
All that Lies Between

Jos released a tiny gasp as the car pulled up outside the private airstrip. Her hand flew to her mouth as her gaze found Arei.

He tilted his head as he shut off the car. "What is it?"

She cleared her throat and batted her eyes, pushing down her surprise. "I… forget that your family is… well off…"

Arei chuckled as he leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. "It's a family of gods, what else would you expect?" An appreciative smile curved his lips as he studied her.

"It's just that you all are so relaxed… I mean, for the most part, no one would ever guess… ya know…"

"You're not exactly poor, love. I'd wager you have just released one on the largest private collection the humans have seen in some years."

Jos's brows knitted. "I guess I've never really thought much of it either way. I just wanted to make sure Shelly would have something in case she needed it."

A smile lit his features. He leaned forward and gave her another light kiss. "And that's one of the many reasons I love you so much. You're always thinking of others… maybe too much sometimes." He let out a soft sigh as he released her cheek and leaned back in his seat. "What do you say we make our way to the plane? You have a story awaiting you, after all." He sent her a wink before he pushed open his door and stepped out.

Arei was retrieving the bags from the trunk when Jos stepped out. Her eyes were drawn to the image of a winged horse on the large rudder. Her brows furrowed as she walked over for a closer inspection. She walked slowly around the plane. One side of the rudder was a dark horse the other side was a white one. "This isn't Poseidon's jet, is it?"

Arei chuckled as he set the bags into the storage compartment. "It's not… The line belongs to Peg and me."

Jos frowned. "How did I not know about this?"

He shrugged as he pulled down the steps. "There have been a lot of changes over the past 500 plus years." He held his hand out for her. "I'd hoped we could spend the rest of our lives sharing all the little things that have changed over the years. Things like this…"

Jos's frown deepened as she stared down at his extended hand. "Shouldn't getting to know each other again come first before talking about the rest of our lives?"

He let out a sigh as he stepped forward. He leaned down and took her hand in his. His eyes burned into hers as he closed the distance between them. "From the second I walked into that conference room in Florida, there hasn't been the first whisper of doubt for me. It didn't matter how many men I had… have to wade through, no matter the years, the obstacles… I know you're the one I want to spend my life with… every long second of it."

Jos lowered her gaze, hiding the doubt written on her face. She pulled her hand free of his and made her way up the stairs. Her eyes moved around the inside of the plane. It was plainer than the one she'd rode in with Xavier, but it made sense. Arei wasn't a flashy person. The simple, clean lines of the black and white interior were the perfect combination of the two brothers' personalities. She ran her hand over the soft, white leather of the seats, before selecting one and sitting. She watched as Arei hunker down to fit his giant frame through the small opening. Her eyes roamed over him. He was always well dressed in form-fitting tailored outfits. Even his denims fit like a glove against his impossibly large frame.

A crooked smile curved his lips as he watched her eyes drink him in. "Keep looking at me like that, and you may not get that story after all."

Startled, Jos jerked in her seat. Her eyes widened before closing tight as she realized she'd been staring at his crock. "Sorry… I was… just wondering…" He forced her gaze to stay focused on his face. "With your size… You must get all your clothes custom made or tailored."

He slinked toward her in a crouch. Instead of sitting beside her, he leaned over her clasping the arms of her chair. "Yes, it is hard for me to find things that fit me this well… so you understand how important it is for me to hold on to those things that I find to be a perfect fit."

Jos swallowed hard. She couldn't help her eyes involuntary dart to his crotch and back. She opened her mouth to speak but found herself at a loss for words.

Arei chuckled as he released his hold on the armrests of her chair and took the one across from her. He took a few minutes to get comfortable, removing his phone from his back pocket and pulling out the tray attached to the side of his chair. He nodded toward her as he worked loss the buttons of his sleeves and rolled them up. "Get comfortable. We're a bit early so the flight team won't be here for a little while longer." He watched her wiggle in the chair, causing a smile to curve his lips. "I could go ahead and start the story if you'd like." When Jos nodded, he rubbed the scruff of his beard. "Let's see, where should I pick up…"

"The coup… and everyone's punishments…" Jos interjected in a low voice as she fumbled with her skirt.

"Ah yeah… Alright…" Arei stretched his arms out behind his head and leaned back in the reclining seat. "So, as you already know, Charybdis was changed into a monster and chained to the sea floor not even a year before I was born. She didn't become freed until 1550 BCE, roughly 70 years after the Coup. So, her information was all hearsay… though fairly accurate. She was right about most of it. What she was wrong about were my punishments. It wasn't Triton that forced me into doing the dirty work of the gods. It was Zeus. He believed father when he said he was not conspiring against him, but he was also insightful enough to realize he was hiding something… that he was covering for me. It was easy enough for him to work out when he realized Athena was involved. He caught up with me quickly enough, punishing me to serve the next 450 years as his personal war horse. Athena was forced to stay by his side during that time causing her to grow even colder and more resentful of him. Father and Apollo were forced to build the walls of Troy. Hera was chained up to the heavens." He gave a slight shrug. "But it only lasted 30 years before she begged for release, and he gave in. Out of everyone involved, Hypnos, the god that had put him to sleep, was the only one to escape punishment."

Jos swallowed involuntarily at the mention of Hypnos's name. She cleared her throat and pressed him for more information. "So, what happened then?"

