
Happy Landing?

"Silver Eagle, state your reason for entering the conflict zone?" A message through the communications was ringing into Jack's ear.

"Looks like command is still rather disorganized. That is rather surprising. Our arrival was planned differently, for sure. The temple also seems ill-informed about the current situation here.", commented Jack to Ahsoka at the side who was looking at him.

"You mean we are going straight into battle?"

Jack nodded. "Yes, and exactly as I predicted. Not that the damn pirates on our way here were any indication of things going well in this sector of space."

He then switched the communications on and started to talk towards the clone that was currently flying at their left side with them in his own fighter.

"Here is Silver Eagle. We are here on Jedi Temple orders to deliver a message to Jedi...General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. The command already registered the lack of communications from the planet and send us as direct messengers. Here are the codes for identification."

"Got it, careful down there." The clone confirmed and then let go of their ship, flying back.

After that was being done Jack deactivated the com and slowly entered the atmosphere of the planet with his own ship.

"You didn't tell them we are their Padawans?", asked Ahsoka while frowning and squinting her eyes.

"I doubt they would actually feel happy about two Jedi Learner arriving at a conflict zone.. From the looks of it, reinforcements would be more prudent." Jack smiled wryly and looked at the soldiers below on the surface looking rather pained and exhausted.

That was their landing zone and it was already littered with debris and the aftermath of war.

The attrition was real and the destruction even more apparent. To Jack that was a given because this fight was basically a fight of flesh and metal.

Droids are just droids and repairs could always replenish their numbers. They had no artificial intelligence in them, only strict programming that was done in a matter of seconds when they were assembled.

The clones, on the other hand, were all humans and once they perished it took time to train new soldiers. In the Force, they also felt all different.

Jack had to get used to that at first seeing all the same faces aboard the Venator ship in outer space.

But he also could feel different auras around their bodies. At least with the Force, he could somewhat distinguish them.

"Was this planet not supposed to be under control?", asked Ahsoka now after seeing it herself through the window.

"Christophsis was conquered only a short time ago. The separatists probably still don't want to let go of the planet and keep attacking in certain intervals. At least we have the space covered. Now, how do you feel?" Jack grinned at her.

He could see her breathe in sharply and smile back at him. "I am excited. But also nervous."

"Understandable." Then a small alert came into his peripheral vision. "Hmm, interesting. Looks like our landing will be a little bit more than welcoming. Ahsoka, on the weapons."

"Got it." She immediately stood up and ran over to the weapons systems.

Jack on the other hand redirected energy from the sub-light engines toward the shields and weapon systems. The cockpit slowly dimmed down into low lighting and turned red.

"Combat mode engaged. Try to get those tanks on the ground whenever I fly by. And Ahsoka...Try not to hit our guys, please."

Just when he finished saying that a round of ship blasters fired off and destroyed a separatist tank. A small happy giggle was heard over the internal communications.

Jack only shook his head and focused on piloting the ship.

It took a while until the enemy troops seemed to finally retreat from their positions.

It was finally time that they could land.

Said and done when their ramp opened Ahsoka went ahead of him and looked over to some sparking and still scorching hit red hull breach at the side of the ship. They got a good hit in while dishing out their own bolts.

"Looks like your flying still needs some work. That one dive was a little bit too close for comfort.", said Ahsoka with a grin and looked back at Jack who also inspected the damage.

His reaction was more of annoyance. "Hey, I pilot pretty well. It's just that there are some improvements to the ship that need to be made."

While the two talked about the ship two people came closer to them and looked rather confused at them. Even the people in white armor behind the two were looking at each other in bewilderment.

"Younglings!?", remarked the older looking shorter man on the right. He seemed to become thoughtful and placed a hand in his rather well-maintained beard that had the same color as his hair - brown.

"Who are you two exactly?", asked the male person in darker robes and armor on the left. His facial expression was that of suspicion.

Both Jack and Ahsoka looked over at the man that questioned them. Jack even gestured to Ahsoka to go first.

With straightened back Ahsoka went forward and introduced herself. "My name is Ahsoka. Master Yoda send us here with a message. You are immediately to return back to the council. It is an emergency."

"I don't know if you have noticed, but we got enough on our hands here. That's also an emergency.", commented Anakin. He was clearly displeased with what Ahsoka had told them.

"I see that the Jedi have become even more entangled in military affairs. There should be no concern for both of you to return back to the council, should it not?", said Jack back now and also analyzed the wellbeing of the remaining soldiers in the surrounding.

That got him a slight glare from Anakin.

"Who are you to judge us like that!?"

"Name's Jack." Jack glanced over at Obi-Wan. "From what was taught to me until now, I do not see the relevance of your concerns."

"Leaving so many soldiers to their death is also not an option. If we can help it we would like to at least keep the people safe we are responsible for.", said Obi-Wan now.

"That is a very noble cause. As a leader, that is. Anyway, there were no messages from you. That is why we both got sent to deliver this message personally.", mentioned Jack.

"Urgh, they don't even know that we are in trouble here.", lamented Anakin now after realizing what that implicated.

"Jack, could they not use the communications in your ship to establish a link to the mothership in space?"

All three looked at her and then the two Jedi looked at Jack who just nodded. "That is possible. It has the power for that."

But what awaited them after establishing communications, was that enemy ships have entered space and started to attack the mothership.

They could barely establish another link to the council and sent a request for help.

"Well, that is bad, isn't it?", sighed Jack.

"Looks like there is a need to introduce ourselves officially first.", said Obi-Wan and approached the two.

Ahsoka looked up to Obi-Wan and smiled. "I am the new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano."

"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi. Your new Master.", he replied.

"I am at your service, Master Kenobi. But I am afraid there is a misunderstanding. I was placed under the tutelage of Master Skywalker over there." Ahsoka pointed towards Anakin.

"Whoa, wait just a minute. No, no, no, no. There has to be a mistake here. He is the one that wanted a new Padawan." Anakin pointed back at Obi-Wan.

"No, Master Yoda was very clear about who is going to be taught by whom. Isn't that right, Jack?" Ahsoka was a little bit offended now that her new teacher was so vehemently denying her already.

"That is correct. He will also have one. That will be me." Jack interrupted them and answered Ahsoka's inquiry. All three looked over at him. "I am Jack Shea. I am the assigned Padawan for Master Kenobi. It is a pleasure, Master." Jack bowed lightly.

Anakin was actually out of words and just looked shokced to have a Padawan under him now.

Obi-Wan sighed seeing that. "We will have to clear this up later. We have to focus on the current predicament first."

Nah, just a normal landing :)

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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