
Viscount Preston

Seeing as how I already had the maximum possible advancement for my understanding, I decided to ask Baron Bob to tell me about the mental exercises he had to endure in knights training. Seeing as how most of the exercises required me to train under someone, and Baron Bob was not necessarily busy, but he had to be on standby in case of emergency and his schedule was erratic. The most eventful occurrence was when the viscount visited. Viscount Preston Stoneshire was not so polite to baron Bob, referring to baron Bob on even the most formal occasions as "Sir Bob," excluding his recently obtained house name and referring to him as a knight rather than a baron. However, his mannerisms to everyone else kind and polite. When he saw me he didn't approach because he didn't know if I was the prince he knew was staying here or simply some random peasant, so I introduced myself first, "I am 7th prince Ryan Hollower, here to observe the countryside." As he looked at me he clearly saw something odd, but seeing as how etiquette demands it, he Introduced himself in kind. "I am viscount Preston Stoneshire, the person in charge of the local village and the surrounding hamlets." Seeing the look on his face I decided to ask him directly, "Is there something on your mind sir?" He responds "I just wonder why a prince would be all the way out here? Looking at you, there doesn't seem to be any of the niceties that someone of your status would expect. If I may be so bold, what would be worth you arriving here?" Oh, so he doesn't know, "I am here to learn all that I need to become an advisor, and also to train with my cultivation manual." He looks even more pensive, "But aren't you on track to becoming a count at your current rate. Your progress may not get you to royal standards, but you are almost a strongman. If you just keep at it you should reach warrior before it is time for the next king to take the throne." I draw a blank. He is right. At my current progress I should be able to make warrior before I level off. The only requirements to be a count were to be at warrior level, be in charge of a settlement worthy of being called a small town, and have enough merit or influence to push the promotion through. The first requirement I may well pull of at this rate, and the second and third requirements can be taken care of as the kings son. Because I was too focused on the Rulers Formula, I never noticed that despite my talent being sub-par, I was doing excelling in my progress. "Most of my progress has been made under baron Bobs instruction. The current chapter of my manual is modeled after knights, so baron Bob is the ideal choice for my studies." He seems pensive, and just a bit apprehensive. "So why sir Bob than?" "Because when I tried to learn in the capital, I didn't receive genuine instruction. Bob can't even fathom how a prince is treated, so treats me closer to normal." He seems upset, but not terribly so. "I see, I guess I will have to keep that in mind when receiving the children of nobles higher than my own status. Thank you for your trouble." I wonder what viscount Preston has against baron Bob, but table the thought for now.

After viscount Preston had conversed with me, he headed towards baron Bobs study. Today's visit was because he needs an estimate of the crops that Bobbington can produce this year. His town has crops as well, but a blight seized his grains. Because his only crop was wheat, he has to rely on his subordinate hamlets this year. I guess they don't rotate their crops everywhere like baron Bob does. I should take note of this.

After getting his estimate, viscount Preston left in the direction of the other hamlets, no doubt for the same reason he came here.

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