
Is this really Aleksis...?

Ugh ... Alaric really loved his privacy, he is just as paranoid as my dad, Aleksis complained in her head.

She would not be able to find this mansion on her own, because last night when she came here on Alaric's motorbike, it was very dark and she could not pay attention to her surroundings. This afternoon, too, they came out in a special car with dark tinted windows.

They did not talk to each other along the way. Aleksis thought Alaric would have preferred if Aleksis didn't talk to him in front of his men, so she chose to be quiet and only stroked her dog's back.

She calculated that it would take them about 15 minutes to arrive at the Continental Hotel. Hmm, she should be able to investigate Alaric's mansion's location by checking the places within a 15-min drive radius from the hotel.

Or ... she could also ask for a tracker from Carl or Sascha. She would then leave the tracker in this car and trace its location later.

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