
Daria becomes the phoenix! Xue Ren and Aria's common activity

Xue Ren has devoured a fire ruler's destiny...

It should be the only related to the fire, otherwise, the molten world surely would have more visitors! Right now, it was a time to stabilize his own powers and gains! But before leaving, Xue Ren turned around and peeked at the blue crack.

The smell of the sovereigns... or more like their powers, was already coming here... They were startled the most and in order to have a more peaceful minds, they will surely do their best to hide the crack!

Even so, they can not hide it from Xue Ren!

Whether they can do it or not, didn't matter. Though Xue Ren would prefer if they done it! The conquest of the ice world... has yet to begun for real! The sovereigns are all here except The Madam Sovereign of the blue phoenix race.

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