
The City

On the other side of the Multiverse, the girls were doing a bit better

Unlike the boys, they had not split up and had landed together a few miles outside of Oraro


The crater they created was twice as big as the one Jack formed


Inside the hole, both of them were still conscious

They hadn't been de-aged at all, keeping their original appearance

"Kushina?" Konan called out from one side of the hole

"Yeah..?" She heard her counterpart groan from her left

"You alright?"

Her only response was another groan

Just because they were still conscious doesn't mean that they weren't injured

They both had a few broken ribs and a broken leg, causing them to be immobile for the time being

They laid there for a few hours until they were able to stand on two legs, and by then it ad turned to night causing them to search for a cave or clearing for the night

"You think the others are fine..?" Kushina asked, cutting the silence that had developed

Konan shrugged "I'm sure they're fine, but Jack must not be..."

Kushina only nodded, the silence returning full force

They ended up finding a cave nearby as well as a rabbit for dinner

"Hey Kushina?"


"Has your Chakra returned yet?"

The Uzumaki shook her head "No. I can still feel it, but it's like it's sealed off from my body or something"

"Yeah, same here.."

Their chakra had been feeling funky ever since they landed and a few hours ago it had completely been barred from them

The Night was silent and without interruption as they slept, and the dawn rose peacefully

The girls woke up at sunrise feeling completely rested and healed up

They were currently sitting around a small fire in the back of the cave

Kushina coughed "Alright, let's list off everything we know so far"

"The two of us were sucked into the Portal as it was created, causing us to crash land here.."

Konan nodded "Our chakra has been sealed off to us, but our body and knowledge hasn't been tempered with"

"Upon exploring the area, we found it to be severely undeveloped, with the only sign of civilization being the tower in the north"

They had climbed atop the highest tree in the area and had looked around via that vantage point

The area around them was purely a forest with a few cottages scattering the horizon. The only sign of a village or capital was the Dungeon of Oraro

"Let's wait until the fire dies and head towards the tower?" Konan suggested

Kushina nodded and they sat there until the fire died - another half an hour

When the final ember was extinguished, they gathered everything they had, which was only their emergency kunai scrolls and weapon pouches with their clothes

"Let's go, we should be able to make it there by Noon today if we hurry" Kushina told her partner

They hopped out of the cave and began to run in the direction of Oraro

Even though their Chakra was barred, they had trained themselves without it and were used to running without it

Though, they still took around 5 hours to reach their destination..

"Halt!" A guard shouted from the gate, causing the duo to brake

"Are you two returning or are you new?"

"We are new!" The Uzumaki replied

"Good, Head through the gates. Someone will guide you to our Guild! Welcome to Oraro and good luck in the dungeon!"

The two looked at each other with raised eyebrows before the gate opened

They immediately put their hoods tighter around their head and walked in

"You the new visitors?" A man questioned in front of them


"Right, well follow me..." He began walking towards the Customs office

On the way, the girls were interested in the city around them

'It looks fairly well developed...' Kushina thought

'Why is everyone in huge groups..?' Konan noticed that there was a pattern of five people in one group heading toward the giant tower in the middle of the city


"Alright" The duo were led into a large building on the east side of town. The inside was filled with tables and already drunk adventurers sharing tales of their journeys

"...I met a minotaur on the first floor this morning!"

"Psh! No you didn't!"

"Yes I did. The thing was nine feet tall and had a broad axe twice as big!"

Kushina and Konan looked at each other again with an interested twinkle in each of their eyes before they realized their guide was walking off

He led them into a back room with two couches and and table facing each other like a fabric and wood oreo

The man pointed towards the opposite couch as he sat down, telling them to do the same

"So, all we need is your name, age, and powerlevel, and we should be all clear " The man started off, pulling a clipboard out

The duo looked to each other again and nodded slightly

Kushina pulled her cloak down a bit, exposing her sharingan eyes

"Genjutsu : Sharingan"

The man went dull eyed for a second before he shook his head and smiled

"Ms. Uzumaki! What can I do for you today?"

Kushina smiled "I need a new ID for me and my friend. We lost it in the tower somehow..."

The man gave a large smile "Of course! Is that all for you today?"


They talked a bit more until the man went and got their identification, which was just a piece of rolled up paper

They left the building after that as two civilians of Oraro

"Let's go see what this Dungeon is all about, shall we?"

No clue what you actually have to do to get inside Oraro, but I'm gonna roll with this for now until someone corrects me

I'm going to Alternate chapters between the girls and the boys P.O.V. Tell me what you think of it

Faveryycreators' thoughts
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