

The king was desolate, and despair was setting in, he stood up and walked round the palace grounds, what is happening? he asked himself, the place looked like where people deserted in a hurry, so what happened my ancestors? why did you allow me to fail like this? not even one person kai! am I so bad? all this kind of taught was what was running through the kings heart with his hands locked behind his back.

Who would have taught that his prime minister and high chief will opt and leave like that, the baffling one was his wives and kids they all left him with an explanation, was he so bad? the palace and its environment looked desolate and he felt the pang of loneliness hit him hard, why didn't my ancestors kill me first before allowing me to witness this kind of situation? where my fathers did I get it wrong?

All these questions running through the kings mind had no response, he was all alone.

Just as he taught that he was loosing it, he heard Queen Idia call out to him, my King? he turned to find her standing some steps away from where he was standing, recall, the king had asked her to remain in her quarters because he couldn't bear her suffering each time that she lost her pregnancy, for this singular reason he refused to call her in to grace his bed anymore, even when she took the initiative and came to him he asked her to leave instead he called in any of his other queens that already bore him children.

You are still here? the King could not get rid of the surprise on his face, he was shocked, out of them all he loved her the best but treated her the worst because of her inability to give him a child.

Yes! My king where I don't have anywhere to go than to stand with my King and my pride, Queen Idia responded.

But ....but...sighing everyone else has left me, I have nothing now even my ancestors have abandoned me at this cross road, I am a failed king.

Stop my king, you are not, you will get your lost glory, yes my king your lost glory shall return and be even stronger than before, at dawn tomorrow we will go and see the seer, he asked that I should try and get you to him.

Its okay! I will definitely go with you my queen.

I will go and prepare something for dinner for us my King try and relax all will be well, the queen then smiled at the king and left to go get dinner ready.

The king was flabagastted, what kind of woman is this after all I did to her she still can back to me, God help us oh, can you imagine throwing away the diamond for a stone. She remained and even sort for solution...

After the dinner they slept in the kings chambers and first light of dawn they hit the road, not much people were about then for people just started staring and so they got to the seers place without much difficulty.

The seer greeted the king in the traditional way then asked that they should seat.

Taking a seat the seer known as Osas to the king, I will be direct my king in this case for you caused the problem you are facing which the enemies of the throne cashed in and exploited.

You are a young king but you didn't interact much with your subjects, you depended solely on what your chiefs told you, the people were suffering from high taxation which you didn't institute but you chiefs did and they told the people that you have paid no listening ears to their pain, instead increased their tax, your people were heart broken and follow the directives to your chiefs who felt you were too young to rule them and wanted to find away to get rid of you, they wanted to make another king in Benin tufiakwa but our ancestors are not asleep the crown was with you so was the staff of authority so the waited for you to either kill yourself or run away from Benin tufiakwa. The convinced everyone that you are a finished king so everyone stayed away from you even your own family members.

All will come back to you but you need a very mighty sacrifice, a willing sacrifice I would have started your own blood to strengthen the bond between you and your lineage on the throne for they have already tried to break it, though they are yet to be successful before they do you need to try as it is there is no much time remaining before they break through.

Let me ask you seer, must it be a human blood?

Like I said yes! in fact the blood must come from your family, that is the only solution.

Thank you seer, the king was solemn, we will go and prepare the sacrifice.

Then they stood up and left the seer's place.


Please Ma Ira can I get a glass of chilled water? Ayanna requested.

Yes am on it! Mrs Ira responded

You needed to see how depressed the couple was, the king and queen were in a dilemma for everyone had left the palace so what to do then?


Sorry for staying so long before an update, still in a place with little or no network came out for some supplies and decided to upload this chapter fast.

so sorry if there are mistakes it wasnt edited much.

please keep voting.

Thank you

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