
The Principal

Magna slowly followed behind Taiyang as he led them through the school. While walking, Magna could help but stare as the school and it's students stunned him.

The classrooms were huge and the students were all fit. Some of the older students he passed had sharp gazes, giving him the feeling of people that experienced battle while the younger ones gave off a battle-hungry feel.

Yang had disappeared the moment they crossed the gate but along the way, they passed her class and saw her while she was sparring with someone. Her face had a wide smile and her eyes glowed red as she fought against another girl who, surprisingly, was able to trade blows with the powered up Yang.

As he was staring at Yang in a daze, Ruby's squeal of delight broke him out of it as he turned towards the red blur that sped forwards. Quickly following behind, Magna's jaw almost dropped to the floor as he stared at a huge forge.

The heat coming from the forge was intense but Ruby just ignored it as she excitedly said, "Oh my gosh! Look! It's a huge sword with thrusters attached to it! Kyaa! And there's a pair of boots with extendable knives on both the front and back!"

Ruby was literally about to become a human missile as she charged into the forge. However, she could only make it a couple meters before being caught by Taiyang as he sighed and said, "Ruby, what have I told you about running into the weapon forge?"

Tears gathered in her eyes as he gave Taiyang a sad puppy look and muttered, "But Dad…"

Taiyang's heart was apparently made of stone as he frowned and said, "Don't give me that look, little lady. You know it's too dangerous for you to go in there!"

Suddenly, Ruby started softly crying as she tried to get out from Taiyang's grasp. A tired sigh escaped Taiyang's lips as he softly laid her on the ground.

"Ruby I'm-" Before he could finish speaking, Ruby turned into a blur as she latched onto Magna, curling herself into his chest as she quietly sobbed.

Magna was stunned for a bit before wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug as he started comforting her. Argo and Luna moved next to Ruby and comforted her along with Magna while Emerald just stood to the side as she wasn't that good at comforting people.

Taiyang's sunny smile seemed to dim slightly as he turned to Magna and said, "Could you carry her around for me, Magna? She probably won't let me carry her for awhile."

Magna nodded as he quietly followed behind Taiyang with the girls surrounding him.

It took a couple minutes but they arrived at their destination as Taiyang said, "We're here. We'll go in and meet the principal and get your classes set up. She's a nice person but she's strict so try and be on your best behaviour."

Magna and the girls nodded as Taiyang opened the door. They walked through a couple hallways before finally coming to a room. Taiyang knocked on the door a couple times before a soft "Come in~" resounded from the other side.

As they walked inside, Magna couldn't help but stare as he saw one of the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

She had waist long jet black hair and amber gold eyes. A thin pair of black glasses rested softly against her face as she showed a light smile. She wore a black business suit that hugged her bombshell of a body tightly, showing off all of her curves.

She stared at Taiyang for a bit, then at Magna and the girls and said, "I'm guessing your here to register some new students, mister Xiao Long?"

Taiyang nodded as he rubbed the back of his head and said, "Yeah. My friends recently came to town and they wanted there son and adopted daughters to attend school."

He then proceeded to introduce each of them before asking, "So, what do you think? Is it possible?"

The principal nodded with a smile as she politely said, "It's easily possible, mister Xiao Long. I just need to record their semblances down so we can put them into the right class."

Magna stared at her in confusion as he politely asked, "Why do you need to record our semblances, miss principal?"

The principal smiled as she said, "What a cute boy. Well, to answer your question. We separate our classes by specialty. For example, one of the classes we have here is the attack class, where the students with semblances fit for combat are trained. If I'm not wrong, mister Xiao Long's eldest daughter is in that class."

"Other classes that we have include, defense class, for those whose semblance focus towards defending, support class, for those whose semblance aid others during battle and finally, scout class, for those whose semblance lean more towards stealth."

Magna was stunned. He never heard of this type of classification before. The anime and the wiki never mention this.

'This must be something unique to this world, considering its reality and not the show' Thought Magna.

It took about 30 minutes for all the girls to go through their introductions because not only did they have to introduce themselves, they had to describe and display their semblance.

Of course, the one that stunned Magna the most was Emerald as she actually came clean about her semblance as she created an illusion of Magna hugging her, not the least bit embarrassed by the display or bothered by the roaring glares coming from Argo, Luna and surprisingly, Ruby.

Now, it was Magna's turned.

"Magna Opus, age 8. My semblance is Skill Creation."


The principal was so stunned she dropped her pen. She wasn't even this bothered when Emerald showed her semblance. She reigned herself in as she tidied herself up, picked her pen off the floor and shakily said, "I-Is there anyway you can prove what you said?"

Nodding, Magna said, "I just created this skill about a week ago. If you need proof of me using another type of semblance before, Qrow Branwen can vouch for me."

With a wide smirk, Magna yelled, "GOING GHOST!"

The transformation was almost instant as the teal rings rapidly appeared and sped across his body. Magna, now with snowy white hair and glowing green eyes, slowly lifted off the ground before flying through the desk infront of him, stopping just infront of the principal as he said, "I call this 'Ghost Mode'. While I'm like this, I can fly, become intangible and turn invisible. There are a couple other powers I can use but I'm still working on them."

The principal stood dazed for a couple seconds before blooming into a beautiful smile. Magna detransformed, only to be grabbed by the shoulders as the principal said, "Magna, I'd like to put you in the scout class."

Honestly, Magna couldn't find fault with her decision. With the ability of invisibility, intangibility and flight, It'd be a joke for him to be anywhere but the scout class.

However, before he could answer, the principal adopted a serious look as she said, "There's a couple thing you need to know if your going to be joining the scout class. Currently, there are no students in this class as most people eligible are those with speed-type semblances and they all chose the attack class."

Magna frowned for a second before changing back to a neutral expression.

The principal sighed in relief when she saw that he was still listening, meaning there was still a chance of him attending the scout class.

"Lastly, there is no instructor for the scout class so you'll be personally instructed by me. And before you start complaining, just know that I'm a formidable huntress with the ability to walk through shadows."

As she finished speaking, Magna fell into thought for a couple minutes before breaking into a huge smile.

"When do we start, miss..?"

"Amber… Amber Noct."

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