
pain of moving forward

Chary rested her chin on her crossed arms against the cool tile surrounding the pool, her body still submerged. She studied Jos's worried, tear-streaked face. She followed Jos's gaze up to the second-floor balcony. "He's really not a bad man."

Jos sent Chary a doubtful glance, before staring back up at the door Arei had disappeared behind nearly twenty minutes ago. "He hates me… and I can't blame him…"

Chary shrugged from the pool. "You did make a… memorable second impression."

"Second?" Jos's brows knitted as she tried to think back to a first. "Oh! I remember now. He was at the ball Poseidon threw for Arei and me." Her brows furrowed more. "But… wait… wasn't he with someone?" She thought back as best as her muddled memory could. "Yes… she was very pregnant at the time, I believe." Her eyes lifted to Chary. "Wh-where is that woman now… and the child?"

Chary let out a resigned sigh as she lifted herself from the pool. "Dead… both of them."

Jos's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide. "Oh no! I'm so sorry… I shouldn't have…"

Chary shook her head. "No, it's fine. If you're going to be a part of this family, you should probably know about it." She shrugged as she grabbed a towel. "Besides, it will help you better understand him and his harshness." She wrapped the towel around her and took a seat on one of the lounge chairs beside Jos. She let out a heavy sigh as she began her tale. "Our oldest brother has been through a multitude of pain in his life. Many would guess he carries a curse worse than mine and Scylla's or even yours. You've read Arei's journals, so I'm sure you know Pel's mother died of illness while Pel was still young. He remarried a woman named Libya and had a third daughter, however, she died in childbirth leaving Triton with a motherless infant to care for. Triton was still mourning her death when Pel was accidentally killed. The worst part of Pel's death was not only had he just lost his daughter but Arei and Athena left as well, dead set on revenge. Eventually, Triteia saw his mourning as abandonment and took off as well shortly after. He was left completely alone to raise the baby." Chary blew out a breath as she glanced up to the closed office doors. "I'd love to tell you that's where his bad luck ended… but if anything, it was only the beginning." She glanced cautiously up at the door again. "He was forced to close down the training center and move back to father's palace… that's where he met the woman you saw at the ball… and sister."

Poseidon's palace, 1663BC

Triton clutched a small, crying child and infant against his chest, one in each arm, as he crumpled to the floor of the palace. The pounding in his head masked the commotion around him as servants ran about in surprised worry. The echo of panicked voices reverberated against his brain, the words lost in the jumbled chaos that was his thoughts. He didn't loosen his hold on the baby until the blurry but familiar face of his mother came into view. He forced a fatigued smile as she took the children in her arms. Exhaustion quickly overtook him as his vision blurred, and he fell into darkness.

When Triton finally opened his eyes, his surroundings were no longer familiar. A slight movement caught his attention causing him to set up quickly.

"Oh, you're awake." A young woman held Adella's tiny, sleeping body against her chest. She lifted from the rocking chair and walked over to the bed he sat in. "She just finished nursing and is now sleeping soundly, Your Highness."

Triton brushed a finger lightly over the soft down of his precious baby's hair. Concern was evident in his voice as he asked. "And my other daughter? Where is she?"

The girl smiled as she handed the baby to him. "She is with your mother, Your Hi-"

"Just Triton." He interjected in a low voice.

She gave him a slight nod as her smile widened. "As you wish. My name is Yuri. I'll be the wet nurse for this little one."

He pulled his eyes from Adella's sweet, sleeping face to study the young girl. "Wet nurse? Forgive me for saying so, but you hardly seem old enough to be a maid, let alone a wet nurse."

She smiled awkwardly as her cheeks reddened. Her gaze locked on her fumbling hands. "Aye, a wet nurse and a widow as the fates would have it."

"I'm sorry for your loss. I too have just lost my wife… and a daughter…" overwhelming sadness settled deep in his heart causing pain to course through his chest.

She cupped a hand over his as her warm eyes met his. "As my sister always says. One mustn't focus on what we have lost but what we have remaining." She turned her attention to the baby resting in his arms. "She will need her pappa to be strong for her as will your other little one."

He nodded. "Your sister is wise to say as much… but words are easier than reality."

She frowned. "I said much the same thing after hearing of my husband's death… My grieving cost me our child… I miscarried shortly after…"

He frowned, feeling horrible for his insensitive words. "I'm sorry. I spoke out of turn."

She shook her head. "No, you are right… It is hard advice to follow. But it is better not to lose more over a grief that cannot be changed."

"You're wise beyond your years. I shall look forward to having you care for Adella. With luck, she'll pick up some of your wisdom."

Yuri smiled up at him. "Thank you. I shall look forward to caring for your little one as well."

5 years later

Triton watched from overhead as his daughters sat huddled up in the library listening intensely to the story Yuri was reading.

"They hang on her every word," Poseidon commented as he followed his son's gaze. "It will be hard to separate them."

Triton nodded. "I asked Yuri to move with us last night, but she refused my offer."

Poseidon arched a brow. "Was that all you offered her?"

"Of course it was. What else would I offer?" Triton bit out.

"Perhaps that is why you were refused?"

Triton blew out a heavy sigh. "I have nothing else to offer her." He turned his attention to his father. "Have you only come to berate me on the matter?"

