
Body of the Demon King

"Okay, prepare yourself! I'll take us out now ...", said Lucifer. You could feel his excitement for leaving this place.


Sun was transported back and immediately felt pain on his face. The aggressor moved quickly and punched again.

"Soul origin: ACTIVATE

Entering Mode: Body of the Demon King"

Sun activated his newly gained power inside his mind.

The black tattoo appeared on his forehead again. Pitch black wings grew on his back and Sun's whole body, except his face, was clothed with black armor. The border of the armor plates was glazed in gold. The symbol of his forehead appeared in the middle of his chest armor.

Sun's body was surging full of power. He kicked away his aggressor, quickly dashed towards the person and punched him in his stomach making the opposite gush out blood.

"Cool, I didn't expect it to be this good. This ability is indeed very strong.", Sun thought to himself.

"Cough, Cough ...", the attacker stood up again and looked at Sun with a strange face as he didn't get how this little human being could use such power.

The attacker's name was William, a member of the Spring Gang. The Gang rules over this districts of the city, no one dared to walk around here freely.

Although the lady forbids him from killing outsiders, he couldn't oblige this time, as his honor was tarnished by a single human punch.

William was angered and attacked the human in black armor.

Sun saw his attacker coming at him again. He decided to fight back, trying to get used to his power. The sudden change in physical strength was feeling strange, therefore he needed to try it out for a bit.


Both parties exchanged some strikes. Sun had the upper hand since he could fly and hit the enemy from an impossible angle. His speed and strength far surpassed William's.

"Brother, what's your name?", the stranger asked Sun.

William said "Brother", because he respects any person, who is stronger than him. Be it Ethers or human.

"It's Sun, Sun Reed. What about you?", Sun asked back.

"It's William. I'm from the Spring Gang.

You got some strong power there ...

My Golem Soul was nothing compared to yours. "

Williams Soul was from an earth golem. His ability was to strengthen his body and make it tougher. Breaking concrete was like breaking styrofoam for him.

"Sun, brother, with your strength, you could join our Spring Gang. What do you say?"

Sun was taken aback.

"First you attack me out of nowhere nearly killing me.

Now you invite me to join you?", Sun thought and got a bit angry.

He is a very calm person and perception was one of his best skills.

Thinking again, he heard the name "Spring gang" somewhere before.

The Spring gang is one of the four great gangs of Aseid. The leaders of those are all very powerful and influential.

All four leaders are from noble families. The leader of the Spring gang is Minerva Eisenberg. Her father is the current president of Aseid. One of the twelve elders of Esperia.

The rank of the elder is one of the greatest positions in the monarchic nation of Esperia, therefore only privileged ones could interact with them.

The gangs in Esperia are not like the thugs on earth, they are the foundation of the cities and shows the power of the leaders in the city.

Members of those carefully selected fighters with extraordinary abilities. After joining, one would benefit greatly. It would improve one's status and wealth.

As for what they actually do and why they need fighters, Sun was unsure. The gangs never leaked any information about their activities to the public, so the average citizen would not know of it.


"I mean, I'll surely benefit from it and it will make the life for mom easier ...", Sun thought.

After careful thought, Sun Reed agreed to join them.

"A wise decision, brother.", William smiled and walked towards him.

Sun still wondered why William was acting so strange. Fighting him first and then invite him to Spring gang.

"What is this guy pulling?", Sun wondered.

"Well, since he's not trying to fight anymore, I might act a bit more polite.

I don't want to offend the Spring gang or anything"

"Brother, follow me! I'll take you to lady Minerva.

After that, it's up to your abilities if you want to join our gang.", William said and signaled Sun to follow him.

Sun took off his armor, but still let the physical effect on, and walked next to William. For now, he didn't sense any danger from him, so he could let his guard down a bit.

After walking through the dark alley, Sun saw a metal door in front of them. It looked rusty and the door was full of spider webs.

It seemed as if it wasn't used for a long time. The metal decayed over time.

William walked towards the door but didn't open it. Instead, he just walked through it!

"Come on brother, this is just an illusion for keeping out trespassers.", William explained after seeing the surprised look on Sun's face.

Sun followed William and was taken aback by the interior design.

They were walking on a floor. The walls were shining golden with Sakura trees engraved into some of them. The contrast between the pink petals and the golden background was something that humans could never reproduce. The ground was covered an exotic red carpet. The pattern was from the culture of the Ethers. Sun Reed learned about them in public school during his last ten years.

After walking for a while Sun saw another door in front of him. This one was, like the walls, golden with a picture of a beautiful woman on it.

"Brother, this is as far as I can take you.

Knock on the door three times and wait.

After the signal, you can go inside.

The rest is up to you!", William said while giving Sun thumb-ups.

It felt a bit awkward for Sun since the two of them were fighting 1h ago.

Sun didn't say anything and just wryly smiled back at William.

A brief moment later, he knocked three times and waited.

"You may enter", it was the voice of an elegant lady. Sun could determine it beforehand and so he had a vague idea about who he'll meet.

He looked back at William the last time, but William didn't notice it and picked his own nose.

Engrossed by that, Sun ignored him and went straight inside.

The door behind him closed automatically.

In front of him was a golden table and a woman was sitting behind it looking at him.

She looked at Sun, her face showed a smile.

"Sun Reed. A human on top of that.

Very interesting."

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