
Weeping Willow

Magna slowly followed behind Winter and Weiss as they walked through a large white hall, adorned with pictures of what seemed to be Winter and Weiss's ancestors.

Some pictures showed great feats of heroics, why others showed them in a more 'charitable' light. As he continued to follow behind them, the pictures no longer showed their ancestors as it showed a bunch of family photos of Winter, Weiss and some little baby.

In each and every photo, Magna noticed that no one ever had a smile on their face besides the baby. Weiss's father seemed distant in each photo as he always appeared at arms length from his family.

With Weiss, Magna couldn't help but frown as her face slowly lost it's smile with each picture. Winter's change was drastic as she went from smiling in one photo to a blank stare while standing as straight as a rod.

However, the worst one of all was the woman behind them. Even in the pictures, Magna could sense the intense sorrow from her eyes. She wore a strained smile in each photo as her eyes gazed at the camera with an empty gaze.

Magna couldn't hold his curiosity in as he tapped Weiss's arm and whispered, "Weiss, who's that woman standing behind you in those photos? Is that your mother?"

Weiss slowed down as she leaned towards Magna and replied, "Yes, that's my mother, Willow. Dad doesn't really like us talking about her for some reason. However, we are actually on our way to meet her."

Just as Magna was about to ask why she seemed so sad, Klein stopped infront of two large yet simply designed white doors as he loudly announced, "Winter and Weiss Schnee request to meet the madam. They have also brought along their friend, a mister Magna Opus. Son of Emily Opus and Joshua Grey."

'Huh? So dad's last name is Grey… meh, Opus is still better in my opinion.'

A soft voice that oozed grief and sorrow quietly muttered, "Come in…"

Klein's face was neutral as he slowly opened the door, revealing the beautiful woman that stood behind Winter and Weiss in the family photos.

Magna forcefully clenched his chest when he laid his eyes on her. Due to Magna's ability to sense emotions, he could sense the pain she was feeling. It actually got to the point where Magna started crying as he could feel her wanting to die yet not being able to.

The only other emotion inside her was the love she felt towards her two daughters as Magna managed to feel the happiness she emitted when she saw Winter and Weiss.

The two sisters were already sitting around Willow as they hugged and talked with each other. Magna decided to just wait until they call for him when he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

Before he turned to see who was grabbing him, he heard Klein's voice as he said, "May we speak in a more… private place, Young man?"

Magna nodded and slowly followed Klein until they were a couple rooms away from the sisters and their mother.

Wondering what Klein wanted, Magna was just about to ask him when Klein suddenly bowed his head.

"Young man, I'm very thankful for everything you've done for Winter and Weiss. However, I have a single request for you."

Taken back, Magna was silent for a couple seconds before nodding. Klein let a small sigh of relief escape his mouth when he saw Magna accept as he continued to bow and said, "Please, help the madam regain her light. For years now, her smile has been lost due to the stress of being a noble lady."

"When she attended Beacon, she was a cheerfully and bright young lady. Now, she's been falling deeper into depression due to the harassment of other nobles."

Magna hesitated. He was silently for a bit before saying, "Why me? Wouldn't it be better for her husband to try and help her?"

A long sigh escaped Klein's lips as he sadly said, "I've tried to get him to help her over the years but each time I ask, he would just brush it off and say he was busy. The only one who I can ask for help from is you."

"But why? I don't even know how to make someone happy? How am I supposed to help Willow?"

Suddenly, Klein burst into laughter as his eyes flashed and became bright yellow, "Don't underestimate yourself, young man. Thanks to you, Winter and Weiss are the happiest they've been in years, especially Winter. She may not show it, but she's been in so much pain over the years, having to uphold the name of her family. But when she came back from her training expedition, it was like she became an entirely different person. All I ask is that you try and get the madam to smile, even for a little bit."

Klein bowed his head 7 different times, each time, his eyes would change colour. Seeing the 7 different personalities of Klein sincerely bow and ask for his help touched Magna's heart.

