
The Impressive Schneider Family

The trip to Targu Mures was very pleasant. The whole Schneider family had never been there before, except Caspar, who went there three centuries ago with Lauriel. For Finland and her children, this was a new experience.

Lily became everyone's favorite during the trip. This baby was amazing. She rarely cried. As Dr. Muller said, she had everything provided, and her father never let her lack anything, so Lily had almost no reason to complain.

She was now almost three months old and had the same weight as a normal newborn baby, but her personality had started to show at a very young age. Lily was always relaxed, and she loved sleeping.

Her father did not feel inconvenienced at the slightest by bringing his little baby abroad for the first time. Everyone took turns to carry the cute bundle of joy while on the plane, but as usual, Lily preferred her father's lap than anyone else's.

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