
Desired Protection, Insane Drama! (Little Violent Warning)

Waking up to a rough sound that barely sounds like a school bell just more annoying. As time progresses nothing really happened although I started to work out! Other than that nothing happened really just drama like Rosella breaking up with Damien pretty rough if you ask me... As I cruise through the hallway by just "walking" I get rammed into lockers as my shoulder is hurting I get punched right in the face. As my vision gets hazy I lose my sight to see this 1 mysterious person grinning as people crowd around as anger from this person slamming his body weight down to the ground. I yell from this terrible pain "GAHHH!" and agony from the suffering I am being put through. when I got up filled with anger clenching my fist I punch him in the eye "a guy" as my vision get better punching me making me go down leaning onto the locker. As Rosella standing there seeing all this standing like a bystander and for some reason she yells "Damien! Stop this." "Why did you do this?". He sighs with a moment of silence "That loser took you away from me!". She responds in a aggressive tone "He was only a friend and now you are only someone I used to know." that's all I remember cause only that time I remember I blacked out. And I remember waking up in Rosella's bed and coming up our lips accidentally collide and my tongue hurted so I stuck it out but at the wrong timing... And we both blushed and knowing me I kinda liked my first kiss but with a "Popular school girl".

Sorry, for the inconvenience it's been a while and I was sick then alot of things happened and yeah =v= I really am trying ok but it's kinda hard since my sister has come from Seattle and stuff... So yeah! I'm back and the series continues!


More WRITING! sadly for me


AND Alot of Romance!


mh_gamerd0creators' thoughts
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