Magna gave Klein a small nod as he smiled, "The Schnee family is lucky to have such a caring butler."

Klein wiggled his mustache and said, "Of course, without me they wouldn't even know how to open the door."

Both of them chuckled before walking back to the room. The moment they arrived, Magna was hastily pulled into the room by an overly excited Weiss as she dragged him to Willow's bedside and happily said, "Mother, Allow me to introduce you to Magna Opus. My… friend."

When she finished speaking, a blissful smile appeared on her face as a light blushed adorned her pale cheeks. Winter placed her hand over Magna's shoulder and smiled, "I invited Magna to this year's Gala."

Willow laid against the bed with a small smile on her face before pulling Winter and Weiss into a hug. When she finished, she turned towards Magna and softly said, "Hello young man, My name is Willow Schnee but you may call me Willow."

Her dainty hand slowly landed on his head as she gently ruffled his head. Magna almost melted under her hand as she was unexpectedly really good at petting. This caused Magna to feel a weird pain in his chest as he silently thought, 'Why would someone so caring be left alone to rot…'

Magna softly grasped Willow's hand, earning a rather surprising response as her pale face lit up with a light blush. Closing his eyes, Magna slowly scanned her body with his aura before becoming pale.

Her body was slowly shutting down. Her internal organs were extremely weak due to alcohol poisoning, her muscles were deteriorating due to lack of exercise and she had alot of hidden injuries in her body, probably due to her years of being a huntress.

Seeing his shoulders shake, Weiss couldn't help but feel worried as she asked, "Magna? Are you okay?"

Before he could answer, Willow gave Weiss a sad smile as she said, "Don't worry my little princess, Magna just used his aura and saw how sick my body is."

Both Winter and Weiss began to tear up as they silently hugged their mother. Seeing this, Magna softly sighed as he closed his eyes as he continued to hold her hand.

Willow, who was wholeheartedly embracing her children to bring them some form of comfort to them, suddenly felt a warm energy flow into her body. She released her children as she stared at Magna and said, "What're you doing Magna?"

Sweat appeared on his forehead as he smiled and replied, "I'm healing you."

Willow was about to stop him as she knew her body was too far gone to be healed. However, before she could stop him, she froze as her body started to feel light.

Winter stared at them with wide eyes as she quickly held Willow's hand before screaming, "How is this possible!?!"

Weiss was starting to feel antsy as she softly pulled her sister's combat pants and asked, "Winter! What's going on?"

Tears appeared in Winter's eyes as she shakily said, "Mother… is slowly becoming better." She turned towards Magna with a shocked expression as she asked, "How… are you healing her? We've had multiple different doctors and people with healing semblances look at her over the years but they always say the same thing, that she's too far gone to be healed."

Magna just scoffed at those people as he said, "Too far gone? Please! She might be too far gone for normal means but I'm not exactly normal."

His face was covered in sweat as he passed the halfway mark as his aura capacity. He was focusing on her liver and legs first because those were the most damaged.

When at least 90% was used, Magna finally stopped as he fell back. He panted hard as he tiredly said, "Willow… why don't you… try and stand up…"

Willow knew her body best, so when she felt how it was now, she couldn't help but tremble as she slowly removed the covers.

When the covers were gone, he saw the she was wearing a white nightgown that was slightly see-through. Magna turned away and blushed when he saw her body while Willow couldn't help but chuckle at him as she pinched his cheeks gently and softly cooed, "Awww… your such a little cutie."

Magna was stunned for a second before frowning as he softly said, "I'm not cute…"

Willow softly chuckled as she continued to pat him, earning a small smile from the young boy as he tried his hardest to be manly instead of cute.

When Willow stopped patting him, Magna was abruptly tackled to the floor by a pair of crying sisters. Winter was violently crying and shaking as she hugged him close to her chest and repeated muttered to him in a soft voice, "Thank you…"

Weiss had tears and snot on her face as she hugged him with as much force as her tiny arms could manage. She knew that her mother wasn't going to be around for long. She acted ignorant to stop others from worrying but she was much smarter than she let on. Weiss had once overheard the doctors that take care of Willow speak about her drinking problem as well as her slowly decaying body.

