
A ball fit for Gods

As the crowds turned and the massive floor to ceiling doors of the ballroom were pulled open, brilliant blue light radiated over the sea of people from inside. Jos's breath caught as she and Arei made their way inside with Poseidon close behind.

Poseidon clasped a hand on each of their shoulders as he leaned between them to say. "It is amazing isn't it? I believe I've out done myself yet again, especially with the time constraint."

Every inch of the room was painstakingly arranged to be magnificent enough for the highest Olympian families and their guests. It was like nothing Jos had ever seen. Her eyes trailed over the solid glass floors of the ball room to the glass catwalk encircling the room high overhead. There was a large cutout in the center of the glass floor opening to the shimmering waters below. Six smaller cutouts lined the walls with magnificent glistening waterfalls flowing from just below the catwalk overhead. Their splash sent bioluminous shimmers throughout the waters under the dance floor. Behind each waterfall was both a submerged and above water seating area full of wide loungers large enough to bed three to four guests. Between each opening was a massive statue of various goddesses and nymphs, all holding bowls of blue lava rock and high, hot flames. An enormous fountain set atop a platform in the center of the largest pool. The luminous waters of the fountain and waterfall's cascading waves sent a thin vail of shimmering mist throughout the room.

Jos's eyes moved quickly to the other end of the room as soft music began to play. Her eyes widened as she counted and studied each of the thirty-two individuals with instruments, before her eyes just as quickly shot up to the ceiling were various aerialists preformed seamlessly against equally stunning heavens above. She focused her eyes well enough to see the faint outline of metal beams supporting glass panels of the ceiling along with the many different silks and large rings the performers were using.

"I'm finding it surprisingly hard to believe you manage all this under restricted time constraints." Arei said to his father, following Jos's gaze around the room.

Poseidon shrugged, "I am a god, after all. If the least I can do is throw a decent ball-" He was interrupted by a bickering couple coming up rapidly behind him. Turning, his irritated glare faded away to an affectionate smile. "Brother, Persephone! You made it. Come, come! Meet Ar-our little Rion's new friend."

Jos watched as the couple drew closer, her mouth agape out their beauty. The gorgeous woman wore a long flowing gown with aromatic flowers pressed and scattered throughout layers upon layers of tulle. Though the man was dressed much more simply in a well-tailored black suit, black shirt, reflective black dress shoes, and a black and silver tie and pocket handkerchief; his beauty was no less appealing. In fact, the dark black of his clothes and his sleekly styled raven hair only intensified the ethereal glow of his pale skin. Beautiful silver eyes met hers studying her for a moment, before a warm smile spread across his seemingly cold lips. Jos watched in fascination as the beautiful couple spoke with lively movements and jesters. "Brother?" She leaned in and whispered to Arei. "Is... is he a god too?"

Arei chuckled, "Yes, they both are." He arched a brow. "I find it hard to believe you don't recognize at least one of them." He teased.

Finally turning their attention to Jos, the couple approached. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Joslyn the Kraken." She gave her a sly smile and a wink as the man with her elbowed Poseidon in the ribs. "Really, what were you thinking introducing her like that?"

Poseidon narrowed his eyes, "Look who's talking, you've been here all of five minutes and already lost a prized artifact... one in which you swore had gone missing, might I add. "

Hades shrugged, "Maybe it had, and I only just found it... or maybe I lied to keep my two brothers from doing anything MORE nefarious than they already do WITH the world watching..."

The gorgeous woman began laughing, releasing her grip from her husband's arm and walking closer to them. She gave Arei a familiar hug and whispered a greeting teasing both her husband and brother-in-law before turning her attention to Jos with warm affection. "It is so nice to meet you." She held her out at arm's length looking Jos over, before turning a skeptical eye back to Poseidon. "Are you comfortable in this, dear?" She asked, a warm motherly tone in her voice.

Jos shrugged, "It's fine, I guess." She sent a glance to Arei.

Persephone narrowed her eyes to Arei this time. "You know... I had hoped, as my favorite nephew, you'd been more like your uncle Hades instead of like your father and other uncle... RION." She emphasized his given name for the night pointedly.

He smiled warmly down at his favorite aunt. "I promise it's nothing more than a larger than small misunderstanding soon to be rectified." He said holding up his hands in surrender.

Persephone arched a brow. "Better be." Was all she said as she turned her attention back to Jos. "would you like to explore the place with me as these three try to find the cloak we wore tonight."

Jos glanced over to Arei as if to ask permission. He smiled and pulled her against him for a quick hug, placing a light kiss to her forehead. "It's alright, go with her and enjoy yourself. If I don't help them find that damn thing chaos is sure to erupted before the end of the night."

Jos nodded reluctantly releasing her hold from around his waist. She watched as the three men disappeared into the crowds.

"Always a stunning sight watching the three of them leave." The sing song voice beside her drew her attention away from one particular departing back. Her eyes came up to meet dazzling violet eyes. "Come dear," She laughed as she laced her arm in Jos's. "You can call me Percy or Kora, either way. She nodded behind them. "I prefer Percy but have grown more attached to Kora over the years. Typically, Kora is reserved for family, but if I know one thing about the men of this family... they will stop it nothing until they get the things they truly want." She winked down at Jos. "And by the looks of things, you my dear are as good as family."

Jos's eyes widened. "Really?"

She giggled, "Oh yes, dear." Strolling through the room as if she'd done so a hundred times before, Persephone led them to the last cutout on the right side of the room closest the orchestra. "This spot is always reserved for family." She said as she led the way into the spacious cavern beneath the gleaming waterfall. Throwing her hand up in a wave as they neared the back-seating area, she called out. "Chary! You're already here!"

