
She is that girl (Edited)

Feng Junjie and the doctor took Feng Jianyu to the first floor through the lift, she remained in the living room.

Assistant Jun walked towards her, "Miss Xiu Mei, may I please take a minute of yours?"

"Sure," she gestured him towards the couch.

"I forgot to hand over the contract this morning. Here are the original contract and a copy. You can take time to read it thoroughly," Assistant Jun said while handing over the contract.

"No, it's fine! I know Mr. Feng will never betray me....pen please?" Xiu Mei said while running her eyes through the contract.

She signed the contract and handed over to the Assistant who in turn gave her a copy. She took it and kept it inside the table drawer.

In the meanwhile, Feng Junjie and the doctor took Feng Jianyu inside the room and settled him on the bed. Feng Junjie covered him with the blanket.

"You go outside….let me examine him," Doctor asked Feng Junjie left the room,  "I'm heading downstairs," 

When Feng Junjie was heading downstairs he saw Xiu Mei signing the contract as Yang Jun gave her a copy.

'Hmmm? What type of contract? What is written on those papers?....' Feng Junjie pondered while rubbing his chin.

"Everything fine? Do you need any help?" Xiu Mei asked Feng Junjie when she saw him coming.

"Yes….no help…. He is sleeping." Junjie replied shortly.

As everyone settled down in the living room there was an awkward silence. Feng Junjie was not a quiet person and seeing such a silent atmosphere he felt like someone has squashed him and he could not breathe.

He was about to say something when Xiu Mei got up to bring tea for everyone. "I'll get tea,"

When she comes back the doctor was already sitting in the living room, telling something about Feng Jianyu's condition.

Seeing Xiu Mei, Assistant Jun and doctor got up.

"Sorry, but it's really late. We will take our leave." Assistant Jun along with the doctor left the villa.

Xiu Mei "..."

'Hey, I think you forgot someone!!' She alternated her gaze between Feng Junjie and the departing figure of Assistant Jun.

"I will be staying here for a few days to help big brother settle down comfortably," Looking at how confused she is, Feng Junjie gave her a mischievous smile.

Seeing that devilish smile Xiu Mei had a feeling of premonition. 'Monkey' She narrowed her eyes at him.

"I will prepare a guest room for you," She was about to leave when Feng Junjie stopped her.

"No need, I will share the room with brother," Feng Junjie waved his hand in the air.

Xiu Mei- "Are you sure?"

Feng Junjie – "100%"

'Ahhh...The beautiful hanging bed in the balcony accompanied by that beautiful view. I'm coming to take you...' he thought, feeling all excited.

"If you need any help with your luggage do it yourself. Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom are already off work and I don't want to wake them up in the middle of the night," She said, taking a stride towards her bedroom.

Feng Junjie "...."

"Good Night," He yelled from behind and then look towards the four big bags on the floor. Letting out a deep sigh, he started dragging them towards the lift.

Although born in rich family Feng Dingxiong has never spoiled his sons. They were told to do their work themselves.

After arranging the clothes in the cupboard, Feng Junjie bathed and went to the balcony to blow his hair naturally as he cannot use a hairdryer since the noise would disturb his brother's sleep. 

The view was spectacular, he was mesmerized by the beauty. He opened his arms and took a deep breath to feel the fresh air filled with a beautiful floral fragrance emitting in the air.

It was tranquil standing at the balcony. He looked towards the dream bed and smiled mischievously before jumping on it.

The next morning, in the kitchen, Aunt Mary was cooking breakfast and Butler Tom was watering the plants.

At 10:00 a.m. Xiu Mei came down from her room and looked around curiously but she did not find anyone there.

'Are they still sleeping,' she thought inwardly.

'I better go and check. Maybe they are waiting to be called out for breakfast…After all, this is how these rich people behave, Right?' Thinking she went towards Feng Jianyu's room.

'knock' 'Knock' 'Knock'

She knocked on the door but was unaware that inside the room a storm was brewing.

When Feng Jianyu woke up at a completely different place he failed to understand how did he come here. Looking at the luxurious room with his personal stuff kept at the table, he understood that it was not kidnapping.

"J-Junjie....." He called but Junjie was sleeping like a pig in his mini tent.

