
Chapter 8: Top of the Class

Angie has started to get use to how everything works at Vernon Middle School especially with the help of Angie new friends. Angie had manage to make more friends with the help of all her new friends. After almost 1 month of being there Angie no longer needs her map to find her classes and she has even learned that a bunch of her new friends were all in her classes so she usually walks with them to class.

Angie went into her second period class and had gone straight to her seat since Yari was still not there.As she waits for Yari to come in, Angie puts her head down on her desk to get some rest since she has not being get a lot of sleep.After 5 minutes the bell rings and Yari walks in to class with 1 minute to spare before after being considered tardy for class.As everyone waits for Mr.Ramirez to come in to class, Yari calls Angie and asked if she had Mr.Chacon for history which Angie responds with a nod and asked why.Yari then asked Angie if she can help her with the book assignment they had for the class during lunch.Angie tells her yeah it fine she will help her later.Just as the two girls were finishing up talking,Mr. Ramirez comes in and tells the class he will be announcing every students grades for both classes.

As Mr. Ramirez gets his grade book from his desk and begins to announce everyone grades one by one in front of the whole class by last name. After 5 minutes, Mr. Ramirez calls Angie name.Just like everyone else Angie sat there quietly waiting for her teacher to tell her her grades.

Mr. Ramirez:Event though you are new in class I must say that out of all 23 students in class you have the highest scores for both class. I am proud to say that in both Math and Since, you have an A+.

Angie: Thank you I guess.

After hearing Mr. Ramirez announce her grades,Angie continues to just put her head done since she is sure that everyone is looking at her about her grades. Angie already knew that she is going well with all her classes but she didn't know at her new school that they announce there grades in front of the the whole class.Angie never had problems with school she always seemed to get good grades without even trying.Sometime she feels that going to school is pointless. All through out her life all she did was study since she was always alone at home.

After about 3 other students after Angie,Mr. Ramirez then calls out Alec name.Alec then looks at Mr. Ramirez and then looks away.Mr. Ramirez knew that Alec doesn't care to know since he never turns anything in on time and always come to class late and usually just sleeps.Mr. Ramirez was about to announce his grades when Alec decided to get up form his seat.

Alec: (Gets up from his seat) "Mr. Ramirez can you do me a favor?"

Mr. Ramirez:" What is it this time Alec? I still got other grades to announce to other students. If you need to talk to me just talk to me after class."

Alec: (Goes up to where Mr. Ramirez is at) "Can you not announce my grade to class and just show them to me right here?"

Mr. Ramirez: Fine here are your grades.You need to work harder nd stop being late to my class.

After Mr. Ramirez showed Alec his grades, he then continues with the rest of the students calling each of them one by one.To make it fair next time he will ask each student if they want there grades to be said out loud or if they would like to come up and see them with him on the computer.Everyone seemed to like the idea that they now have options to decide from since it is not always for sure that they will have good grades.

Once all the grades were announced Mr. Ramirez continued to teach class .Both 2nd and 3rd period went on like usual.The whole class was glad that they didn't get any homework class since when they typically have home work they have a pop quiz along with it .Once the bell rang for class Mr. Ramirez called Angie and asked if they could talk for a bit and that he will write her a note for her next class.Angie agreed since her next class was PE and they were doing the mile today.

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