
A Visit

I sighed, staring at my laptop, it not helping the crippling thoughts of what occurred Friday.

Jane was a misfire, a huuuuge misfire at that. We got the pictures, Sam had them secured, Jane disappeared and has yet to answer Sam.

My sisters started to avoid me for some reason. It seemed all the hard work to get them to trust me failed and now I was at square one. I had no idea for a story that would sell, my editor hacking at me every other day, my relationship with my family was an odd one, and I did not have a speech ready for Friday. This was the definition of bottom of the barrel.

I looked at the calendar I had pinned above the trash bin.

October 2 was the day I spoke in front of the entire student body, six days until all the waiting was over. I would either be student council president of Grand Dobi, or I would just be another commoner who had to succumb to the schools adopted social contract.

I glanced down at my laptop, the blank page still staring me down. It was just asking for me to punch a hole through it. However, I choked back tears and threw myself on my bed.

It has been a while since I could relax, usually someone barging in proclaiming some new problem I had to deal with. At least for today, I could chill and just think.

I sunk deeper into my mattress.

Then I heard it, the familiar humming of my father going up the stairs. I swallowed hard.

"Heeeeeyy Sport!"


I pushed myself up as my door slowly swung open, "Oh didn't realize you were sleeping. Anyways, I have news for you."

I raised my eyebrow and swung my legs over the bed, my feet touching the cold floor.

"I scored you a date with Hayley Ponds, you will meet her at the station at five, love you."

He slammed the door and took off. I quickly erupted from my position and bursted to the other side of the door. My father waved a she disappeared over the horizon of the stairs.

"You son of a bitch! Why are you making my life hard!" I yelled and closed my eyes.

It looks like this weekend wasn't over, even if deep down I wished it was. Sometimes death did not sound so bad, maybe I should just opt myself off the second floor balcony.

I glared at my alarm clock, it still being three-o'clock. Sighing, I threw my socks on and a hoodie. I felt like visiting the shrine, hopefully I would be calmed there. Lately the point of my door was losing its purpose, time and time again it failing me. I tapped my chin, maybe it was time for a "No girls or Parents allowed" sign. I laughed internally, those never work.

Maybe then I could get some peace and quiet and write my story for fuck's sake. The idea of not meeting the deadline creeping up on me.


I clutched my temples, I am such a genius, if I was going on a date, it was perfect. I could write about an innocent date that went haywire. Maybe a few scenes here and there, a couple stopping at a hotel, Oooo, or I could add in some public events.

I smiled as I pounded my chest. Man I was awesome, I knew this erotic mind of mine would come in handy.

Hayley Ponds, who the Hell are you?

I exchanged a look at my laptop, should I look her up. Wait a second, how was I going on a date, we barley knew each other?


I watched as my phone buzzed on my desk. I grew silent as I slowly trudged over to it. Before I even realized, I broke out in a cold sweat. Warren just pick up the phone, don't make it complicated. I saw my hand shake as I brought it toward my phone. It buzzed again, my arm retracting from the noise.

I sighed heavily, the hot air in my lungs finally leaving me. I'm sure it was just my dad.

--- --- ---

Unknown number: Hey this is Hayley

--- --- ---

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I swallowed hard. Fuck.

For a sixteen year old this was a little too much pressure. I was to young to go on a date.

--- --- ---

You: Yo

Unknown number: Hey sorry about my dad, I would like to know someone before I go on a date with them, it's kind of normal ya know?

You: Understandable, sorry about my dad too

Unknown number: Don't sweat it, also heard about your election, I attend Grand Dobi too

You: Oh sweet, maybe we could meet eventually. What year?

Unknown number: First, just transferred, I start Monday.

You: Awesome, well maybe eventually we could hang out, ttyl.

--- --- ---

I sighed, I dodged a bullet.


I looked back at my phone,

--- --- ---

Dad: You suck ass, just want you to know that😒💔

--- --- ---

I laughed, serves the old geezer right. I said I wanted him to introduce us, not a full fledged date.

I stared at my phone.

That was the first time I ever texted a girl, most of the people I texted being old guy friends. I stuffed my face in my pillow and yelled.

I was being giddy about a text, I really needed to grow up.


I decided to go outside, being cooped up in my room was driving me crazy. And the weather was perfect to visit the shrine.

