

Duchess Wang Qixing couldn't care less about the fact that she had thrown her shoe at a Commander who was also the Second Prince. Titles didn't matter to an angry mother. Nothing did, except punishments.

"You spoke too brash with me," she snapped.

Yu Zhen blinked. Wuyi's customs were truly different from those of Hanjian. "I apologize then," he softly said. "It wasn't my intention."

Duchess Wang Qixing liked a man who was good at admitting his mistakes. Her rage simmered slightly. "From now on, I want you to stay far away from my daughter. You've already caused enough damage."

Yu Zhen didn't understand. He was offering to save Xueyue from this mess, but this woman wasn't accepting it. Why not? Had he said something wrong? 

"If you keep her away from me," Yu Zhen began. "No one else will have her."

"Yu Zhen," Li Xueyue hissed, knowing this was not the proper way to deal with things.

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