

'I lost my job and not sure even what I did.' Beth packed he bags and boxed up her things.

A small tear rolled down her check. She had spent most of the money she got for an advance on her pay.

She would call Jack in the morning to see if she needed to pay any of it back or if she still had some coming to her.

She was not sure were to go from here. She could not go to her mother apartment she knew this. Maybe Jack knew of another job she could have that would allow her to get a small place to live.

She could stay in a shelter till she saved up. She could also stay with Sky.

She did not sleep at all. In the Morning she got up got dressed got AJ ready.

Alex and AJ went to work together as she called Jack.

"Hello,I was just wondering if the advance you gave me covered what I worked so far or do I need to pay some money back." she said.

"What are you talking about Beth?"Jack was puzzled.

Beth took a breath, "I was fired last night. I am all packed, I just needed to know about the money. I was also wondering if you might know of other job I might be able to apply for.?"

"I see", He could not believe his friend. He had thought he was just blowing off steam last night when he called because he could tell he really liked this girl."No need to pay anything back, in fact we will owe you some money. I do have a job if you are interested in it. How would you like to be a house manger. Comes with room and board. Monday, Wednesday nights off unless there is a dinner party, then your days would be switched. You would be in charge of a cook and a maid."

"Ok, I have never done that before but I would like to try." Beth said.

"Great Pick you up in hour, will you be ready?" he said.

"I am ready now, I will be waiting." Beth hung up the phone and talked with the Alex's house manger about his duties and what to expect.

When Jack arrived he help carry her things to the car and off to Jack's place they went.

"I did not know that I would be going to your place." she said.

"Yes, I have been looking to get a house manger now for a few months.You impressed me with your work this past week, so I said to myself why not." he smiled at her.

Mr Poe had asked for his help on his wife plans on making his best friend jealous. If she left, then the plan would not work.

Meanwhile back at Poe Industries ...

"NO...NO...NO!!!" AJ was yelling and throwing things about the room. When he was told that Beth was gone and a new agency was sending over a new nanny all hell broke lose.

"AJ stop it now this is not how a CEO behaves ." His father was trying to calm him down.

"If I was a CEO then that mean only I could fire her so get her back." he threw a book at his dad.

" I was the one paying her son, so I have every right to let her go." Alex did not know what to do if he did not get him to calm down then this agency would be gone too.

He picked up his son and placed his hand on his back side and pop...pop...pop. Three swatts on the butt.

AJ stopped looked at his dad and walked away sat in his chair and cried to him self. His dad had never hit him before.

"You will behave when the new nanny gets here understand." Alex felt bad for what he did but the law needed to come down. His son would not act this way.

When the new nanny came she was an older woman. AJ did not even look up just kept his head on his desk.

When work was done he took his son home. He would not need a full time nanny he desided to take care of his son on his own.

AJ did not speak the rest of the day or that night. The next Morning was the same. Not one word came out of his mouth.

Alex tried everything. Questions after questions with not on word. AJ did as he was told ate his breakfast, brushed his teeth.

He was heartbroken over what his dad did. It was not the spanking, he got it, it was losing the person he wanted the most. His Mom.


Beth missed her little ceo. Her job at Jack's was easy, not much really needed to be done. She had a lot of time to read. She had just started a new book when her phone went of, "Hi Jack, want do you need?" she asked.

"Can you bring me a file. I left it on my desk. It is labeled Ti-nex. I need it in the next hour." he asked. He really did not need it but needed her down here at the office.

She walked in his home office and found the file. "I got it, I will be right there."

She called so the door man could get her a cab right way and went straight to th Poe building. She checked in with the frount guard. She then headed up to Jack's office.

As she stepped off the elevator AJ seen her and went flying into her arm. Still not say anything. "Hello AJ how is work going?"

The Nanny took AJ out of her arms and said, "Ms please leave the boy alone." and dragged him back to his office.

Beth heart broke again. She walked down the hall looking back at AJ room wondering what was happening. Things just did not seem right.

She reached Jack's door and knocked. Then went in. Jack and Alex were sitting at the table looking over forms. "Here is the file you wanted Jack. Anything else you need."

"Thanks, Darling. I don't know what I would do with you around. How about you wait a few minutes and we can go have some lunch." Jack got up took the file and placed a kiss on her cheek.

What was going on. All she could say was "ok"

"Well if we are done here Alex, I would like to take this lovely lady to lunch."Jack said placing the file on his desk.

He could see the green eyed monster forming behind his friends eyed. This plan may work.

He took Beth's arm and then walked out of the office to the elevator for lunch. Beth still did not know what was happening. She had worked for Jack a week now and he showed no interest in her till now.

Alex went back to his office and picked up a golf ball and threw it at the wall. 'What the F$#k. When did Jack start seeing Elizabeth.'

He walked around his office. When had his life fallen apart?

It was the day that minx came into his life. What was that song on the radio... oh yah... She came in like a wrecking ball... That was what she was.

This past week he could not sleep. He kept having wet dreams about this woman.

His son was still not talking at all to anyone but his Nana.

He needed her back in his life and he knew it but how. He walked down the hall to his sons office and picked him up.

"You can leave for the day Ms Boris." he said.

Then he walked back to his office and stood his son on the desk so they were eye to eye. "Ok, you win. How do we get Beth back?" AJ smiled for the first time in a week and said. "Nana has a plan."

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