Arei toyed with his beard as he thought back. "Well, the one good thing that came from Athena's punishment was that she was able to influence some of Zeus's decisions during that time. She held great sway over the outcome of the Trojan war… not to mention several events leading to and following it…" His voice trailed off for a brief moment before he continued. "The release of your father from Calypso's island being one of them."

Jos furrowed her brows. "In my peruses of studying art and artifacts over the years, I've seen mention of her involvement in the Trojan war… but never yours…"

Arei laughed. "You have, and I wager a very memorable mention… The actual events lost in translation, however." A grin spread across his lips. "I wasn't called away from the battles of Thebes until after the Siege of Troy. By then Hera had already made a barter with Hypnos for his bride and had him put Zeus to sleep for a second time in order to have her will cast over the war against Troy. He was so enraged when he was unable to punish Hypnos for a second time, a reminder of just how powerless he was without the support of the others, he threw his hands up and allowed the gods to take sides. I was sent in Athena to side with the Greeks. It was your father's idea upon realizing who and what I was to send me in."

Jos tilted her head, enthralled with the story. "Were you one of the ones inside the Trojan horse?"

Movement from the door drew his attention, causing him to withhold his answer right away. He nodded to the piolet and co-pilot as they took their seats. The stewardess was the last onboard. She quickly greeted everyone before setting off to work.

Jos watched in amazement. "I didn't realize there were stewardesses on private jets…"

Arei chuckled. "Yes, you wouldn't expect your high-profile customers to wait on themselves now would you, though some do refuse any extra 'guests'."

"I suppose…" Jos remarked as she watched the lady work her way around the small space skillfully. When the lady offered them drinks, Jos and Arei both accepted. They both waited in silence as she made her way to her seating area and popped in headphones. Once they were sure she was engrossed in whatever her phone had to offer, Jos urged Arei on. "SO??? Did you sink in inside the horse? Did you help make it?"

Arei chuckled, sending her a cocky grin. He leaned forward as he glanced around, making sure no one else was listening. "I was the horse." He sat back with a satisfied grin as she stared back at him in complete dumbfound. "The translation was of events got distorted by the time they were relayed to Holmer."

"So, there was no wooden horse built?"

Arei shook his head. "There was a wooden horse built and it did carry 23 men, but I was the one who pulled it. The Trojans were not as tempted by the wooden structure as they were by the beautiful, stout stallion that pulled it. The 'Trojan horse' was left by the front gates with your father and 22 other men in it for most of the night. While I was paraded through town to the palace. The second the festivities began, I shifted and began my rampage. It later became translated as the horse with 23 heroes and 50 other unknown men." He threw his hands up to emphasize his point. "Well, anyone familiar with the construction of the horse at that time would know you couldn't fit 70 odd men inside. No, the original writing was a tale of 23 heroes being led by one with the strength of 50 men." He pressed his hand against his chest. "Yours truly."

"Alright, so you fought and won… what happened next?"

"Father had supported the Trojans after getting to know them for so long but agreed to no animosity since it was a son of his that won the final battle. It wasn't until your father blinded one of my brothers that Father's anger was awakened. He sought to punish the cocky Odysseus and threw him off course leading him to become stranded on your mother's island. There was discord between the gods for seven years over what should be done about the situation until finally, father agreed to end his strife with Odysseus if Zeus would end my punishment." Arei's smile faded and sadness replaced his once cheerful tone. "I was freed the same day you were born…"

Jos swallowed hard taking it all in. She silently processed everything for several long minutes before she finally nodded. "Was that why you and Ry were the ones sent to hunt me down? Because Poseidon felt responsible?"

Arei nodded. "Most likely… aside from the benefits had he been able to secure you in his court back then… Ry and I never asked him directly, but we suspect as much."

"I see…" Another thought occurred to her. "Speaking of Ry… where was he during all this?"

Arei shrugged. "Still roaming the world as a bear, I assume…" He read the confusion on her face and decided to elaborate. "So, you know how Ry said he couldn't be seen near the palace during Russ's coronation? Well, that's because Apollo and Artemis will both be there."

"Yes, I recall Ry and Artemis had a thing."

"They had more than a thing. They'd spent nearly every second of every day together from shortly after the training camp closed up until Triton reopened it over 200 years later. Ry was one of the many, many participants that day, and Artemis had supported him proudly… which had pissed her brother Apollo off. The following night Apollo had come to confront Artemis but quickly realized that it was Ry out in the middle of the water that night for a swim. When Artemis did show up, he challenged her to an archery competition with 'the creature' in the water being the target. Artemis knew that if she missed him, Apollo would shoot next and wouldn't miss. So, she did the only thing she could. She shot him right under the collarbone. Had the arrow been even a micrometer off, it would have clipped his lungs. He stayed in bear form at her behest for over a thousand years after…" Arei shrugged. "He still avidly avoids Apollo whenever possible."

"And Triton? What else happened to him? What about the pregnant girl from the night of our ball? Was it Yuri? Did they finally get together? Did she and the baby really die as Chary said?"

Arei nodded sadly. "They did… and that story was way more tragic than Chary would ever have to heart to retail."

Jos switched seats, moving into the seat directly beside Arei. She clasped his bicep in both her hands, her eyes pleading with his. "Please, tell me? I want to understand him… understand what made him the way he is now."

Arei blew out a heavy sigh. "Very well… But I warn you it… not pretty… To say it ended tragically would be an understatement…"

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