
The man of many faces

Year 2030, Planet Earth

The masked man.... that was they called him

he was the bogeyman of his world so as to speak, the person mothers with whose name mothers would scare their children with the silent monster who would kill without a second thought the person who would discard their very identify without a second thought a true monster that loves nothing and hates nothing, a broken man is what it would call itself he has discarded his identity so many times worn masks for so long that the masks had become his face.

It was not always like this once it had been Joshua Argentum, Male born in year 2008 raised in a broken home his parents forced into an aranged marriage had never gotten along they had loved him regardless for some time at least on the other hand his brother had hated him from the get go shunned him for just existing it had escalated due to several reasons until there was no one but him left in that home, that was in the past though nowadays it seemed like a dream, a dream seen through a kadelioscope...

After reminiscing a bit the masked man jumped down the hill it could finally rest... that was what it thought before it opened its eyes again it was in what looked like a hospital it checked it's body to make sure there were no wounds- Wait why where it's hands so small and pale it tried to find something to see it's reflection in there was a glass of water he changed the angle he was looking from such as it could see it's reflection a face of a child seemingly from Asian descent with some Caucasian features it tried to assess the situation while most would be really confused about suddenly waking up in a different body it was a master of not giving a fuck if there was something that could not be understood instead of wasting time thinking about how something clearly supernatural happened it decided to think about what to do next- suddenly without warning 8 years worth of memories crashed into his head apparently he was reborn as someone named Sasuke Uchiha the name seemed oddly familiar he tried to recall it's significance in his previous life but he came to a blank he needed to plan what he did next from what he had learned it was a militaristic world with superpowers?...


............... it seems he is no longer one of the big fishes but the fodder at least he had an advantage of being from a prestigious clan with a bloodline trait....the sharingan was it called? he could probably get a lot of help from the clan as he was the son of the clan leader... oh wait the clan was dead killed by the brother of this body snapped and killed his family and mentally tortured the kid by showing him how he killed his family multiple times using a time dilating illusion a sudden burst of hatred clouded his thoughts at the mention of the massacre before it was reigned in... interesting..... this body seemed to have enhanced emotions for some reason probably connected to the bloodline limit he put those thoughts aside and began to think of what to do obviously he needs to be the strongest both physically and politically he wants to be completely untouchable this life holds much more promise than the last one

he should also kill the body's brother... itachi was it? while the massacre smelled of conspiracy he didn't really care, killing itachi who massacred one of the founding clans would grant him a lot of political power the citizens would crown him a hero and that would grant him a bit of leeway so he couldn't killed off by a superior if he proved to be a nuisance because people are more likely to investigate a hero's death while they might be killed off how many can you kill? no one wanted to rule an empty kingdom so they would be found out of eventually and would suffer a huge blow to their reputation which might cause their downfall so unless you are an idiot one would not dare kill off someone thought as a hero unless there is no choice which would allow him a lot of space to grow

enough speculation he thought it was time to meet the hokage aka the 'elected' military dictator.


Yes I finally got time for the rewrite and as you can he see the plot is completely different because as I was reading through my old book i realised how stupid the plot was but then again I wrote it on a whim without any planning and was just writing as I went along

Fun Fact: Sasuke means help or assistance and therefore his role of Supporting Kage literally translates to SasuKage

Sasuke The SasuKage I don't why but I find this really funny

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