
Entering The Haenan Forest


Zhao Lung's howling fist struck the air. It was obvious to Zhao Lung that he did not make the wrong choice. The Howling Wind Fist which had already reached the novice level, gave Zhao Lung a powerful boost in strength, while the Feather Steps gave him speed. The only downside is usages, at his current level of middle Consolidation realm he could only use it about 5 times, and the only solution to this problem was either to increase his cultivation or find a body strengthening passive technique. Along with body cultivating, he also spent quite a considerable time on his Godly Thought Twist technique, which was becoming more efficient.

At this moment in time, Zhao Feng's main problem was cultivation. Although his improvements were fast, he was starting to face more bottlenecks in his battle techniques, his Feather Steps was stuck at the apprentice level, and his Wind Howling Fists were stuck at the novice level. Even though he reached the middle stage Consolidation realm a little more than a month ago, in order to have any ways of becoming an inner disciple, he had to increase his cultivation to at least the pinnacle realm.

As Zhao Lung was considering what to do a glint caught his eyes. he looked in his open bag and saw a bottle. He took the bottle out and it turned out to be the Body Consolidation Potion, which he spent the last of his money on. Zhao Lung smiled excitedly, even though he couldn't exchange it for more money, it was still a Body Consolidation Potion which could increase his strength and cultivation.

Zhao Lung quickly unscrewed the top and drank 2 gulps.


The potion had a quick effect, and Zhao Lung's bones started to crack a few breaths later. His figure grew, and his muscles increased. He had advanced through the middle level and reached the advanced level. Zhao Lung felt the power residing inside him started coming out, and he felt like all of the shackles binding his body were destroyed.

Zhao Lung started practicing his techniques and felt like every move was much smoother, faster and contained more might. Zhao Lung tested out the Howling Wind Fist and found he could use it about 10 times now.

5 hours later

Zhao Lung had used up the entire potion and managed to reach the apprentice level in his Wind Howling Fist, which now seemed to howl as his fists made their way through the air, they now produced a small gust of wind capable of pushing things back.

The high efficiency of the potion was mainly because he had never used a potion before, and his cultivation just needed a small push to reach the advanced level, but Zhao Lung still felt amazed at the effect of using outside help, like precious resources, potions, and crystals.

Suddenly Zhao Lung's dream of becoming an inner disciple felt real, if he was able to get more of these resources, he could surely achieve the Warrior realm in a month. But there was one problem, he spent all of his money, and there was no way for him to get resources.

In Sky Feather Village there was only one way of finding resources, the Haenan Forest. The Haenan Forest is filled with threats at every turn, which resulted in Zhao Lung never considering going inside. But now that Zhao Lung's strength has grown considerably, he could try to enter and find precious resources. Most of the beasts in the forest were at the pinnacle Cultivation Realm, and even beginning stage Warriors, Zhao Lung would have to be wary of savage beasts at pinnacle stage, because even if he won, he would be severely injured, and as for the Warrior realm beasts, he would have no chance.

Zhao Lung had no choice, if he really wanted to become an inner disciple he would have to obtain more resources. So he made up his mind, he was going to enter the Haenan Forest tomorrow!


Next day

Having said goodbye to his mom, Zhao Lung set off towards the direction of the forest. He had mainly packed some food, water, and his two cultivation manuals. The Haenan Forest was more than 5 hours walk from Zhao Lung's house, and when he finally arrived at the outskirts the sun was about to set.

Zhao Lung looked at the forest which spread out as far as he could see with a dazed look. Trees, bushes, plants, and other types of greenery covered the forest in front of him. Having lived at the village his whole life, he rarely got the chance to see the outside world, as he mainly focused on cultivating and working, not mentioning the Haenan Forest which was a forbidden place for him. Finally, he mustered up his courage and entered the forest.

As soon as he entered, he scanned for precious herbs but found none. Zhao Lung came to a realization, even in the Haenan Forest which was filled with danger and fortune, it wasn't that easy to find resources. After walking some time, worry started to form on Zhao Feng's eyes, when he imagined him coming back emptyhanded after spending so much of his precious time.

Soon, the day turned into night, and it began getting too dark for Zhao Lung to see, so he decided to rest and continue tomorrow. He found a bush that was in a relatively hidden spot, between two trees, and fell asleep.

Zhao Lung woke up in the middle of the day and after eating some bread from his bag, continued his search. He found some rather interesting looking plants, but sadly they contained no energy, but he still picked up some of them up, to try to sell them later using his ability. Suddenly he heard a loud roar, and on instinct sprinted in the opposite direction of the sound. Zhao Lung thought about how danger always came before fortune and came to a stop. After thinking for a while he realized that this might be his only chance to obtain something, and his face grew more determined, as he decided to take a peek.

Two savage beasts of the pinnacle stage Consolidation Realm were fighting it out for the ownership of a cave near them. A huge feathered bird struck down on the yellow lion and drew blood. Four gash marks could be seen on the side of the lion as he roared in fury and pain. When the huge bird charged at the lion, who was in a critical state, it suddenly changed its course slightly right. Seeing this opportunity the lion sent a claw which landed on the bird's side. Confused, the bird tried to charge at the lion again, but the situation repeated, and now both were in critical condition. After some time, the bird emerged victorious but was clearly injured from the fight.

A figure as quick as the wind charged out of the bush and appeared right behind the injured bird which was now heading to the cave located at the base of a huge mountain, to rest. Sensing danger, the bird turned around, but it was already too late.

"Howling Wind Fist!"

The bird was struck by the fist and was immediately thrown into the cave wall. The figure quickly appeared before the bird and sent a fist into its face. The bird in no condition to defend itself, produced a loud shriek, before falling to the ground.

Zhao Lung quickly took out both of the creature's hearts and started cultivating. The heart was the core of life and is the storage place for qi, the stronger the cultivation of the user, the more energy is stored in the heart, and the longer one could live. Naturally, by absorbing this energy, Zhao Lung would become stronger. Both of them being pinnacle stage Consolidation realm, it would be hard for him to kill one, so when the two beasts fought, Zhao Lung helped the lion land some attacks on the bird so it would weaken, and then he could easily kill the victor when the fight ended. As he had broken through to the advanced stage, his mental energy also increased, so the price for interfering with the beast's thoughts was significantly reduced.

Zhao Lung started cultivating and comprehending his Feather Steps technique while absorbing the energy from the heart. By the time he finished, Feather Steps was a step away from breaking through to the master level, which was the highest level in battle techniques. His cultivation had also made considerable improvements, and he was also now almost at the pinnacle stage.

Zhao Lung looked at the cave, it had a big opening which was covered in vines. Without any hesitation, Zhao Lung cautiously walked into the cave as he inspected anything. A shocking realization came upon him as he stared at the walls which were made of gray bricks. Zhao Lung sensed a strong qi in the air which only got heavier the further he walked, and at that moment, Zhao Lung considered staying here because it would be much more efficient to cultivate, but soon came to a realization that the qi was only getting stronger, so he pressed on.

Zhao Lung saw a light at the end of the hall, and when he got closer, a shocked look appeared on his face.

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