She had almost lost hope, fearing that she would soon lose her mother. However, then a miracle happened. Magna, the boy she met when she was hanging around her sister, managed to do what others would consider impossible.

Willow's aura has been gone for years. Something happened years ago that caused Willow's heart to break, leaving behind a husk with no aura, meaning she lost the ability to heal herself from injuries or to protect herself from damage.

Yet Magna somehow managed to heal her body with his aura. Many huntsmen have tried before him yet they all came up empty handed but somehow, he was the only one that managed to succeed.

As all these thoughts swirled in her mind, Weiss blushed as she lowered her head into his chest as she quietly listened to his beating heart. Feeling the warmth and listening to the soothing beat of his heart, Weiss slowly fell asleep in his arms as she latched onto him.

Willow, was of course watching them from the start. She gained a small bit of life in her empty eyes as a mischievous smile appeared on her face. Taking a deep breath, Willow shakily tried to leave her bed.

Winter was about to stop her when her mother raised her hand with a determined smile. Slowly, she made her way out of her bed, one leg at a time. Taking another deep breath, Willow pushed off the bed as she shakily stood up.

Once she finally had her balance, she didn't even notice the tears that poured from her eyes as she slowly walked towards Magna and wrapped him up in a heavy embrace.

To say he was embarrassed was an understatement. She was quite a 'big' woman and she smelt very sweet, like grapes. Not to mention that her current clothing was a tiny bit see-through.

Suddenly, Magna felt himself and Weiss being lifted off the ground as she carried the pair in her arms. She seemed fine, which was odd because Magna didn't focus on her arms when he was healing her. He smiled as it seemed that he underestimated his healing prowess.

Winter looked at the pair in jealousy but she knew she was much too heavy for her recovering mother to carry. She started feeling sour when Willow lowered herself to Winter's face and gave her a bunch of kisses. After a couple kisses, Winter finally calmed down as she held her mother's nightgown.

Magna was watching on in curiosity. He was wondering why she was holding him as well as what they were doing. Suddenly, Willow walked to the door as she said, "Klein, open the door please."

There was a loud crash from behind the door as they practically flew open, revealing a panicking Klein. His eyes kept changing as he panicked, "Miss Schnee!!! What are you doing out of bed!?! Please, return to bed!!!"

Willow just softly smiled as she happily said, "It's good to see you too, Klein. You don't have to be so worried, Magna healed me. If you don't believe me, come and check for yourself."

Klein's eyes returned to normal as he quickly walked towards them. He softly muttered, "Excuse me…" as he grabbed Willow's arm and slowly activated his aura.

After a couple minutes, he let go with a look of pure shock plastered across his face. Suddenly, he collapsed to the ground as he cried, "Finally!!! T-the madam is healthy enough to walk!!! I must inform the master!!!"

Before he could sprint off, Willow grabbed his arm and said, "Please don't tell him yet. I wished to walk around the house with the children for a bit. Would you kindly have the chefs prepare some sweets? Also, some of your famous hot chocolate, if you would."

Klein slowly stood up and wiped the tears from his face, revealing a wide smile as he bowed and said, "Your wish is my command, Miss Schnee."

"Please Klein. We're amongst "family", just call me Willow."

Picking up on the subtle hint she dropped as she eyed Magna and Weiss, Klein gave a hearty laugh as he said, "Yes, yes. We're amongst "family". I'll have the chefs prepare everything. I'll prepare the hot chocolate now."

Before anyone could react, Klein burst off down the hallway as he laughed like a child on Christmas.

For ten minutes, Willow walked around the house with three children in tow. Weiss continued to sleep while she hugged Magna's arm while Magna was listening to Willow as she told a bunch of stories. Winter was latched onto Willow's nightgown as she simply smiled while occasionally staring at Magna in a daze as her face slowly became red.