He tried to get up but winced when his wounds were pulled. Slowly propping himself against the headboard he looked around for his phone and found it lying on the side table. Stretching his hand he reached for it and called Feng Junjie.

The sound of ringtone came from the balcony but no one answered the call.

'This Junjie!!! What is he doing there?' Feng Jianyu gritted his teeth.

Disturbed by the continuous noise, Feng Junjie answered the phone without looking. "Disturbing my sleep? Who the hell is looking for death?" He snarled.

"Your brother,"

"Huh? What?" Feng Junjie panicked and instantly jumped from the bed, forgetting that it was a swing and fell down miserably.

He came rubbing his back and saw his elder brother sitting on the bed with a dark expression.

Feng Jianyu was looking like a god of death, ready for the day's first kill.

Feng Junjie gulped a mouthful of saliva. "B…Brother you woke up? Good Morning,"

For a whole 1 Minute, Feng Jianyu did not speak anything but keep on staring him as if any moment he would eat him up.

The temperature inside the room reached in minus but Feng Junjie was drenched in sweat.

That 1 minute was like an eternity for Feng Junjie, he could feel his legs getting soft. He knew it.... he should not have helped his father…Now his brother would definitely kill him.

"EXPLAIN," Feng Jianyu spoke, glaring daggers at his brother. Undoubtedly, if he was not injured, probably Feng Junjie would be dead by now or lying on the floor with multiple fractures.

Feng Junjie was on the verge of crying. 'Just one word? Not fair. God, please save my poor soul,' 

"Brother I-I didn't do anything, It was dad's setup." He did not take even a single minute and sold his father to save his own neck.

Feng Jianyu did not say anything but glued his gaze at Feng Junjie, making him gulp as he decided to tell everything.

"Not my idea… I saw photo… dad saw photo.…Dad searched…approached….contract…drugged… chopper….recuperate….no single…found love….thank later….do... don't kill me brother," Feeling frightened he cowered in the corner and said something hurriedly which was gibberish for Feng Jianyu.

Feng Jianyu "….."

'What language is he using?'

"Speak Chinese," Feng Jianyu growled again. "Ahhh..." Feeling pain he winced when he tried to get up.

"Brother? Don't strain yourself," Junjie ran in concern. Holding Jianyu's shoulder he helped him sit against the headboard and placed a pillow behind his back for extra support.

'Knock' 'knock' Knock'

At this moment Xiu Mei knocked on the door.

Making his brother comfortable Feng Junjie straightened his clothes and went to open the door.

Seeing Xiu Mei's beautiful face he felt as if a fairy had come to save him from Jianyu's wrath.

"Good Morning," Xiu Mei wished with a smile.

"Morning," Feng Junjie wished, peeking his head through the door.

"Breakfast is ready….should I ask Uncle Tom to arrange it here or you and the first master would  have it at the dining table?" Feeling something odd she stepped back and asked cautiously. 

"Why don't you ask this to my brother yourself? Whatever he decides, we'll do it." Capturing the opportunity to introduce her to his brother Junjie invited her into the room.

Xiu Mei was not having a good feeling about this. She felt like being invited inside the tiger's den from where she won't be able to come out alive.

With the information available on the internet, she concluded only one word for Feng Jianyu..... 'MONSTER'.

Taking a deep breath she stepped inside the bedroom and saw a man sitting on the bed with his eyes closed while his head was rested against the headboard. He had covered his forehead with the back of his forearm.

"Miss Xiu Mei, he is my big brother Feng Jianyu….. And brother she is Miss Xiu Mei, the owner of this villa." Feng Junjie introduced them, feeling ecstatic.

"Good morning CEO Feng! How are you feeling?" She initiated the conversation and Feng Jianyu removed his hand from his head and looked towards the girl Feng Junjie had introduced.

Feng Jianyu frowned and squinted his eyes at her. 'I have seen her before. Her face is familiar....'


Something flashed in Feng Jianyu's mind, he was stunned beyond belief that she is that girl.

'She? She is that girl? She is here? What is she doing here? ' Feng Jianyu was totally surprised seeing her standing in front of him.

Hi friends,

I know I said that I will give only 1 chapter today but since I already wrote it I thought its better to share it with you.

I was dying to introduce male lead into the story and finally, he is here now.

Edit- Vamsik336

dream_ashcreators' thoughts
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