

The ship slowly descended and landed smoothly on the landing platform. Shortly after the ramp opened up and Jack walked it down. His clothing consisted of a few casual wear that he ragged together and made them fit with various methods like cutting them up.

He looked like a little child from some orphanage with second-hand clothes. If you really had to think about it he didn't even know if his clothing were brand new anyway.

The attire consisted of a white t-shirt that one could still see the ripping line on at the bottom and brown pants that were cut at knee length. But in his current size, they were still going to a little bit further down. Almost like normal pants.

Walking to about half the ramp he squatted down, pushed the button that would close the ramp again, and jumped down the ramp in a hurry.

Heaving a sigh he looked around. The spaceport was bustling with activity and many ships started their flight as well as docked back on it. The various ships flying over even his head made it clear. Coruscant was really a massive city-planet. Much larger in size than Nar Shadda.

A human in a mechanic uniform with a helmet was approaching him.

"Kid, what are you doing there? Are your parents still inside?", he asked.

Jack just stared at him and took the holo pad that was in his hands.

"Ah, hey!" The guy was complaining and wanted to get it back.

Jack ignored him and wrote his signature on the datapad, swiped a card over the scanner that had credits on it, and threw the pad back at him. "Make sure my ship is being repaired and filled up."

The mechanic was looking at him with a surprised look and inspected the datapad. Everything seemed to be okay with the normal procedures. But looking closely the profile picture was that of a man and not of a kid.

Thinking about it a little he only shrugged. Rich kids nowadays were only up to no good. Since he resembled the profile picture the mechanic assumed it was his parent's ship and the money he wasted just now was also theirs.

"Alright." He confirmed the booking and swiped a card as well. Then he handed it to Jack. On it was the authorizations to use the landing spot and also basically his certificate that this ship was his. "Have a nice trip."

Jack took it and just went walking until he came to the bio-scanners. With a quick scan, the droid just flew away and Jack could go through without the guard standing at the side reacting. Since he was the same person it was no biggy with those security measures.

Coming out of the spaceport he was looking around and the sun was still up.

'Been a while since I felt the sun on my skin. It feels refreshing.' He was not exaggerating since the whole time they were either in space or in places that rather lacked that normal feel.

'Now then. Cab, cab...There.'

He walked over to a droid and requested transportation for himself. Using that vehicle he put as destination the Jedi temple.

After what seemed to be a travel of 2 hours he soon saw a massive building erected in a place that was rather kept simple. The structure looked like a ziggurat and reminded him of old pyramids from his own world. But pyramids were graves - how fitting.

Landing at the large circular platform in front of the temple he came down from the cab after paying up.

His feet slowly brought him along the large field of a walkway. Looking at the entrance he could see various large statues at each side standing around the building itself. They depicted hooded figures that were representing force sensitives.

Coming closer he came to the stairs that were leading up to the temple entrance. Looking up the building was even more breathtaking than before.

"What are you doing there, young one?", asked a voice.

He stopped looking upwards and looked at the person that was inquiring that question.

It was a person clad in robes with colors of deep brown. A smile was placed on the old face. The dark blond hair was slicked back.

"Ah, esteemed Jedi." Jack bowed lightly. "I was just admiring the temple. My purpose by being here is to test myself and wanting to join the order."

The person raised both brows and placed a hand at his chin. Then closing his eyes the man thought deeply until he opened up his eyes again.

"Yes, your connection to the Force is strong. I can feel that. But I am surprised. Never did anyone ever come here voluntarily to ask for such a request..." The man still looked at him.

Jack looked at him with a rather confused expression. He could not remember this person and therefore could not try and manipulate his decisions.

"Hmm, how old are you?", asked the man.

"I am 11, sir."

The man sighed now. "I am sorry, but your chances of being accepted are nearly nonexistent. I can feel your emotions. You are here searching for answers, solutions. The pain tells me something bad happened to you and that you can't accept that."

Jack frowned and was amazed by how well he could read him or actually how bad he hid his own emotions and how easy the Force told his feelings to others. In his mind, he willed his connection to the force to cut off temporarily.

"Hmm?" The man noticed that. "A shy one, are we? Did you just now close yourself from my probing? You certainly have talent." He looked worried out of a sudden and then looked back at the temple. "Fine, let's go and ask the council what we should do with you."

"Come, child."

"Yes, mister.", nodded Jack and slowly followed. He felt that this man had something in mind. 'Terra...It's only now coming to my mind now. But could the order imprison me if they think I could be a threat even without them training me?'

[That is possible...But I wonder what this master Jedi would do if you run away now.]


The men looked back at him and smiled again. "What is your name, child?"

"I am Jack Shea, sir.", answered Jack while climbing the many stairs.

"I am Jedi Master Cin Drallig. It is always a pleasure to meet young people like you. You remind me of someone that was once your age."

"And who is that? Is it because I am too old to be accepted or why do I remind you of someone?", asked Jack back now.

"Oh, you are sharp. Yes, we once had someone that was like you. Strong in the Force but a little bit too old...Maybe you are lucky and the council will accept and train you just as they did with him. But do open up. The others would otherwise think you are hiding something."

Jack frowned. "Yes..." And at that moment Cin Drallig could feel his presence in the Force again. A smile appeared on his face.

Not sure about this chap yet. But anyway.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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