
Monkey D. Garp & The New Bounty

Zoro sits on the Shipwreck Island of Water Seven is in very sad mood to see his broken Yubashiri. Paulie orders all Galley-La workers to help rebuilding the destroyed part of Water Seven and Franky Family in difficult to rebuild their house.

The reporters of Water Seven want to meet us, the saviour of their mayor Iceberg. The giants 'Oimo and Kashi' are helping the workers at the Shipyard Dock 1, they suggest Usopp to come with them if he like Elbaf.

Franky and Iceberg talk about the burned blueprint and making Water Seven as a ship. Franky Family contacts him to tell the stuff that he bought with 200 million berry has arrived by sea train. Kokoro, Chimney, Gonbe and Yokozuna visit us at Pirates' Temporary HQ.

She can understands that we slept for 2 days because we all are tired in mental. Kokoro and the others are very surprised by Luffy's eating while sleeping. Nami revives from the gloomy mood after knowing that her Bellemere's orange trees, the clothes and the furnitures are returned back by local people of Water Seven.

Chopper comes back from go shopping with Robin, he also reports to Sanji that he didn't take his eyes off of Robin. "Fufu, I won't go anywhere anymore." Robin smiled at interaction of Chopper and Sanji.

I have also already refined all Kairosekis or Seastones and merged them into all components of Immortal Sakura's to increase their durabilities. Franky comes to us, he immediately tells about the story of the strongest tree 'Adam' and the Making of 'Dream Ship' for us, Straw-Hats.

And at this time Vice Admiral Garp's Warship from the HQ comes to dock at Water Seven, all personels go to our place while all local people of Water Seven are worried about our situations. Garp comes to destroy the wall of the house, "You... Are the Straw Hats crew, aren't you? I brought someone I want Monkey D. Luffy to meet... Wake up, Luffy!!!" Garp punched the sleeping Luffy.

Luffy unconsciously uses Haki on his forehead, so Luffy feels little hurt. "Oh, you have already learned Haki?! Who is teaching you? That 'Red Hair' couldn't teach you because you were still small back then."

He is looking around and immediately focus on me because he feels a very powerful Haki aura that almost has the same power as him or Sengoku, I also sense Garp at Half-step of Tribulation Stage.

"Girl, do you teach Haki to Luffy and his crew? From your cloth style, do you come from Wano in 'New World' area?" Garp asked me. "Nice to meet you, Luffy's Grandpa or Monkey D. Garp. My name is Otsutsuki Sakura, a female ninja from similar Wano in 'New World' area. Yes, I teach them Haki and the essence of Rokushiki." I greeted and answered little lies to his questions with Wano's aristocratic gesture.

All people are surprised by my teaching of Haki and Rokushiki then my aristocracy background that come from New World area especially Garp himself, his staffs and the marine soldiers. "No wonder then, Luffy and his crew can use Haki and Rokushiki. Wait a minute... How come they learn all of them so fast in this short time?!!" Garp is surprised.

"That's the secret technique of my clans. Don't worry, there isn't side effect or negative effect from the technique. Because I am Luffy's nakama right now." Garp and the other marine soldiers are surprised again.

"Hahaha. Well, I will entrust Luffy to you, I feel relief because there is someone strong to keep watch on him. Okay, Luffy. There is someone wants to meet you". The events of Zoro defeats Helmeppo and Luffy defeats Coby are ended faster then in the original, only need 1 strike.

Garp is helping to fix the destroyed wall with the other marine soldiers while revealing Luffy's father name, 'Monkey D. Dragon'. Luffy is very confused about the scared expressions of everyone.

"There's a force that attempts to directly overthrow the 'World Government', the name is 'Revolutionary Army' and your father, 'Dragon' is the leader." Robin explained to Luffy. "Ack!! Maybe I shouldn't have said anything!!!! Never mind about what i just said." Garp apologized to us. We all except me are very annoyed by his doing.

The conversations between Luffy with Coby and Helmeppo are about Coby's dream, Coby's past interactions, the technology of ship & Kairoseki and the military scientist 'Vegapunk'. After talking about many things, Coby and Helmeppo have to go back to HQ. Garp also tells us that he won't capture us and will give the acceptable excuses to HQ.

We throw a party, Galley-La and Franky Family also come to attend the party including Franky and Iceberg. Robin and Aokiji talk about her life, Robin's harbor place and the answer for Saul's decision to let her live.

The Meeting of 'Red Hair' Shanks and 'Whitebeard" Edward Newgate are about to not let Ace meet 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach. Whitebeard doesn't care about the suggestion of Shanks and they begin to duel, Coincidently Ace meets Teach then they begin to fight at some island of Grand Line.

Franky got the help from Iceberg and Galley-La to make the 'Dream Ship', the news paper doesn't say anything about Franky Family but it writes some horrible things about us that declare war against World Government. "This means our bounties will rise again." Zoro is very happy about that.

We must wait for 5 days for the new ship is built, after the third day of waiting, the Log Pose has already pointed to the next island, Fisherman Island. Kokoro warns about the dangerous of 'Florian Triangle' because we will pass through there for reaching Fishman Island.

They also ask me that am I a princess, but I correct them that I am only the heiress and the last survivor of the hidden ninja clan at New World area.

Mozu and Kiwi come to us and have delivered good news about the complete of 'Dream Ship'. When we want to meet Franky and the others, "I have a favor to ask you. Did you see the wanted posters!? You have an outrageous bounty on your head, StrawHat-san!! The others too. You all got a bounty on your head!!" Franky Family rushed to, asked, and showed us the Bounty Posters.

"'Straw Hat' Monkey D. Luffy 300 millions Beri, 'White Eyes' Otsutsuki Sakura 210 Millions Beri, 'Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zorro 120 Millions Beri, 'Devil's Child' Nico Robin 80 Millions Beri, 'Black Leg' Sanji 77 Millions Beri, 'King Of Sharpshooters' SogeKing 30 Millions Beri, 'Cat Thief' Nami 16 Millions Beri, 'Cotton Candy Lover' Tony-Tony Chopper 50 beri."

"Wow, Sakura!? Your first bounty are higher than me. Congrats to you." Zoro is surprised by my bounty. "Well, I also don't think that will be so high." I replied Zoro with uncomfortable feelings. "Don't worry about me, this bounty is worthy to your power anyway." Zoro is cheering me up. Nami, Sanji and Chopper are frustrated by the bounty values or the bounty pictures.

Franky Family ask us to recruit franky as our shipwright because there is his Wanted Poster ''Cyborg' Franky 44 Millions Beri'. "Use force if necessary!!Please take him out to sea!!! He's son of a pirate after all!!!" They pleaded us.

Hope enjoy this chapter.

steelgraycreators' thoughts
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