
Finals (3)

As soon as Infernape was right in front of Aegislash ready to deliver a powerful Fire Punch that could knock out almost every pokemon, Aegislash made a simple movement and moved to the side dodging the Fire Punch, he then swung his whole body at Infernape with extreme speed.

His blade glowed with pulsing aura, as soon as Aegislash slashed, a thin bright light glowed across Infernape's body, Infernape froze in the air after this.

The light then suddenly exploded sending Infernape shooting through the air and out of the battlefield, once again it only took one hit and that was the end.

As the smoke cleared up, everyone could see Infernape out cold laying with its leg up against the wall of the stadium.

Referee "Infernape is unable to battle, Aegislash wins"

The referee declared which caused another massive outburst from the crowd as they continued to cheer for Julian.

Julio "No, no, no, this can be happening, I am not going to lose, I am going to destroy him".

Julio mumbled to himself and decided to bring out these ace cards, he took out a black Pokeball from his pouch, as soon as this Pokeball came out everyone sucked their breath in as they knew what was about to come and they wondered if Julian has what it takes to take down this beast.

Julian also wanted to see this thing in person and quickly put it out of its misery, he knows he cannot knock this one out there there are many ways to incapacitate a pokemon.

The black Pokeball opened and out came shadow Snorlax, the Snorlax didn't do anything and just stood there with its glowing red eyes and black aura surrounding it.

The Snorlax just stood there waiting for Julio's order.

Julio "Use Crunch"

With Julio's command, the giant started to move and make its way towards Julian's Aegislash.

Julian "Use Sword Dance"

Julian called for another Sword Dance which increased Aegislash's attack stat again, and once Snorlax was close enough to land its attack Julian called for another move.

Julian "Use Sacred Sword on its knee"

Snorlax opened its mouth wide open creating a massive jaw made of dark energy and bringing it shutting down on Aegislash, Aegislash was not bothered by it at all, he just floated back and avoided the jaw, the jaw clamped shut and exploded, the explosion impaired Snorlax's vision.

Aegislash swooped towards Snorlax's knee and slashed with blinding speed, a thin white line appeared on its knee after the slash which suddenly exploded which brought the giant to its knee.

Snorlax took a knee but it didn't show any emotions on its face, it looked like Snorlax took no damage.

Julio smirked as he saw this, he knows that his Snorlax could take anything and still get up. On the other hand, Julian's Aegislash would just get tired and then faint on its own accord.

Julio "Get up and show them what you can do"

Julio ordered with a smirk on his face but his smirk soon turned into a frown as he saw his Snorlax not able to get up, it was struggling but it couldn't get up.

Julio "GET UP"

Julio shouted but it was of no use, his Snorlax couldn't get up.

Julio "What have you done?"

He looked at Julian and asked.

Julian "Well my Aegislash hit your Snorlax so hard that he temporarily disabled your Snorlax"

Julian said with a smirk, Julian didn't want to cripple the Snorlax but this was the only way to bring down this pokemon, he will have to temporarily disable the Snorlax by hurting it very badly.

Julio was shocked as he heard Julian.

Julian "If I can't make my Aegislash knock it out, I will make sure that your Snorlax never gets up"

Julian said and made his move again.

Julian "Use Sacred Sword to the other knee"


Julio shouted a counter-attack as he didn't want his Snorlax to go down.

Aegislash made his way towards Snorlax but he took his time, Snorlax on its one knee charged up Fire Punch and was ready to deliver it as soon as Aegislash got close.

When Aegislash got close Snorlax swung at Aegislash but it made a big mistake, Aegislash just moved to the side and because of this Snorlax lost its balance and started to fall down, Aegislash took this chance and went right for its knee.

Once again a thin glowing line appeared on Snorlax's knee which exploded and completely incapacitated the giant, now that both of its legs are gone, there is no way it can get up.

Snorlax tried to get up but it was of no use, it used its powerful arms to lift its body but that is all it could do.

Julio "It doesn't matter use Hyper Beam"

Snorlax used its hand to move its whole body on the ground and turned towards Aegislash and started to charge up for a Hyper Beam.

Snorlax was still able to use Hyper Beam and blasted it at Aegislash but like always due to his flat body shape, Aegislash just had to move a little to dodge the move, the Hyper Beam headed towards the audience but the protective shield flared up and protected the audience once again but they could still feel the power behind this Hyper Beam as it shook the whole stadium.

Now that Snorlax has used Hyper Beam, it won't be able to move for a moment, which is enough for Aegislash to completely his job.

So he made his way towards Snorlax.

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