
Chapter 20.

I must be dreaming, right?

"What? Sorry child, I think I heard incorrectly. Can you repeat your question one more time?"

I am asleep right now, right?

I am, right? I know I'm saying "right" to much but I really need some assurance here!

After all what I just heard was something completely outrageous from this child of only twelve years of age. What genre is this again? Do twelve year olds normally ask these types of questions?

How fast did you hit puberty kid? I know for sure it slapped me right in the face the moment you dropped that bomb just now. Puberty seems to be pretty pissed at me after you hit it so hard. You should really consider apologizing.

After a short moment of silence, the terrifying question rung out once more.

"Venerable one, forgive this rude child's lack of knowledge of the world. Is it strange for a man to love another man?"

I opened my eyes halfway. You would not believe how difficult it was to keep them from bulging open wide. What the hell; at this moment the world could have ended, but I wouldn't have batted an eye. Yet, this child at the age of twelve who should be asking where babies came from chose to ask this bi-curious question?

Little Han are you telling elder brother here that you are gay for me? I'm sorry little brother but I have a loving wife who happens to be practically naked on the same bed you're sitting on at this very moment.

Can you really not see her? If you could, would you be able to ask such a question in front of this beauty?

"Child… is this really what you wanted to ask?"

"Yes! Venerable one, this question has been haunting me over the past two days. It may become an inner demon if it is not resolved soon."

Damnit! Two days?! Isn't that right after you split ways from me? Am I that devilishly attractive that you would fall to my nefarious fangs so easily? But little brother I am no shotacon. I am straight and married. Do you expect me to make a move on a little boy before my wife's very eyes?

"Child, it is indeed strange."

"Right! It's strange, right?! It's definitely strange! How can a man feel that way about another man?"

Hold on… shouldn't he be discouraged hearing that from the person he adores? Unless I'm mistaken. Wait… if it's not me he adores, then am I not blowing an opportunity of a lifetime to shoo away a pesky fly that may one day threaten my marriage?

"Child speak. Continue your story, I may have spoken too quickly. I suddenly remembered some things of the past upon thinking further."

The child once again fell into turmoil before he spoke of the events that happened two day before right after we parted ways.

"Hahaha. Isn't this a great drama?" My little wife couldn't help but chime in after hearing of the events that occured between Sai Hitu and little Han.

I could only sit there blankly looking at the ceiling like I had lost my soul. I could not understand how things developed in such a strange and bizarre direction. Little wife seems to be the type to enjoy such juicy gossip, but I simply could not accept such a development.

Sure, love blooming between the MC and the female antagonist is such a common mechanic that I could vomit after how many times I've seen it done. But when in the world has the male antagonist fallen for the main character in a world dominated by the strong? I've heard of gay antagonists but they are always villainized as being despicable and shameless in nature. They usually end up disposed after barely making it to the stage. But listening to his story it sounds like this Sai Hitu is reluctant to harm our little MC and even secretly lusts after him.

Do the heavens really have eyes? What do you mean that brat was jealous because I seemed close to this kid? Do I look that gay to you? I get gay guys can get a feel for other gay guys; but my little friend, is your gaydar broken? Do you need a mechanic? I know a good one back in my old world. He's pretty good with gadgets too. He's even really cheap, giving up to 50% off for repeat customers. Do you want me to introduce you?

Shaking my head and snapping back to reality I could only clench my teeth while determined to make the best use of this opportunity.

"Little Han, this world may be vast but there are places far beyond this world where things you could never imagine exist. In fact, there exists a world out there where such thoughts are not such a big deal at all. People even take pride in such feelings. There are many who advocate for freedom to choose whom they love. Whether it were the opposite gender or the same it made no difference. Some even swung both ways. There were those who even took to the extremes and crossed the barrier known as species. Be it animals or plants such strange occurrences were not impossible in that world. Thus you should never have a narrow viewpoint. It is okay to love another man little Han. Little Han, you should treat their feelings seriously and really consider how to respond to them. Is it truly impossible for you to come to fancy the other party?"

Little Han's eyes grew wide at the new world revealed to him. He trembled uncontrollably before closing his eyes.

Yeah, yeah, we've done this before kid. Be shocked by this one's great revelation to you.

But, uhm. Little friend you don't need to take this so seriously. Why are you suddenly closing your eyes? Am I actually talented in putting little children to sleep?

As I maintained my facade I could only sit there with a stone cold vacant face like I were seriously contemplating memories of the past. In reality my focus was constantly on the child before me. So much to the point that I did not notice my little wife who snuck up behind me.

"Husband you should realize already deep down what you just did. Trying to shamelessly coerce him into changing his orientation but ending up enlightening him instead. Fufufu why not just become his temporary master if you're going to keep putting on such an act? Will a disciple ever make a move on his master's wife? Even if a temporary master, one would not try to make a move on their master's wife, right?"

I could feel a burning warmth coming from the back of my neck and I strongly wished to turn my head and plant my face into the wonderfully soft sensations assaulting me. Damnit, this little wife is clearly into kinky play! How can I even dare make a move with this child right in front of me?

Two unclothed, soft mountainous peaks pressed against my lower neck from behind while her arms wrapped around my neck. She leaned all her weight against my back. I could feel her face rub against the side my mine and hear her breath beside my ear. Her breathing was slightly quickened and I could feel her pulse through her rapidly throbbing chest.

Little wife are you trying to commit murder right now? You are, right? Does killing your husband excite you so much that it gets you off?

"Husband, we must get used to such skinship eventually, do we not? We are husband and wife after all."

My wife… can we not take it slow? Does it have to be at this very moment when a child sits right before us? Do you really get off on this kind of thing?

"Husband, I hope you're not thinking anything rude. I'm only doing this at this moment because, with this child in front of you, there is no way you will allow yourself to lose you self control or break your image. Right?"

My wife you are overestimating this husband too much. Or perhaps you are underestimating your overwhelming seduction.

Do you not see this uncomfortable little brother who wishes to see the light of day? Who wishes to explore caves of the unknown? Fudge, he just wants freedom. To pierce the heavens and topple the world while painting the snow covered earth in blood is his simple dream. Yet, you wish to deny this little brother his tiny insignificant hope for the future?

Little wife if this little brother dies of suffocation, perhaps he will never revive.

All that vigor that little brother I once had may just disappear one day. Are you able to take responsibility for that little troopers tragic end?

"Well it looks like that is about as much as a certain friend can handle for one day my darling husband. I am going to take a shower while you sort out your problems and take care of this child."

Damnit, which problems? Which child? Do you find this funny? You do, don't you?! I can see the laughter in your eyes! At least hide it please!

She pulled away from me and she wrapped herself in her silky blanket while she walked towards the door. Her hips swayed before my eyes; every step she took left me entranced. She looked back towards me with a mischievous smile before stepping into a rift in space.

Oh mighty father in law of mine… are you sure she was ever an angel?

Because to me...

She is the devil.

I'll definitely die from pent up frustration one day.

This is the one thing I'm most certain of in this poor little life of mine.

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