Chary nodded a wide smile spread across her lips. She stood, holding her arms out to the woman. "Auntie Kora!"

Jos's eyes bugged and her mouth dropped as she took in Chary's barely-there silver dress made of a material similar to the tulle but much tighter fitting in places. She was so fascinated with the exotic dress that she nearly missed the conversation that was taking place.

Persephone was now holding the loose-fitting tulle of her dress tightly against her, showing the indent of a very large pregnant belly. "-So, in the attempt to hide this little fella until we had a chance to tell your father and Zeus, your uncle thought it would be best to use that damned cloak... and now it's lost..."

Chary shook her head, "Lost or stolen?" She bent over the heavy wooden table in the center of the seating area and took a tall fluke of clear bubbling liquid, taking a long sip as she shook her head.

Percy turned and took Jos's hand and led her to the seating area. "With any luck lost... and with all hope found before anyone else gets their hands on it." She paused as a server walked into the room with a tray of drinks. As he was about to set the tray of full glasses on the table Persephone raised a hand and asked. "I'm sorry but could you bring us an unopened bottle of champagne and some glasses along with a bottle of fruit juice."

The server nodded, "Is there any particular juice my goddess would prefer tonight?"

She smiled sweetly, "No, dear. Surprise me." She waited until the server had vanished before letting her smile fade away and turning to Jos. "Whatever you do tonight, don't take a drink unless it is personally gave to you by either Chary, myself, my husband, or Rion. It is not uncommon for things to be placed in the drinks during parties like this, especially if the gods are scheming to gain something."

Chary's eyes widened. "You don't think father had something to do with the cloak going missing, do you?" She rubbed her chin thoughtfully for a moment before shrugging. "I mean I wouldn't put it past him, but he hadn't had time to take it between the speech and introductions to you guys arriving... had he?"

Percy shrugged. "I'm not so sure about that. We went upstairs to announce our arrival earlier and I had the cloak then. Had he recognized it; it could be possible..."

Chary frowned, "Rion did say he thought father was up to something with this ball tonight."

Percy blew out a long breath, "Well I'm sure if it's in the castle one of the three of them will likely know it's location by the end of the night." She turned her full attention to Jos. "So, tell me a bit about yourself dear."

Jos fidgeted with her skirts. "I... I don't know what to say..."

Chary sent her a thoughtful look. "She believes herself to be a cursed monster undeserving of happiness and very unfamiliar with life and all its many possibilities, even for creatures like us." She said matter-of-factly.

Percy's eyes widened. "Is that true, dear?"

Jos's face reddened and she looked away as the pain of Chary's words caused tears to build in the corners of her eyes. "More or less..." She whispered.

Percy through her arms around Jos in a tight hug. "Oh, dear girl! You should never think like that!" She held Jos's face in her elegant slender hands. "You are a beautiful girl and seem just as beautiful on the inside. And if I know that big lug of a nephew of mine, it takes a really special girl to turn his head."

Jos frowned as she stared up into the large warm violet eyes of the beautiful strawberry blond goddess before her. "I doubt I'm all that special to him. He refuses to make me his in the one way it truly matters... He refuses to... to bed me... Plus... probably because... I've done some horrible things... I'm more monster than person."

Chary wiped at the fluids she'd spat at Jos's admittance. "As Scylla and I have both told you, your actions don't have to define you... especially if you're not the one in control of them."

Percy tilted her head, "You are not even in control of the actions you are holding against yourself so hatefully?"

Jos shook her head. "It doesn't matter, it doesn't change the fact that I've killed countless innocent people."

Percy exchanged a long look with Chary before finally turning back to Jos. "Dear, we have all done hateful things... things we done out of anger that we wish we could take back." She shrugged, "Some things which were horrible, but we'd gladly do again if it meant protecting or keeping something we hold dear."

Chary laughed, "I can think of a few that fall under the 'just for fun' category myself."

Percy laughed when Jos's questioning eyes moved between her and Chary. Percy shrugged as she subconsciously rubbed her growing stomach. "Hades and I were going through a rough patch and his ex began going on about how she was going to get him back and whatnot..." Percy smiled as she shrugged forging innocents, "I may have turned her into a plant."

Chary laughed loudly, "Serves her right!"

"Right!?!" Percy busted out laughing. "And can you believe she's such a little hoe she still spreads herself out as far as possible! Almost like a disease, that one!" They both began laughing harder.

Jos could only stare, "You mean... you really turned a person into a plant? Like a plant plant?"

Percy nodded as tears from laughing so hard streamed down her cheeks. "Oh yes, dear. A mint plant... damn thing grows like a weed now. I swear it..." She placed a hand over Jos's. "I guess the point is, dear, you have to forgive yourself if you ever want to be happy. You have to understand it is just part of our nature and accept that no matter how hard you try at some point with a life span like ours you'll sometimes give in to that nature." She smiled sweetly down at Jos. "It doesn't make you a bad person, sweetheart, it only makes you a person."

The beauty of the moment was interrupted as a husky voice was cleared by the entrance to the back-seating area. "I'm not interrupting?"

Percy smiled. "Not at all, come in and join. I was just about to tell your dear Jos here that she should insist you introduce her to some people tonight. I'm sure there will be a few people that can help ease her burdens."

Arei nodded as he held Jos's teary-eyed gaze. "That sounds like a great idea, Aunt, I'll do it now... If she's ready to come with me." He waited anxiously as she slowly nodded and pushed herself up, saying a parting greeting to both his aunt and sister. "Not to worry, we'll be back here in a while." He said to offer her assurance.

I'm both exsited and stressed about turning these ball chapters into comic art! It's going to be so beautiful... but sooooo much work!

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts
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