And so, I closed the gate to the overly tall stone wall that encased the house. Talk about being extra, living lavish was rather annoying.


I flinched from the female voice. There was a light tug on my sleeve, I followed the arm up to Autumn smiling at me.

"Can I go with you?"

I did not notice the natural grin that formed on my face, Autumn's innocent face warmer than usual. She was blushing for some reason, almost like the plucky and clumsy girl I knew was shy. I patted her on the head, "When did you get so cute?"

Autumn swung a fist which dug into my stomach, "IM NOT THAT CUTE!'

Jesus she was cute.

She helped me up, clutching my stomach I pointed toward the shrine, "Shall we go?"

Autumn seem to pout before answering, "Yeah, let's go..."

And just like that, I was walking next of Autumn, her blonde hair slightly waving in the wind, her beautiful face actually stunning me for a moment. She was wearing her red track suit, the one that Grand Dobi gave to athletes. If I remembered correctly, she was trying out for the volleyball team.

My mind wondered as we walked, a small glimpse of us back in the gymnasium, my tears falling to the floor. Why did I cry? Was it just all of my emotions piling up and it finally coming out? I found myself staring at Autumn, something within me feeling warm, almost like...

I looked forward quickly, the idea that was forming in my head fading.

Did I like Autumn?

I shook my head and I felt the gaze from Autumn, "You okay Warren?"

I looked up at the clear blue sky, my lips moving on their own, "No, not really."

Wait, I put a hand up in defense, "Actually I lied, I'm completely fine."

Autumn puffed her cheeks up, "Lying will not make you feel better, say what is on your mind, I usually tell Arid my problems."

I still watched the sky, a few birds flapping their wings before taking flight, "I think I have a crush."

Autumn jumped for joy, "Really, that's amazing!" She grabbed my arm, "Who is it?!"

I swallowed hard, "Nevermind let's drop it."

Autumn pushed her chest against me, "Hmmmmmm..."

I sighed and scratched my cheek, "Hahaha, leave it at that."

Autumn poked her chin, "Wait are you not dating Jane?"

I froze, oh shit did I just cuck myself?! I had to diffuse this right away, or things could get dicey.It seems I allows do this to myself.

"I lied, she was just helping me with my speech."

Autumn cocked her head, "Why would you lie?"

I shrugged, "Technically she lied, I just did not say anything, was too busy to care."

Autumn skipped ahead, walking backwards to look at me. "Well we are here."

I did not even notice we were at the stone steps of the shrine. I was slowly becoming more clumsy about what I was doing, I really needed to get things straight. I slapped myself on both temples.

Wake up!

"Hurry Warren, we do not have all day." Autumn grabbed my arm again, pulling me upwards. For a second I let my worries go away. Things would fall into place, with my amazing charm and plot armor, I was technically invincible. I smirked as I planted my foot on the first stone steps.

"Warren Alexander King!"

I stopped in my tracks and so did Autumn, both of us turning around.

"Well, Well, Autumn Reina is a friend of the commoner, very surprising."

An older, slender, and muscular boy stood idle behind us. He wore Grand Dobi's uniform and black hair that fell well over his face. It did not take me a second to realize what was going on.


I weakly smiled, "Hello, is there a problem?"

The boy chuckled and pointed at me, "Problem, this is way more then a problem, an outbreak to say the least. Not only did you stain the school with your existence, you plan on ruining the great position of student council president. My name Is Nikko West, the current student council president." He smiled with the most malicious intent. "I will rid the school of commoner trash like you."

I pulled Autumn closer, only something was wrong. I swirled around, Autumn replaced by a huge boy also in a school uniform. He had a red Mohawk and a nose piercing, a look of disgust on his face as I touched him. Autumn was held in his other hand, a bag over her face. "You bastard-"

A swift kick to my chest sent me flying backwards. Nikko caught me with ease, the smile still stuck to his smug face, "Well good luck with the election Mr. King."

A bag was starting to be placed over my face.

Was this not a fucking crime?!

They were deadass about to kidnap my ass. I reached for my phone. In the few seconds I had, I called Marcus, the only person I had on speed dial. I shoved it in my pants and held my breath.


No sound, nothing except the forceful hands that shoved me into the back of a van.

Were the fuck was my plot armor?!

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