

After few weeks have passed and I didn't do anything exciting as I didn't have time or place, which got me frustrating again so I go on a walk at night to come myself down, when I was taking a walk I found a old laundry building that no one use expect people of old building where most of them are old people so no one uses them at night so which give some idea and made a series of rule for myself

Rule 1: I don't run into anyone on street while coming in here

so I came here like ninja so I don't come across anyone, upon reaching my destination time for next rule

Rule 2: no one in the building

which was also clear now after that

Rule 3: all machine are empty

so I checked all the machine thoroughly to see any machine was running but it was also clear..

now if al three rule are clear than I can proceed to next rule but before that let's check all rule again after I was sure that all rule is clear than I went to the next rule

Rule 4: put all your cloth except underwear in the machine and turn it on

so I striped all my cloth and put in the machine but I felt little down and somewhere in my mind telling me put my underwear in there but I thought it would be too risky but I won't be staisfied with, I was very confused I didn't know what to do

I started to breath slowly and I come myself down a bit I took a quick peak outside to see there was anyone there, when I was confirmed no one there I went inside I stood in front of the machine I took a big breath and took my underwear as quickly as possible and dumped it into the machine and closed it after that I need to chose a program, which I chose wash and dry than put money in the machine

after that I have press the button to start the machine

I knew after I press the button I won't able to take my clothes out, so what ever happens I have to be naked for an hour

I knew I can still go back but I was thinking this I pressed the button

Me: (upps I pressed it! I won't be able to go back, I am stuck one our like this)

an hour outside my home although it wasn't my time still when I am thinking about this my heart is beating so fast, my knee it's stated to shake so I sat down to come myself down

Me: ( I have to spend one hour without anyone finding me, although it isn't my first time but it is my first time staying this long)

I tried to come myself but my heat started beating like crazy my breath is getting heavier and heavier

soon I started touching myself and I spread myself and started to think what will happen if someone came what will they think of me

as I thinking I started mastributing after cumming once I come down a little

I started looking at my left which was overflowing with my juice

Me:(it's not even been half hour how I would last one hour like this! I need to come down think of something else...this place is quite hot.... between my tension and the heat I am parched)

I was thinking how to cool myself than I remembered that there was a vendering machine just outside this building so checked how much money left see, I have enough to buy a drink

but I thought buying and bringing the drink here would be boring as noone comes this our so I decided to add another rule

Rule 5: once I am outside I can't come inside until I finished my drink

so I got up and took peak to see if anyone was outside when I confirmed on one was out side I came out covering myself and look around

when I found no one I stopped covering myself and went near the vendering machine

Me: (upfff...no one is out...this feeling of freedom, I am outside naked...what an amazing feeling...ohh that's right I came outside to buy a drink.... now what should I get..I should get a small drink)

after I put my money in vendering machine as soon as I entered the money I remember

Me:( people say this vendering machine is broken can't give back changes...so I guess I don't have any choice...I have to buy big bottle of drink)

Me:( upps!...I got a frizzy drink it would take quite some time to finish)

as I bent down to get the drink I felt like someone was watching me from an apartment behind me

Me:( that can't be possible...if someone saw me they would already reported about me but still I somehow having a bad feeling so I should go behind this building)

after getting there I was about open my drink and about to enjoy but

Me:( I thought I heard some...someone talking)

so I peaked to see if someone was there..what I saw give me cold shiver down my spine, there was two people not only that they were two adult guys

Guy 1: where did I put it?

Guy 2: it's right in front of you!

Guy 1: thanks man!

seeing them I started panic I was naked out in the open and I couldn't go inside as looking at there hands I was sure they were going to the laundry

Me:( come down..they won't find me yet..but I need find a hiding place quick or otherwise I am doomed..but finding a hiding place here...I have to quick)

Guy 1: buy a washing machine..you have enough money!

Guy 2: nay I doing just fine without one and I am not about to change besides taking a night stroll is very good for health

Me: ( they are coming...they are coming over here.uwaa..what should I do!!)

out of desperation I ran quickly other side...I could hear them as they went inside

Guy 1: man it's hot in here!!

Guy 2: at least window is open!!

Me: ( that was close..I don't think they saw me...that was close they didn't come this side or I was goner...they went straight inside.... so I was right they were out for laundry)

Guy 1: let's get this over quickly

Me:( what now...this guy's will they go back to the apartment when they are finished..but if they stay here until the machine finish what should I do..what if they decide to come this way inside of going to to do!!!)

Guy 1: hey man give me 300!

Guy 2: why would I do that

Guy 1: come on man.. please!

Guy 2: alright! here

the idea of being found out by someone Was making me wet, I was more wet then normal

Me:( where can I find a place to hide here..I should've look..what thrill it is to be so close like this to guys while I am naked...I could hardly imagine what my friends and family would think of me right now...I should stay here because the way they were talking it looked like they would finish pretty soon and leave for my apartment...staying here looks like the safest option)

I looked at bottle and opened it up and started drinking it

Guy 1: how long will it take man?

Guy 2: about an hour!

Guy 1: I can't wait that long..let's get to apartment and wait there

Guy 2: ok..

Me: (s-see just as I expected they are heading back..pfff they are going back...now I can go back inside...I am so wet if waited any longer I might go crazy)

those got out and started going to our apartment, so peaked to look

Me:( those guys are facing other side..then now I will..)

I came out from hiding place I was just behind them

Me: ( wh-what am I doing...since they are facing other way...I can stand right behind them naked without them noticing...I did it because it just popped into my head..if those guys realise someone is behind them and trun around I am finish..w-hat a thrill...no way I have to stop..but this feels amazing..so amazing..my heart is beating dangerously fast...and my nipples are rock hard and I am so wet down there)

but I couldn't move my feet

Me:( I am afraid...I am so afraid..I wanted more...ah but I must not do this..I need to stop...I already enjoyed enough...I should go inside take shelter inside...if I don't hurry and go inside they might find me..but some of the drink is still left..I can't go back inside until I finish it...before they notice)

I started think I made wrong choice choosing frizzy drink, as I was drinking it one of them suddenly trun around so I hurily hide myself..

Guy 1: what's wrong!

Guy 2: I thought I saw some..she was naked and she was drinking something

Guy 1: what are you saying..naked girl!

Guy 2: I am telling you the tracking truth...I really saw

Me:( I have been seen..I have been seen..I have seen..what will happen to me now..are they going to call the cops or they will rape me!...both of them are terrible...why this is happening to me!)

I started to imagine they are raping me

Guy: you really wanted this..my hard rod..you are hanging around naked..

Me: no that's not it..

and then he would push his thing inside which would surely hurt a lot, I know it

Guy: you are being raped..just as you wanted..here take this and this

Me: no stop.. please take it out!!

they might even cum inside which would be worse..than I would blackmail me and have there way with me..

as I was thinking about this closing my eyes while touching myself down..than I realised they are not coming this way..I searched inside but they are gone

Me:( I guess police are not coming either..I am safe though..I am not sure why..in the end I couldn't follow the rules.. next I will do my best to follow them

after that my cloth were done after that I started heading for home..

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