the universe.

" I demand a solution, Walter". He barked disdainfully, he had totally forgotten that this monk is useful for something –his wisdom.

" I have already planted a few spies in the fire sect's delegate, we would have to wait for their return to decide the next step, your majesty " Walter bowed before his Lord, master and the person he owed his life to.

It was over 400 years ago when Martha wanted to end his existence, but thankfully Marco intervened at the right time and took him in afterwards. Martha fled Jyka after being discovered as the secret guardian of the orb of Jyka. She was later rumored to be in love with a mortal and stopped practising magic. It was their perfect opportunity to take her out, who knew she could pass on her powers to her offspring?, and that mortal was saved by the God of water moments ago. They already had their eyes on her.

Well it was a good thing in a way, nobody knows as much as him when it comes to the orb and it's power. Only him knew that it is only the guardian that can reveal the location and unlock it's power effectively, only the guardian can destroy the orb as well. That is the reason they had to get rid of her. But critically viewing it, can't they just use her to get to the orb and unlock its power before killing her?. His lips curved upwards at the thought, he didn't have a solution when Marco demanded one earlier, but now he's going to be praised once again for his wisdom.


Bethany opened her eyes slowly, she felt someone hovering above her, she frowned when sprinkles of water met her face and closed her eyes shut. She braced herself and opened her eyes again, she was in the arms of a beautiful man with ancient robes, he had saved her earlier from the mysterious accident, curiosity was biting deep into her brain as she slowly sat up, away from the man's hold. Why did he help her, and why is he in a very deserted area all alone at this early hour?, were they shooting a movie scene?. Her head started to throb from too much thinking, so she decided to throw the questions plaguing her at him instead. He was the only one that could answer them anyways.

"Who are you?". She wrinkled her nose at an annoying fly perching on the tip of her nose. Instead of answering her questions like a polite human should, mystery man giggled like a teenage teddy. Bethany was not sure of what was amusing him.

'Is he mocking me?' she raised an eyebrow slightly. Well, it wasn't her business, he saved her and she would just thank him and be on her way to school, she really shouldn't be late on her first day in Toro high.

" Hello Mr. whoever you are, thank you for saving me, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't around, anyways with my show of gratitude done and over with, I'd like to get to school. I'm getting late". She bent down to pick up her discarded bicycle, she checked it over. It was surprisingly in perfect shape but she didn't ride on it, she gently wheeled it and made her way to Toro high.


Dwayne stared at the most beautiful mortal he has ever seen in his 1000 years of existence. When he heard she was in danger, he hurriedly came by to save her as her death wouldn't be good for Jyka. Thankfully, he got there just in time to save her from the 'accident' that was obviously planned by his brother. He stared at her beautiful face after he used magic to save her from hitting the rocks, she stood still for only two seconds before collapsing like an impotent armour. He launched forward and the fell into his arms, but the impact pushed them both down and his back met the sharp ended rocks.

He got bruised, but unlike mortals, he wasn't going to bleed to death. Supernatural beings like him are only wiped out existence by the orb or strong magic that only witches possessed.

Mortals however die by almost everything. Sickness, accidents, diseases, air crashes, almost everything. Sometimes it is caused by magic but most times, man brings the disasters upon themselves.

He looked down at the angel-like flawless beauty unconscious in my arms, He felt like taking her with me to Jyka and making her his instantly, but he knew that was being selfish, in addition to the fact that she's a mortal and they have to find out why the responsibility of guarding the most powerful magical treasure in the universe and the heavens was giving to a —mortal. He performed a few spells on her before she regained consciousness.

She regretfully pulled out of his hold, he didn't know why having her in his arms felt so good, with her eyes coming back to life, she looked like a little tigress; fierce but still adorable.

"Who are you?". She made a too-cute face at a fly that perching on the tip of her nose and asked. He ignored her question and laughed heartily at her cuteness. She looked at him with a weird expression and got off the ground, shamelessly dusting the dirt off her buttocks and said in a matter-of-fact tune;

" Hello Mr. whoever you are, thank you for saving me, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't around, anyways with my show of gratitude done and over with, I'd like to get to school. I'm getting late". She went over to her metal vehicle and walked with it towards the tarred roadway.

He smiled to himself, if only this ignorant girl with strange clothes knew he is the fiercest God in Jyka, she would have been a little polite?.

"You can call me Dwayne". He called after her before he realised what he was doing. He had already made enough mistake for one day. He quickly summoned a beam and teleported back home.


'Was I rude?, he didn't even say anything in reply' She pondered and slowly as she walked out of the rocky path. 'He should have at least told me his name or better still give me his WhatsApp contact right?'. She walked slowly, she was still hoping he'd suddenly call her back like it happened in romantic novels and movies. The slight differences is that she wasn't a female lead of a movie or a novel and they were in real life, she was about to give up and mount her bike before a rich baritone startled her.

"You can call me Dwayne". She jumped at the loudness and manliness in his voice, isn't he supposed to have a tiny voice to go with his beautiful face?. She turned around to call out her name too but,


He was gone, all she could see was a sparkle of gold dust, no. It was more like pixie dust. Her eyes twitched slightly and decided to make her way back down the path to look for the mystery man but her cell phone rang and stopped her in time. She turned away and clicked on the green icon.


Here goes chapter 2

thanks ddabimaj for the huge support coming from you in both of my novels, this one's for you

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