
Ch. 1

"Bye Mom! Love you!" We said after each of us kissed her forehead as the chimes strummed opening the door as we were on our way to school. We always say that before going out. Though Cherry, my sister, always says not to say "Bye" because it might depict a bad event like...

"Le! Hurry!" Cherry said that cut my thoughts as we were walking down the streets on the way to the bus terminal. Leon, my little brother, is someone I don't really like so much. I understand that he's the youngest of us 3 but then I become the butler of the house. Whenever he creates a mess, my sister gets called to clean it but she passes it to me. Like really, always.

I like my life, even though I'm being the real life "Cinderella" but it's okay. I kinda enjoy it especially because after Mom sees me doing the chores she yells at Cherry. Then I just laugh a bit then I always say "It's okay.". I feel like doing these stuff can help me in the future, at least that's what Mom says to me. But I believe her. The only thing is, I'm really shy.

I barely talk outside the house, wherever that may be, except school. And inside the house, too, actually. I just do what I'm supposed to do then I go back to the room and write in my journals and stay there until someone's calls me again.

As we walked, they were in front of me, talking with each other and I'm behind, alone. I actually like it. Even though it's always been like that with the three of us. Mostly because I'm alone with my thoughts and I get to look at the beautiful flowers in the neighborhood.

We actually live near the mountains. Everyday, when I wake up I like to go out to the porch to feel the cold breeze and sit with my dog that always stays there. I don't know what breed it is. All we know is that one day, a dog went in our living room and it just sat there. That time, we actually had a dog but we didn't know that the two of them would do "it" and voila, our white, plain, large, loving dog.

Anyways, we're almost there. Just a couple of minutes left. Around 3 or 5. It's actually a 10 minute walk before we get there and a 30 minute ride to school. But if we catch traffic, the travel time can reach 45.

Mom usually drives us to school, she's a really good driver. I think she has around 10 years of experience or so. We also have our own car. Its actually really big. She's good with big cars that's why whenever our whole family goes out on a trip or swimming on the beach or something, she's the go-to driver.

But nowadays, she's really been busy at home doing all the chores so she doesn't have the time to drive us but if we end up late, she'll drive us anyways.

"Faster!" Cherry said as we arrived at the terminal. I'm a bit excited but also scared. It's my first day in 7th Grade. I don't know how this will be for me. Some say there are going to be a bunch of new students but all I know is that there's only going to be like 1 or 2 added to our previous 18.

"Le, you go first." Cherry said then after he went in, Cherry followed and I, too. I'm excited actually. No... I'm scared... I don't know. I looked at the two of them talking. Then I tapped Cherry's shoulder. "Che, Are you excited?" I said as we sat down. "I don't know. Only time will tell how I will feel there." She replied then I thought about it. "Only time will tell." I said. Then the bus took off.

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