
Setting up Camp

"It is not a dream?" Lohan said nervously. He saw his words shattered Judy. She was looking at the glowing ground when he took her hand and asked for forgiveness. "I'm truly sorry I hurt your feelings. It's just that I deeply admire you and I know I shouldn't." Lohan said regretfully. "It should not be a law to hate someone who truly love." Judy replied. "Do you love me as well?" Lohan asked hopeful. "Of course I do. I have thought about you and dreamed about you since I first saw you when we were kids." Judy replied. Lohan was beyond happy hearing this. He dreamed Judy would be his one day. He didn't know Destiny and Marcus was behind him but even if he did that wouldn't stop him from kissing his true love. That kiss was the most magical kiss Judy ever experienced. It was not her first kiss but it was her favorite kiss. She wished so much she didn't have to please her parents and get with loser werewolves with egotistical ways. She absolutely loved her humble elf Lohan. It seemed that the magical brightness was getting less bright and Marcus chimed in that they should set up camp until they knew where they were. Lohan agreed and was joyous to know Judy and himself wasn't alone. Who knows what he was capable of doing alone with her. Destiny began to speak," Yes there is all kinds of trees for shade and water to drink. I'm sure we can find something to eat if we look earnestly in the morning." She hoped they were somewhere Marcus Harper could easily take them back home. She didn't know if the water was drinkable or the food edible but was determined to not die there. The two couples found a good place to set up camp. Marcus and Lohan gathered sticks and stones and anything they could use to make a shelter and fire. Destiny and Judy looked earnestly for any kind of food or container to hold water. They didn't want to venture to far. Marcus could easily find them but they didn't know what kind of creatures were there. It was magical but still scary. Finally Marcus and Lohan arrived and finished setting up camp just as the sun was setting.

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