
Chunin exam End of Part 2 arrival in Sunagakure

E: Dark_Spider

"The Eagle King is tired and he wants to return home. " after passing the river county and arriving a few Kilometres into "The Wind Nation." Izumi informs the rest of her teammates with a serious face.

"Come on we are only a few dozen miles away from our destination can't he insure a few more hours more." Hana asks with a lazy tone as she felt extremely comfortable from the cool breeze around her as The Eagle King flew through the clouds 'This is the life without putting many efforts I am going to pass the 2nd part of the exam and the soft and smooth wings ahh~ this is the haven.'

"Izumi-san please a few more hours more and we will be…" Kazuna who has fallen asleep from the comfort of the long journey said with a lazy tone without any indication of getting up or agree to Izumi's request.

"Hey he is flying for almost half a hay and you two are still asking for him to do more, can you be more shameless than this?" asks Izumi in annoyance, and when she heard Kazuna snoozing which makes her so angry that she says "And you are even sleeping when we are in the middle of the exam.

That's it."



Getting enough of her teammate's laziness Izumi signals the Eagle King to and on the ground and the moment it is a safe distance from the ground she undid the summoning causing the Eagle King to vanish and the rest of her team falls on the burning sand with their face turned towards the sand.

"How can you be so merciless enough to unsummon The Eagle King so suddenly Izumi?

You are so merciless? " said Hana in resentment looking at her best friend and the girl she thought of as her sister all this time.

"I have misjudged you and I truly regret my decision, Izumi." said Kazuna with a thoughtful face as he stares at Izumi as if she is the biggest sinner on the planet and she needs to summon The Eagle King so he can sleep a more and neglect the journey.

"Can you be more shameless than this?" without caring for their acting Izumi punched them on the head and feeling the pain all the arrogance in the both of them vanished before they apologize in pain.

"I am sorry." 2x

"Why are you sorry for?" asks Izumi after looking at them with her Sharingan actived.

"We said we will find the scroll and you only needed to take care of the Genjutsu but we were making you do everything." said Hana with an apologetic face.

"And?" turning to Kazuna Izumi asks with a serious face as she is satisfied with Hana's apology.

"Yes it was all Hana's idea and I am innocent." Kazuna said with a serious face earning punch from both Hana and Izumi and finally admits he is also to be blamed much as Hana and instead of using The Eagle King they should have been running on their own.

"Good now that we are clear about the situation let's hurry to Sunagakure." Izumi said as the 3 of them started running towards the Sunagakure as Hana's ninkens followed behind them.

After entering The Land Of Wind there weren't many obstacles except the heat coming from the burning sand or the Sun and the hot wind that will constantly touch them however as Shinobies they had no other choice but to endure the environmental changes even if it is inconvenient for them.

Even if the desert environment is harsh for them however they didn't feel that troubled for it when they were prepared for the harsh environment from the moment they left the village.

"Be careful there is an ambush up ahead. " says Hana with a serious face when she smells a few different scents coming in their direction from ahead of them and when the distance from the spot if the scene is also not that far so when you can't see the people you are looking for must be ther for ambushing you.

"It's just a small desert bandit group." said Kazuna with an indifferent face because he had discovered the ambush a long time ago and the strongest chakra signature is only comparable to an Academy civilian student, so he doesn't care about the ambush.

"Let's just pretend we hadn't discovered them and leave them using The Body Flicker Jutsu because I am not interested in fighting a stupid fight with them," whispered Izumi with a serious face.

After nodding at her Kazuna and Hana together with her ninken's moves past the desert bandits before they can even understand just to be left confused to there the kids vanish all of a sudden but soon someone suggested they might have imagined the group of kids and 3 dogs because of heat.

After passing the desert bandits without caring for the ambush Kazuna, Hana, and Izumi didn't stop using The Body Flicker Jutsu as they want to arrive at their destination as soon as possible so they can take a rest and if possible they also want to play and do shopping in the foreign village, so with rushing it only took half a day of a journey for them to arrive a few Kilometres away from where Sunagakure should be located.

"Is this Sunagakure?" asks Izumi in surprise when she saw a huge mountain in the distance instead of a village wall which she has expected.

"From the details of the map, this is the location for Sunagakure." said Hana with a surprised face.

"This is not the same village as ours so I think the way of settlement of the two different villages is not the same." said Kazuna with a thoughtful face.

"Even so the village is so different than ours." said Hana shaking her head.

"Is the village located in the mountain." said Izumi with a nod.

"Let's get closer and we will get all our answers." said Kazuna as they started running closer and finally discovered a small gap in the mountain where a Sunagakure is guarding.

"Are you here for the Chunin exam?" looking at the 3 Genin asks the Sunagakure Shinobi with a friendly smile.

"We are the Team Shikaku, here is our token," said Kazuna handing the exam token to the Sunagakure shinobi.

"You guys have arrived faster than we have calculated anyhow wait for a while and I will send a signal so the examiner for the 2nd part can come to inspect your team. " said Sunagakure shinobi with a nod before making a few hand sign and calling a desert cat which ran in through the crack like a path of the mountain after getting there instruction.

"If it isn't Shikaku's team?" came a serious of laughter a few moments after the cat went into the village and looking the direction Kazuna and others recognized him to be none other than the 2nd parts examiner and Sunagakure Jonin Baki himself  "To be honest I am truly surprised it is your team who has arrived fast among all the team and that is even less than two days.

Anyway did you manage to gather both of the scrolls?"

"If we cannot why would we be here?" asks Hana with a proud face before taking the heaven and Earth scroll from Kazuna's hand and shows it to Baki.

"Good now open the scrolls so we can be sure it's not some fake. " said Baki with a nod.

"If you say so. " Hana said with a nod before opening the scrolls.


There is something wrong with this book and I might stop posting this book.

I need to fix the problem before I start posting it again.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts
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