
You Don't Know Her

Li Xuan was patiently waiting outside of the room when he received a notification. He glanced down at his phone and felt his mood dampen. In his boss's rush to leave the office, the two forgot there was an important meeting with a CEO from a foreign country coming up soon. They wanted to build a hotel in Qiaofu, a city who was rapidly growing because of a sharp increase in tourism. This meeting was crucial, for this was the day the final proposal contracts were to be signed and the transfer of funds was to commence.

He paced for a few seconds, debating what he should do. In his line of work as a secretary, he was supposed to separate his emotions from his duties. But at this moment, he was more worried about the young woman who was once notorious for her unstable behavior and temper.

She was very unpredictable, thus, he was worried about what might happen to her if she were left alone. However, he also had to take into account the importance of this meeting.

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