
Side story - Greed

(Bandit POV)

Waking up early, all of us were in good mood.

We were waiting for boss to show up. We might even rob a merchant or two. Fresh suplies, new alcohol, who wouldn't get exited.

Our hideout was located on the outskirts of Mountain of Sacred Dragons. Well, it's just a old mountain name. Nobody actually saw a dragon there in past hundred of years, so it should be safe.

Since weak monsters won't go near it, it's a perfect place for us bandits.

As we were preparing our weapons, boss walked in and started speaking.

"Today, we are going to a place between the mountain and city of Mira." he stated.

It wasn't something new. We often changed places, so we won't get caught and we knew that area very well. Some of us were even from the villages around there.

"So boss, did ya found out who will be travelin' there?" Max asked the boss. Max was always someone who wanted as much information as he could, yet he would always be the first to charge. When it comes to battle, he was your typical musclehead after all.

"There should be a transport from Godnesse company passing through there" he answered Max's question.

Our boss had many connections. Most of the information was from local thugs while some of it was even from nobles. Thanks to that, we always got a tip about less protected transports ahead of time.

"So, easy stuff like always?" we laughed. Thanks to boss, all of us 12 were living better than in our villages. Now, we are like one big family.

"Don't laugh and finish your preparation first!" boss warned us. We naturally followed his instructions.

As the sun rose up, we departed from our hideout. Destination, the forest next to city of Hul!

While traveling, the usual scene of Mea being harrased by Abaol could be seen. Well, it's understandable since Mea is the only girl in our group. Last time, she did slap him so hard that he blacked out though. I wonder if Abaol is some kind of masochist...

We arrived at the outskirts of the forest near the city. Preparing for our ambush, we worked hard until we finished all the necessary work.

As we were preparing to have a small break, Mea whispered to me. She was our lookout.

"Hey, there are two girls walking towards here" she pointed out at two girls in the distance.

I never seen such a beauty. Even Mea is beautiful, but that woman was on whole different level. She was a silver haired beauty, that you could easly mistake for a princess. Next to her, kinda resembling her was a 10 year old girl. Few more years and she would probably capture hearts of other men, just like the beauty next to her. They were probably mother and daughter.

"What are they doing here? From the looks of it, they aren't peasants" Abaol butted in. He was always near Mea, so he also saw them.

Indeed, they weren't some kind of normal villagers. They were probably some kind of nobles that got lost in the forest. I had to make a decision.

"Tell the boss about them. We could get extra money if things go smoothly" I told Abaol to inform the boss. With a displeased expression, he left the our side to inform him. What's up with him today?

After two minutes, boss with the rest of the group arrived at our position.

"We are going to ambush them, get an extra money and have some fun with that silver haired beauty" boss stated while quietly laughing as we prepared for the ambush.

"Animals..." Mea muttered while following suit.

And then, the ambush happened. Our plan to surprise them failed.

What followed suit waa a nightmare. She wasn't some fragile noble girl, but a monster. Her strength could equal to that of a demon.

Taking all 13 of us alone, we got beaten up before we could even withdraw.

The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness, was her dark smile floating on that beautiful face.

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