Willow, being the super mum she is, saw her getting lost while looking at Magna and smiled. It's been a while since she's seen Winter act her age. Having to uphold the Schnee name has been a heavy burden for her to bare, so heavy that she was slowly losing the joy of being a child.

Now, however, she finally allowed herself to relax as she started acting her age. When she first came back from her training expedition, she was actually smiling more often than not and she was almost always hanging around Weiss, supporting her sister as she was going through some harsh treatment from her father.

Thinking about her workaholic husband, Willow sighed. However, when she saw the bundles of joy around her, all thoughts of her husband disappeared as she acted like a child and frolicked down the hallway, playing games with Magna and Winter as they walked.

After they were finished playing, Klein appeared as he carried a tray holding 4 large cups with stream coming from them. Magna couldn't help but move towards him as a heavenly smell pulled him towards the hot chocolate.

As Magna crawled out from Willow's arms, Weiss's eyes slowly opened as she sleepily muttered, "Where's my big teddy bear?"

Willow giggled as she softly whispered something in Weiss ear. Weiss became red as she hastily jumped out her mother's arms.

When Magna reached Klein, the smile on Klein's face became just like Taiyang's sunny smile as he handed Magna a cup of hot chocolate and said, "Thank you Magna. This means more to this family than you can ever understand. I owe you for this one young man."

Magna frowned as he said, "I didn't do it so I would be owed something. I just couldn't stand seeing my friends looking so sad, even if they hid that sadness behind a mask."

"If they were hiding their emotions, then how were you able to see that they were hurting?" Said Klein as he watched Willow and her daughters argue about something.

A smile appeared on Magna's face as he said, "My semblance. I can sense emotions… amongst other things. Even if they showed nothing but a smile, I'll be able to 'feel' what they feel."

Klein became wide-eyed for a second before returning to normal. His eyes flickered before becoming pink as he bashfully said, "C-Can you s-sense what I'm feeling?"

Magna rolled his eyes as he took a long sip for his hot chocolate, muttering a soft, "Oh my Oum…" Before turning towards Klein and saying, "Your feeling grateful towards me for healing Willow. Even if you change your personality, your feelings won't change. After all, they may be different personalities but they're all the same person."

His answer shocked Klein as he felt something inside him click.


(Flashback - Klein, age: 17)

It's been a couple weeks since Beacon started back up yet a single boy couldn't fit in. His semblance gave him multiple different personalities but that was it. Due to him always changing at the drop of a dime, no one wanted to be his friend, even his team and his partner were disgusted to work with him, calling him a freak.

As the young boy sat in the courtyard and cried, a beautiful maiden of white and blue approached. Contrary to her cold looks, the woman was an exceedingly warm and bubbly person.

She sat down as he poured all his grief onto her, a stranger. She offered her shoulder as he cried and wailed. When he finally finished venting, the boy couldn't help but ask why she helped him.

With a sunny smile that could melt the coldest of hearts, the maiden happily said, "While your semblance gives you multiple personalities, they all come together to form one person. Don't think of them as being different people, think of them as being yourself and I think you'll be just fine."

The maiden slowly walked away, leaving the once sad but now changed young man. It was a challenge for him at first but eventually, the young man managed to finally live a happy school life with his new friends and the maiden of white and blue, Willow Schnee.


After remembering a memory he thought he had long forgotten, Klein couldn't help but cry silently as he vowed to help and protect this boy.

Before Magna could ask what happened, Klein gave him a gentle hug before giving him the rest of the hot chocolate.

"Magna, please do me a favour and hand the hot chocolate to the rowdy mother and her daughters. I'm a little behind on the chores so I need to run."

Magna could only nod as Klein was already gone when he finished speaking, his eyes glowing a bright yellow as he smiled happily, just like her smile on the day that they met.

This chapter might be... a little bit longer than usual...


Nexusprime117creators' thoughts
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