Poseidon chuckled as he pulled out a seat. "It is not. I came to see if you'd heard anything from your brother or Athena?"

He shook his head. "Not for a while… Why should I?"

"There is a storm brewing…" His eyes burned into Triton. "Athena has taken her place by her father's side. I fear the situation is not what it would seem. She isn't the forgiving type."

Worry creased Triton's brow. "Are you sure?"

"I am… but they both refuse to speak with me. You know your brother." Poseidon pulled a folded paper from his pocket and handed it to Triton. "Perhaps you could talk some sense into at least one of them."

"What of Orion? Why not ask this of him?" Triton asked as he unfolded the paper. His eyes widened as he read the elegant script. His shocked eyes shot to Poseidon. "I see… I must go then…"

"Yes..." He sat forward. "Do not worry, the girls can stay here. They'll be safe. Please just talk to them."

Triton nodded. "Very well. I'll need to speak to Yuri and the girls first." He didn't waste any time making his way down to them. He tapped lightly on one of the shelves as he stepped into the out-cove they were in. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but something has come up. I'll need to be away for a bit." He lowered to his knees in front of the girls, taking each of their hands. "Will you girls forgive me for leaving so abruptly only days before our move?"

Instead of being upset, the girls began cheering in excitement. "Then we shall get to say longer with Yuri, right, pappa?!"

A smile curved his lips as he sent Yuri and meaningful glance. "Yes, you shall. Perhaps you shall have enough time to convince her to accompany us on our move."

Yuri fought against a frown. "Run along girls, we shall continue the story later… I need a word with your father."

The girls exchanged looks before taking each other's hands and running off in a fit of loud giggles. Triton watched as they bounced away. "They both love you very much, you know."

Her smile faded. "Yes… they do… but how does their father feel?"

He frowned. "I've told you before-"

"Yes, I remember well what you've said before." She interjected before he could say the words that brought her so much pain.

He reached out to cup her cheek. "I do not mean to hurt you, you must know that… I just can't… not right now… not yet…"

She nodded. "I understand… believe me, I do… And that is why I believe it would be better to use this time to cut our ties."

His frown deepened. "The girls do not what that… I don't want that."

She cleared her throat, choked on her own emotions. "But I need it."

He nodded in understanding. "They will be heartbroken, you know." He muttered as he stood and righted his clothes.

Tears built in her eyes. "They will be in the end regardless…"

"Perhaps you are right. I shall be going then… I do wish you'd reconsider, however."

He left the palace with a heavy heart. By the time he'd made it to Mount Olympus, his mood had completely soured. The report his father had shown him hadn't caught him entirely by surprise, but it had given him reason for concern.

"You came…" Athena stepped out from behind a beautiful apple tree. The spring blossoms cascaded around her with each light whisp of the wind. She hugged her arms around herself doing her best to cover the thin sheer of the elegant toga she wore. "I… I wasn't sure you would come."

Triton felt a tight pull in his chest. He rushed over to her and pulled her into his arms. "Of course, I would come. Why would you ever doubt it?" He placed a light kiss to the top of her head. "You shall always count on me to be here when you need me."

Her arms tightened around his waist as tears threatened to fall. "I've returned to father's side…" Athena swallowed hard her nervous, seeking gaze finding his as she peeled her head from the warmth of his firm chest. "But you must know-"

Triton placed his index finger against her lips. "I understand, you need not say." He glanced around the dark landscape before returning his focus to her. "I did not come here to lecture your or refute your loyalties to me. Only to beg you to reconsider for your own safety. It will do me no good to lose another daughter." He brushed a strand of long hair from her should, a gentle smile curving his lips. "You've grown out your hair. It suits you."

She tightened her grip around his waist, hiding her face in his robes. His words were like a double-edged blade, piercing her heart deep. All of his caring words completely negated by a single word 'daughter'. Frustrated tears threatened to overflow her tightly shut eyes. She had to tell him. He had to know her true feelings, her true reason for calling him here tonight. "Triton, I… I… have something to tell you."

Triton furrowed his brows as his eyes moved around the landscape, still holding her tightly. Something felt off. "What is it, my child?" Movement caught his attention. He quickly shifted her behind him. "Who's there?"

"It's just me." Arei said quietly, as he stepped out from the veil of darkness.

Triton's eyes widened. His young brother had grown and bulked quite a bit since he'd last seen him. His armor clung tightly to the boy's oversized body. His eyes narrowed as Athena stepped back around him, clutching her arms nervously again. His eyes darted between the two of them. "What is this?"

Athena's eyes moved cautiously around them. "We shouldn't talk about this here." She took Triton's hand and led him toward the secret meeting spot nearby she and Arei had been using.

Triton waited until Athena had stopped deep within the underbelly of a dark cave. His eyes moved around the damp walls. Water dripped from the high stalactites. Hay was piled neatly in one corner, covered by a thick wool blanket. Proof someone had been sleeping here. His brow arched as he crossed his thick arms over his chest. A pang thudded deep within his as his eyes moved between the two. "What is going on? Will you tell me now?"

Athena sent Arei a questioning gaze before returning her attention to Triton and nodding. "We are taking Zeus down. His rule will end tonight."

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